RopeyReignRider – Member
pk-ripper – IWH has been in contact with my via text.
I’ve asked him to get his mate in the states to post the ti coil out to him or me (IWH had to rush back from US at short notice and left ti coil with rest of his luggage).
tbh I’d prefer to get the spring rather than a refund as they’re so hard to get hold of
I shall update as soon as anything changes.
How much or what goods are you owed btw? (sorry haven’t the energy to read through last 25 odd pages!)
Dan, I’m owed £80 for brakes and handlebars, so if you could remind him of that in quite a blunt way that would be good. Except Lee seems to happily ignore my emails.
However, in your position I wouldn’t hold out much hope for the ti spring, as I recall the air shock came back from sea otter. Now, let me think which you’d leave behind if you were in a hurry – the heavy air shock that no-one’s ordered, or the lighter ti-spring that you’ve taken money for and owe someone?
Rocket science it isn’t. In my opinion you’re being fed one of the many lines that have and likely will continue to be trotted out in order to stall the process. But as someone so rightly said above, which is harder to get hold of, the spring or the refund? I’d take the refund if I were you and cease all dealings with this chap.