@wiki I would say I’ve had a pretty similar experience with it to you…
I built it up 1×9 for peanuts and it’s now become my default bike, especially now the weather is a bit dank, mostly mixed on/offroad loops from my doorstep solo and with a couple of mates, had a go at CX racing with it too. handles well offroad and is comfy on the road… Glad I bought it.
I took a flyer on a cheap frame and while the build quality isn’t really there (already well documented), I have really loved riding it and similarly started thinking about loading it up for some bigger adventures this summer…
I am however very glad I didn’t pay a full £300 for the F+F, it’s not worth that, and I don’t think I could sell it on to anyone in good conscience now; nice design, shonky construction, so When I eventually come to replace it. I will probably look at similar frames from alternative brands…