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  • Unhappy Sick Bicycles Customers. BEWARE!
  • bigjim
    Full Member

    who already make their steel frames

    they’re selling frames now?

    Free Member

    I reckon that’s why they never put full geo details on the web, only indications like ‘slack AF’ and ‘this long’.

    Or it could be that they just imagined they all existed in the first place

    Full Member

    I think all the hardtails have had at least one ‘model’ produced (tbh, all the different models aren’t massively different, it’s just a change of wheel size/material/gearbox/etc for the same basic blueprint). Actual pictures of actual full suss frames and bikes do seem to be harder to come by, outside of sicks IG

    Maybe they went for the ‘**** you, we don’t want to sell to you’ angle to STW and PB because they absolutely knew they wouldn’t be able to keep up with that demand if they took off there, but might have half a chance if that was the filter. Only sell to people who like to be told to **** off, or that they are a ****. (My interactions with them and the fanbois on social media found someone that would apparently ONLY buy from someone who called him a ****)

    But, as we are seeing, they a struggling with that too. Lucky (some of) the customers like to be told to **** off

    Full Member

    Things can get lost on STW, so I’ll just post that the STW Gnarpoon Tee is now available for pre-order.
    Details here:

    Gnarpoon T-shirts

    [Order the Gnarpoon t-shirt here: ]

    Free Member

    This place is usually the last bastion of balance for arguments on both sides is there a HAPPY Sick Bicycles Owners thread?

    Free Member

    This place is usually a bastion of balance for arguments on both sides is there a HAPPY Sick Bicycles Owners thread?

    Do you own one?
    Are you happy?
    Start a thread!!

    Full Member

    is there a HAPPY Sick Bicycles Owners thread?

    I’d start one but I’m not entirely happy.  We need a happy owner, is scottfitz too busy organising enduros in the west country?

    Free Member


    I’d start one but I’m not entirely happy. We need a happy owner, is scottfitz too busy organising enduros in the west country

    Ah someone with an actual bike rather than an overbaring opinion (on absolutely every **** single topic)

    Free Member

    Is this thread mostly full of posters with no actual real interest (ie waiting for a frame) just like the previous locked thread? Lots of opinions getting thrown about with no real need. And don’t get me started on that saddest of sad tee shirt thread…..

    Full Member


    Came for the fight. Stayed for the cake.

    Full Member

    Oh, do go on…

    What do you do at sick?

    Free Member

    Couple of bikes for demo it seems:

    Free Member

    And don’t get me started on that saddest of sad tee shirt thread…..

    Don’t you like the design? I think it looks great, does it need more skeletons?

    Full Member

    Now Scott, you know this thread is only for people who have no interest in sick bikes…

    Full Member

    Couple of bikes for demo it seems:

    £80.00 to test ride them? Strewth.

    Free Member

    Also, MOAR new model names. Have they ever made more than one or two of q model before moving on?

    You know, the way people like Cy gradually, and methodically build up a range, rather than the approach of throwing enough shit at the wall and hoping something sticks.

    Free Member

    I’d start one but I’m not entirely happy. We need a happy owner, is scottfitz too busy organising enduros in the west country?

    I’m happy, the SW series is going really well.

    Full Member

    edited: now caught up

    Full Member

    Yeah, Sick ripped off Northwind as it’s his IP

    Full Member


    I’d start one but I’m not entirely happy.

    Why the unhappiness, RB? I thought your frame looked pretty good, and your first impressions were pretty positive.

    Full Member

    Sick have a bike called the gnarpoon (well, they have some drawings of a bike). The term was originally coined on STW, which is kinda funny, given their disdain for this place. They sold some T-shirts with it on.

    Sick like making T-shirts, so some enterprising members (well, one) decided to have a go too. Northwind originally came up with ‘Gnarpoon’ and had a rather unfortunate incident where he fitted a fork upside down in the headtube (I know…) which we don’t let him forget, that’s where the pic comes from.

    Full Member

    Jeeez that’s a bloody ugly bike isn’t it… £90 to hire at Swinley… Oooooh for the love of all that’s holy !

    Full Member

    Why the unhappiness, RB?

    Not unhappy or happy, I’d describe myself as OK.

    To keep it as short as possible it took some hassle but I got my frame and gearbox.  It’s a medium not the small I ordered but that’s OK, I was torn between small and medium and it fits fine.  The dimensions are pretty much as specified except the chainstay length which is about 30mm longer than spec.  Not the end of the world, it’s OK but nags at me that it could have been better.  Construction appears sound though, one year and just over 1000 miles later.

    Full Member

    £90 to hire at Swinley now rather than £80!

    I only paid £150 for my hardtail frame so this is clearly not aimed at me……

    Full Member



    I haven’t followed this from the beginning. What is the connection between SICK! and the (rather lovely) Gnarpoon t-shirts?

    Just that Sick launched a bike called Gnarpoon, and a t-shirt with the name on, but the name originated here (Nothwind), so a few thought it sounded like a good idea to do our own and make it a joke like it was originally intended. The Ill Wind name, suggested by Rubber_Buccaneer I think, comes from sick and northwind. Then someone threw in the upside-down forks thing and there you go!
    It started about here:

    But I’m not comfortable with the bashing of Sick either – I would actually love to see them succeed! It’s only because a few on here have been treated badly that it left a bad taste.

    Full Member

    I would actually love to see them succeed

    Me too.  I want everyone to get their goods, I want to see high pivot pinion gearboxed bikes get produced and I would even buy another t-shirt or two (no skeletons) but I’d back away from paying up front again, cash on delivery only.

    Full Member


    Not unhappy or happy, I’d describe myself as OK.

    Got it. Was kind of my worry with them when they launched their first kickstarter, their geometry was all over the shop, couldn’t tell what they were actually selling. They had two different reach measurements (seat up and seat down) and questions were dismissed as they were busy doing it differently

    Full Member

    scottfitz Member

    I’m happy, the SW series is going really well.

    Day and Night on sale soon?

    Full Member

    They had two different reach measurements (seat up and seat down)

    Ha, I suspect they are more ‘high level’ ideas people and the framebuilder gets to turn it into something workable

    Full Member



    Yeah, Sick ripped off Northwind as it’s his IP

    Nah, that’s not true. For one I’ve done nothing to protect it- it’s just a word, I’m happy it caught on, it is my great gift to humanity. Well, “gnarpoon” and that one photo.

    But also, they asked permission and I gave it.

    For clarity; I gave permission for them to use it for an actual bike. I didn’t give permission to use it for an imaginary bike.

    Full Member


    And don’t get me started on that saddest of sad tee shirt thread…..

    I genuinely disagree with you there.

    The thread and the t shirt have a tenuous, tongue in cheek link to Sick but that’s all.

    It’s actually a positive,quirky and upbeat thread. And the actual t shirt is genius. I’m buying it on that alone. I don’t care about Sick whatsoever. Good luck to them as long as they don’t leave anyone out of pocket.

    The T is a group collaboration with Alex kindly doing the real work. Not for gain. Just. Because.

    In short it shows some of the best aspects of STW.👍

    Full Member

    Nah, that’s not true.

    Nobody asked for the truth

    Full Member

    But also, they asked permission and I gave it.

    Ooh – I missed that!

    Free Member

    Not unhappy or happy, I’d describe myself as OK.

    To keep it as short as possible it took some hassle but I got my frame and gearbox. It’s a medium not the small I ordered but that’s OK, I was torn between small and medium and it fits fine. The dimensions are pretty much as specified except the chainstay length which is about 30mm longer than spec. Not the end of the world, it’s OK but nags at me that it could have been better. Construction appears sound though, one year and just over 1000 miles later.

    – You went through some aggro to get what you paid for.
    – They sent you the wrong size bike.
    – Questions on the geometry not being as advertised.
    – The chainstays are significantly out of spec.

    And you are ok with that?

    Free Member

    And you are ok with that?

    I would have thought at this stage he’d be delighted to actually have a physical product in his hands, incorrect size or not!

    Full Member

    Not unhappy or happy, I’d describe myself as OK.

    That’s nice and all but what about the welds?

    Full Member

    – They sent you the wrong size bike.

    Oh no, for my £60 p&p I had to collect from their stand at last years London Bike Show. At least I got to make sure I had all the bits (dropouts, axle, cranks, shifter, etc)

    and yes I’m ok with what I got for the money. Only the chainstays being long nag at me because I blame them for the front being so heavy but it’s perfectly rideable.  If it were my bestest bike it would be more of a downer but it isn’t, my FS is my bestest bike

    Full Member

    That’s nice and all but what about the welds?

    Made by a reputable eastern Ti frame maker (you could go direct but I wanted the gearbox and they aren’t so easy to get your hands on) the welds look great to me but I know nothing about welding😀

    Full Member

    at this stage he’d be delighted to actually have a physical product in his hands

    I’d paid through PayPal so when I got the runaround I raised it through PayPal.  After 16 weeks I was either getting the goods or my money back and the clock was ticking.

    Full Member

    30mm – well within tolerance 😂

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