Oooh, I do like the comparisons between Sick! and Rich. Potty mouthed, hairy CEOs (if that job title really applies), both convicted of being somewhat economical with the truth (one in the court of public opinion, t’other in a real court), both selling a product that seems to exist more in the imagination than reality (though according to Rich’s twitter account the cans are being stocked by a petrol station chain in Indiana, so that’s okay then), both seem to be actually clothing companies with a sideline in their so-called main product.
Interestingly nowhere on Rich’s website does it list the ingredients of their so-called premium energy drink, but it was developed “with scientists”, so that’s okay then too.
In the old days this kind of thing was the domain of the smooth talking bar stewards. Now it seems the bearded trash talkers have moved in. Different clothes, same end result. Whoever stumped up the cash for their Formula 1 adventures is going to get burned methinks..