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  • We Christians
  • Lifer
    Free Member

    Sometimes it’s not a choice

    Free Member

    Time to end this one surely? How many STW forum rules can be broken in one thread?

    Time for tolerance and bed perhaps?

    Free Member

    nick1962 – Member

    Being able to buy a tin of beans at a supermarket after 5pm on a Sunday is surely a trivial thing whereas the other is not?

    But they are both examples of religious doctrine affecting society are they not? Which is what the discussion (at that time) was about.

    Free Member

    Time for bed indeed…

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    Time to end this one surely? How many STW forum rules can br broken in one go?

    Tolerance and time for bed perhaps?

    Night then. This might help if you’re getting upset[/url]

    Free Member

    Not going to get involved in this now but lifer look at the figures.Nearly 200,000 terminations in the UK in 2010,the vast majority for the mental well being of the mother.2% of 200k?
    To me it is one of the modern ethical dilemmas.And as I said earlier I am an atheist so no religious axe to grind.
    It’s not religious doctrine making the law no matter how many bishops are in the Lords. moral issues don’t only exist within a religious framework.
    God Bless 😉

    Free Member

    😯 …

    Free Member

    The vast majority for the mental well-being of the mother

    Really? Source?

    It’s not religious doctrine making the law no matter how many bishops are in the Lords. moral issues don’t only exist within a religious framework.

    I never said it was. But they block vote on issues affecting all of us because of a shared religious belief informing their view.

    Free Member

    I think the word you are looking for is morality, not religion.

    Free Member

    I never said it was, I said it was disproportionate.

    you said

    The Lords Spiritual wield disproportionate power and their block voting on selected issues renders the upper house pointless.

    backpeddling on a cycling forum are we 😉

    Free Member

    House or Lords Members Total 788
    (+21 peers on leave of absence or otherwise disqualified from sitting)

    Political groups

    HM Government
    Conservative Party (218)
    Liberal Democrats (91)
    HM Most Loyal Opposition
    Labour Party (239)
    Other Opposition
    Democratic Unionist Party (4)
    Ulster Unionist Party (4)
    UKIP (2)
    Plaid Cymru (1)
    Crossbenchers (186)
    Lords Spiritual (25)
    Non-affiliated (19)

    25/788 hardly a block vote 🙄

    Free Member

    backpeddling on a cycling forum are we


    Fair enough was certainly a slight touch of hyperbole in that. I still think the power, or more correctly the voice that they have is disproportionate. I would also say that the list of members is pretty misleading as it assumes they all turn up to every session.

    Free Member

    stevewhyte – Member
    I think the word you are looking for is morality, not religion.

    No it wasn’t. You seem to be conflating the two. Is it moral to deny a woman an abortion at 24 weeks if both her and the unborn child are likely to die otherwise? Is it moral to tell women that there are links between abortion and breast cancer? Or that there is a link with mental health problems?

    Free Member

    You couldn’t find a quote to back up your assertion that the death of Jesus allows TJ to live because it isn’t there, Steve. The churches are in the habit of inventing stuff to make Jesus nicer and hell nastier. Officially in the Catholic chirch and unofficially in the protestant church.

    But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

    There is no hate in any of the comments I’ve made on this thread. My quotes are direct from the Bible so any hate there is is in the Bible itself. Your quote is pretty nasty and intimidating.

    Free Member

    Much like this thread.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    The churches are in the habit of inventing stuff to make Jesus nicer …..

    Let’s stick to the actual facts instead of making stuff up ? He was an OK kind of guy but by no means perfect ?

    Free Member

    Would and “OK kind of guy” order his followers to bring his enemies before him and slit their throats, or stone anyone getting in his way or even go steal a donkey, Ernie?

    Full Member

    Junkyard – Member
    What personal freedom have you, as an individual, lost as a result of the Christian religion
    I cannot work in many schools as I am not of that faith…a workplace discriminating against employees on the grounds of religion and even though there are only 129 Muslim schools in the UK which leaves me a potential 3127 secondary schools (source ofsted) in England alone, I am still going to work myself into a froth.


    FTFY junky.

    I worked in a Catholic secondary in Dundee, permanent, full time, with no questions asked about my religious beliefs at the interview.

    Free Member

    Would and “OK kind of guy” order his followers to bring his enemies before him and slit their throats, or stone anyone getting in his way or even go steal a donkey, Ernie?

    Ooh no, I don’t think so. Is that what he did ? Doesn’t sound like he was very nice in the first place, never mind about trying to make him look “nicer” 😐

    Free Member

    Time to end this one surely? How many STW forum rules can be broken in one thread?

    Time for tolerance and bed perhaps?

    Break ALL of the rules! 😀

    Full Member

    swamptin – Member
    Time to end this one surely? How many STW forum rules can be broken in one thread?
    Time for tolerance and bed perhaps?

    Break ALL of the rules!


    I thought there were only 10 and according to this thread you either believed them all or just two, depending on which side you are on?

    Free Member

    Duckman were you of faith at the time and able to maintain the christian ethos of the school as they stipulate then?
    I am not frothing [ can you sat rationale/stop the gentle hyperbole please] but the fact remains only religious organisations have the right to discriminate

    why not give me some more examples or explain why you think it is fair that only the religious get to do this or why religious discrimination is ok.
    Obvioulsy that is a bit trickier than a FTFY accusing me of frothing 🙄

    Free Member

    To address the original question: Yes, I think they should leave religon out of it. Besides making it sound like we’re all still living in caves, it smacks of sucking up to the electorate and the Americans.

    Free Member

    Slightly ironic that Christians are the most warrior-like, top of the food chain fighters though isn’t it? Why is that? Serious question, not a troll. Why is it that Christians (when it comes to wars/attack) are the most successful/warrior-like?

    You’d have to go right back, to Saladin, the Moors to find anything comparable over 1,000yrs ago.

    Why are we the most violent and why do continue to kill and say its for our religion?

    Full Member

    stop the gentle hyperbole please

    You go first. I was still a Christian at the time, however that was unknown and I had kept it under my hat as I wasn’t Catholic.(but there wasn’t any expectation of behaviour other than that expected of any teacher.) However that proved to be completely a non-issue, despite what I had heard/believed. I don’t think it is fair that you can’t work in the 120 odd Muslim schools (assuming you can’t),just out of interest; how are you qualified to do so?

    Actually I see; you are using a non-issue,that has not impacted on you in ANY way, to try and score a point on the internet? As you were.

    Free Member

    CountZero – Member
    Interesting how so many on here are having a go at Cameron, yet there is a profound silence regarding his vile, sanctimonious, hypocritical, money-grabbing predecessor and his equally vile wife. Who happily took us into two unwinnable conflicts, and pontificated at length about his faith.
    Come on, show some consistency, and let’s see equal amounts of vitriol directed at Bush’s ass-licking poodle Blair.

    Show me a speech that Blair made while he was PM in which he pontificates ‘at length about his faith’.

    Full Member

    Why is it that Christians (when it comes to wars/attack) are the most successful/warrior-like?

    Because its ‘christian’ nations that presently have the biggest guns, by some considerable stretch. There are quite a few islamic nations out there who, given the firepower, would certainly be on the march.

    Why on Earth do you think Iran are desperately trying to acquire nuclear weapons? Just because they think they’d be a nice thing to have? No. Because when they’ve got them, they can start chucking their weight about

    Why are we the most violent

    As opposed to cuddly old Israel, or those lovely, chilled, peace-loving Islamists?

    Free Member

    Iran wants Nukes because Israel has them.

    Free Member

    Because its ‘christian’ nations that presently have the biggest guns,

    We’ve always had the biggest guns.

    There are quite a few islamic nations out there who, given the firepower, would certainly be on the march.

    I can only think of Turkey really. Iran will be wiped out if it tried attacking Israel, not by ‘us’ but via Nuclear weapons from Israel.

    As opposed to cuddly old Israel,

    8million people in Israel. Its a ‘tiny’ country etc if you are classing religion v the world.

    Full Member

    Still catching up since it all kicked off but can I just say

    See, I agree with that. But that’s the problem with religion, you don’t get to pick and choose, “christian values” means the whole package.

    Course, a lot of people do pick and choose- personal hypocrisy being better than living your life by a set of rules you can’t abide, but easier than changing your faith… quality postage

    Free Member

    Iran wants Nukes because Israel has them.

    could it not be that Iran wants nukes because a couple of large, low intelligence, ugly, nuclear equipped, playground bullies, with a very recent history of invasion and occupation have been sat growling intimidatingly on Irans doorstep for the last few years..?

    Maybe they just want the security of a nuclear deterrant after seeing the horrific atrocities that have been perpetrated by the west in neighbouring countries in the last decade..?

    Or shall we just blithely believe the latest propaganda campaigns to emanate from the consumerist superpowers who have vowed to ‘bring down the axis of evil’ carry out Dubya Bush’s redneck kneejerk Islamaphobic crusade..?

    Full Member

    oops double post

    Full Member

    Turkey is secular. Its enshrined in its constitution. And half of it is geographically in Europe. And it wanted (pre-meltdown) to be part of the EU. Its hardly going to be going warmongering

    Free Member

    just out of interest; how are you qualified to do so?

    Actually I see; you are using a non-issue,that has not impacted on you in ANY way, to try and score a point on the internet? As you were.
    Like you I have a PGCE

    Your psyhic powers are weak today but hey you keep up the gentle ad hominems rather than address the actual issue 🙄

    I was looking for work this week and there was an interesting job at a school here is what they asked for

    To work with the headteacher in creating, inspiring and embodying the Christian ethos and culture of this Church school, securing its Mission Statement with all members of XXXXXXXXX community and ensuring an environment for teaching and learning that empowers both staff and students to achieve their highest potential.

    SO bit hard for an aethist to do not hard for you to do eh

    This bit made me chuckle as well

    2.2 To contribute to:
    • Maintaining and developing the Christian ethos, values and overall purposes of XXXXXXX
    • Formulating the aims and objectives of xxxxxx and policies for their implementation
    • A development plan which will translate school aims and policies into actions
    • Monitoring and evaluating the performance of XXXXX
    • Implementing the governing body’s policies on equal opportunity issues for all staff and pupils in relation to sex, gender, race, disability and special needs
    • The efficient organisation, management and supervision of school routines

    How many openly gay people at your school?
    How many practicising and openly catholics?
    or Christian

    Is this skewed from what one would expect on average etc- we know the answer dont bother

    As a teacher I have to give you no marks as you failed to answer the question- its ok I know there are no other organisation allowed to discriminate and that only the religious get exemptions just like you know it hence you attack me.

    We both know that it is not fair that the religious are exempt from equality law – they would not be happy if we used it to stop them getting jobs now would they. Imagine NO Catholics eh

    Applauds YUNKI excellent posta nd rationale – they want them becasue it means we would leave them the **** alone North Korea for example.
    They are useless as an offensive weapon as the other side would wipe you of fthe face of the earth it just means you can so damage the other side they wont fight you.

    Free Member

    No my point is Turkey is a country that if inclined could pose an issue. Its intelligent, numerous and as proven in WWI can fight. Its one place on my list of places to visit as I’ve always wanted to watch the Sufi Whirling Dervishes :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    still reading through it

    “wizard in the sky” ha ha, it’s funny cos it’s making fun of someone’s stupidity, ha ha.

    Hateful and tedious.well he performs miracles and (aswell as allegedly being omnipresent) lives in heaven which I believe is normally spoken of as above.
    wizard in the sky is a fair paraphrasing of god i’d say.

    Free Member

    believe what you want to.. but it’s easy to see in this humanistic modern age of logic how people can find some aspects of faith a bit peculiar..

    Christianity: The belief that a Jewish zombie (the son of a sky wizard) can make you live forever: providing that you symbolically eat his flesh, drink his blood and telepathically make him your master. All of this so that he can remove an evil force inside you that only exists because this woman (created from some dudes rib) was convinced by a talking snake to eat an apple from a magic tree.
    Whats not to believe..!!

    Free Member

    Completely agree Yunki, it wasn’t an exhaustive list of reasons why they might want them!

    EDIT – and original sin is a brilliant control method.

    Full Member

    all this “interpetation of the rules” and “real christians/congregations aren’t mysoginistic homophobes” might want to check what the heads of their religions are saying. Can’t remember the CoE official party line on gay marriages at the present (negative would be my guess) but pretty sure the pope is dead against it.

    I’ve no issue with what you personally believe aslong as it doesn’t harm others but I do have issue with you being a fully paid up member of a club that does affect and in some cases harm other people. religious groups do have political sway, hence CMDs bit of pious pontificating, that affects my life and so I’ll argue against organised religion.

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