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  • Jeremy Corbyn
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    You missed Labour staff taking a vote on strike action over their pay.

    Free Member

    Half a dozen serious commentators saying there’s a rift between JC/Abbot/McDonnell and as far as I can tell nobody saying there isn’t.

    I don’t get it. Is it remotely credible that the three people at the heart of the whole thing can’t keep their ducks in a row for a year or so in the interests of (what they perceive to be) the greater good?

    Free Member

    Ahh yes, the strike over pay – it makes you wonder why Labour has decided to impose austerity on their own hard working, down-trodden staff.

    Free Member

    I gather Labour are set to make a big policy announcement on Wednesday.

    I might just watch the telly instead. Anything interesting on?

    Free Member

    I was channel hopping in a hotel on Sunday and saw a little of John Mcdonnell saying that Jeremy must come out this week and say Labour are for Remain, and/or they want a new referendum, which, he thought, Remain would win.
    I dont think that is official Labour policy, so he is causing some upset in the Party.

    Free Member

    I might just watch the telly instead. Anything interesting on?

    One assumes you’ll have masturbated yourself into such a frenzy during Tuesday night’s debate between the two candidates for leadership of the party you love so much, you’ll probably sleep for most of Wednesday. If that meant giving us a day off from your lame posts in political threads, don’t worry about it.

    Free Member

    So there are rumours that there will be a big policy annoucement tomorrow from Labour as a spoiler for the expose on Panorama tomorrow evening, will it be…

    1. Fatcher was wrong about the Falklands?

    2. A change of Brexit policy from “not what the tories are doing” to “not tories what doing the are”?

    3. Tragic Grandpa stands up, makes a clenched fist salute and sings Throw The Jew Down The Well So That Labour May Be Free!?

    Free Member

    I’d say given your past inability to read and understand even a BBC report written in fairly plain english (although perhaps not “plain” for you), you’ll probably struggle to understand it anyway.

    Free Member

    Aww, bless!

    Full Member

    Free Member

    3. Tragic Grandpa stands up, makes a clenched fist salute and sings Throw The Jew Down The Well So That Labour May Be Free!?

    Full Member

    Anyone who’s a bit more serious about alternatives to the current regime might enjoy reading this:


    Free Member

    I was pro him – I was wrong. He needs to go. Not back to Blairism but someone who isn’t tainted by all this stuff.

    Full Member

    You weren’t wrong then but you are right now. Someone else would have more chance of winning.

    Can’t work out why Boris isnt being hounded out for his even more blatant racism.

    Free Member

    “Thomas Gardiner, a senior Corbyn ally, had personal sign-off on “all” anti-semitism decisions and repeatedly refused to suspend a man who said two Jewish Labour MPs were “Zionist cum buckets””

    “He was revealed earlier this year to have blocked the suspension of a woman who had posted an image of the Statue of Liberty being smothered by an alien with the Star of David on its back.

    Dexter says Gardiner had the final say on “all” anti-semitism complaints and seemed to take advice from Corbyn’s team before making decisions. “It was obvious and certainly accepted by me and a couple of other staff members that Thomas was probably getting direction from LOTO [leader of the opposition’s office] on lots of decisions,” leading to dysfunction and months-long delays.

    Dexter said the complaints team was explicitly banned from executing its traditional role of recommending whether to suspend those accused of anti-semitism. “They had one person who’s making the decisions unilaterally without any apparent understanding or necessary training for that,” he said. “It certainly felt like a massive misjudgement and an error.””


    Free Member

    He said, I read, it is rumoured that, I heard that, jeez its like reading CCO troll intern posts.

    Full Member

    Comres latest. have got Labour on 28pts. (Surv similar)

    Tories 24 pts.

    Yougov really does get all the headlines.

    Full Member

    Remind us again, comrade, what would deliver a majority

    28% in one poll against the worst government in history. Way to go Jezza!

    Prepare for government

    Or maybe have a read of this

    Full Member

    28% in one poll against the worst government in history

    out oO the main polls YouGov is the outlier and yet people were treating it as gospel without you calling them out. I am sure, of course, that you know this since you sneer at all those six form type I can only assume you are better informed. It is curious how despite in theory them using similar methodology there is this much variation. Raises the questions how much use the polls are, in any direction, currently.
    As for worse government in history. What is your methodology for this. I am assuming that you have taken into account the complexities of a cross party issue and arent just coming out with tedious soundbites?
    As for that piece. Interesting in some ways although it seems mostly to hark back to the glory days of thatcherism without addressing how it contributed to the issues. Housing being the obvious starter for ten and the deification of the “private sector” which Blair took and ran with.
    What is it with you and your love of old school tory columnists anyway?

    Full Member

    As for worse government in history. What is your methodology for this.

    Which government was worse than this one, in recent history? It has been dead from the head down since 2017. Stagnating and holding the country back. It is waiting to be kicked in the guts, only to be have its tummy rubbed by the official opposition. Every week at PMQs you have to wait for the SNP question for things to start in earnest. And when did the leader of the opposition last take on a prime time TV or radio interview to explain and convince us that there was a new government in waiting, ready to put this one out of its misery, and getting us all lined up to vote for it?

    Free Member

    Remind us again, comrade, what would deliver a majority
    28% in one poll against the worst government in history. Way to go Jezza!
    Prepare for government

    As much as I usually agree with you, that article singled out the 1997 abolition of the primary purpose law – which was a draconian measure aimed at people married to British nationals.

    Quite frankly the writer can **** off.

    The biggest driver of rabid migration fears has been the overinflation of net migration figures by including students and letting in people who have an affinity for exploding on trains.

    The fact that the writer singled that out is a symptom of how blind nativism has infected even moderate thinking now.


    George Walden is an author and a former diplomat and Conservative MP

    That explains it, a pro-Eu gammon.

    Full Member

    Which government was worse than this one, in recent history?

    That wasnt Binners rather extreme claim. So why dont we stick with what was actually said rather than you redefining it? Once that has been dealt with can come back to your new claim.

    Free Member

    And when did the leader of the opposition last take on a prime time TV or radio interview

    He was at the Durham Miners Gala. That’s a far better platform than something as trivial as the biased MSM who are all out to smear him.

    Besides, even if there was a documentary about the Labour party on the BBC, if you think it’s dishonest or innacurate, far better to scream lies and demand it’s taken down from the iPlayer than take any legal action.

    Free Member

    As for worse government in history. What is your methodology for this.

    Worst government in History is probably over playing it a bit, but certainly worst government in living memory. I think we can forgive Binners a bit of minor hyperbole.

    Free Member

    Monday night is allotment night. Nothing can change that.

    Free Member

    I think we can forgive Binners a bit of minor hyperbole.

    Does that count for just that post or every single post he has ever made?

    Full Member

    Worst government in History is probably over playing it a bit, but certainly worst government in living memory

    It was a specific claim being made by Binners and then handily redefined by kelvin.
    Even with the downgrade to “living memory”. I am not overly convinced even by this claim.
    Yes they have utterly failed but do you really think given the same hand most, if any, of the previous governments would have done any better? I guess, in theory, someone could have tried for a cross party approach early on and that may have worked but given how badly both the main parties are fractured on this issue I am not convinced.
    Its the last few governments utter failure to deal with issues that set it all in motion. This government primary fault was to decide it was worth a go rather than sitting it out.

    Free Member

    Seeing that Thatchers government is in living memory for me then that is easily the worst government in my living memory. The impact of all the shit she did is still with us today.

    Free Member

    Even with the downgrade to “living memory”. I am not overly convinced even by this claim.


    Yes they have utterly failed but do you really think given the same hand most, if any, of the previous governments would have done any better?

    True this was an impossible situation. …but even if you factor the current circumstances out [1] can you think of another government in living memory where Chris Grayling and Gavin Williamson would have got senior cabinet jobs?

    [1] Which I don’t think is necessary to the original claim, we judge governments without making allowances for the situation they find themselves in. There’s no other way – otherwise we’d be saying Churchill was a crap PM because in a peaceful prosperous era he’d have been a bit crap.

    Free Member

    The Party’s response has been to smear Jewish victims, and former staff, accusing them of acting in bad faith… The way the party has threatened and denigrated these whistleblowers is appalling, hypocritical and a total betrayal of Labour’s core values…

    “This shameful communications strategy is the creation of your office, which… has cynically used the party, and its outriders, to amplify a smear campaign against critics. But this crisis is ultimately your responsibility.”

    200 current and former staff members of the Labour Party.


    Full Member

    The impact of all the shit she did is still with us today.

    She did have 11 years though… the damage this one has done to our country, and the people in it, in a few short years, is pretty impressive. But, the point is… this government should be eminently beatable, and we should have a Labour option, and a future Labour PM in waiting, that we’re chomping at the bit to elect… in the last few years Corbyn really has not emerged as the person to make this happen.

    Free Member

    in the last few years Corbyn really has not emerged as the person to make this happen.

    Agree, he is useless. I agree with what he believes in but a leader he is not.

    Full Member

    can you think of another government in living memory where Chris Grayling and Gavin Williamson would have got senior cabinet jobs?

    Again much of it s the hand which has been dealt. Its the lack of talent to work with and a deeply divided party meaning lots of factions fighting it out. Which is when the PM finds out they dont really have that much real authority and power. Their ability to sack people is counterbalanced by the need to keep people in the government to have them under the whip.
    Probably her main error was going for the election but then again remember how certain most people were that it would be a complete rout and she would also be thinking back to how Brown didnt go for the election early and paid the price. So an easy call in hindsight but if it had gone as was being claimed it would have put her into a position with lots more loyalists. As it was she ended up dependant on Loyalists and so was fatally weakened.

    otherwise we’d be saying Churchill was a crap PM because in a peaceful prosperous era he’d have been a bit crap.

    Churchill, of course, was kicked out in short order because he would have been crap.
    What I am objecting to is the simplistic regurgitation of “worse government” without bothering to consider the factors. Its the sort of lazy thinking which led to brexit.

    Free Member

    Thatchers government is in living memory for me then that is easily the worst government in my living memory

    Enabled by Foot (a leader of towering skill compared to Corbyn, and of intellect compared to most politicians) and by the SDP split. But the Thatch mob were less incompetent than the current bunch in that they did a lot of what they set out to do, as damaging to the country as this was. The current lot are in a group-think bubble and flailing ineffectually as we drift downstream towards the sound of Niagara Falls.

    Full Member

    Jesus Dissonance, if you think by “worst government” we just mean a poorly timed election, you have’t been paying attention to the lives being buggered up by this government’s domestic policies, and the diminution of prospects for just about all our industries thanks to its (lack of) international policies and their (lack of) implementation.

    Free Member

    Hah, I half mis-read Niagara Falls as Nigel Farage… 😀

    Full Member

    Jesus Dissonance, if you think by “worst government”

    No I didnt say that never mind lets take your claims.
    What are these specific domestic policies implemented by this government and not in the prior ones. Since the majority of the poor policies in this government are inherited.
    As for the latter comments about international options. We are back to the crap hand they were dealt.

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    Full Member

    The trouble is for the centrist dad of them all (James O’ Brien) – is Corbyn just will not die and he keeps coming back, time and time again.

    They loved the 18pt yg poll to chunter on about. It’s turned out to be an outlier – then they never reflect on the other polls either.

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