Loving the “I celebrate the Winter Feast” retorts.
For you that claim that – how many other pagan festivals do you partake in throughout the year?
You’re still labouring under the misapprehension that we attach any religious significance – be that Christian or pagan or FSMism – to the holidays. One of the beauties of being non-denomination is that we can celebrate whatever the hell we like.
To put it another way: How many people in the UK celebrate Nov 5th? Now out of those, how many are actually celebrating the thwarting of a terrorism attack on parliament, and how many are going “ooh, pretty fireworks”?
Christmas, and all the other holidays we “celebrate,” may have their basis in various religious events. But I’ll wager that for the vast majority of people in the UK, the “true meaning of Christmas” is nothing more than lip service.
Every year we hear comments like “only 20 shopping days till Christmas”; “have you bought all your presents yet?”; “Sainsbury’s have sold out of turkeys, it’s a disaster!” I don’t recall ever hearing “only 20 more worshipping days till Christmas” or “Sainsbury’s have sold out of effigies of the baby Jesus.”