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  • The awful, shocking, terrible, horrible realisation…
  • piemonster
    Free Member

    But I do plan to throw things at the EDL if they ever come up to Scotland. Which would be quite amusing in itself.


    Free Member

    On the one hand, I don’t think it’s an unreasonable position to take but on the other, you need to look at why people don’t try to integrate as I don’t think it’s a particularly natural human trait.

    Just like the British expat communities that exist in almost every country in the world, with their British Clubs. People are drawn to what they know, so when they move to a new country, often hang around with people who talk the same langauge and wear the same type of clothes.

    Free Member

    There are issues around sending your white kids to a school that’s 90% ethnic minorities, with many different native languages

    Go on…?

    There is also an issue sometimes with the ‘village mentality’ of people who’ve come from areas that have extreme poverty, and low standards of education, health care etc, and are extremely socially conservative. There’s issues with people working for less than minimum wage undermining the local labour market.

    Hmm, not convinced this is an immigration issue. There are plenty of immigrants working skilled well paid jobs and contributing to the economy. Calling the above an immigration issue is like calling benefit scrounging a white issue.

    Full Member

    Lets not get bogged down in racism. Most people hate those scroungers on the dole,those bastards on their bikes who don’t pay road tax,those selfish a holes who let their dogs crap everywhere that dick from next door who parks his car outside your house on YOUR bit of the road etc etc.
    Edit and those total f wits who ride a bike with different wheel sizes to you.

    Free Member

    I see a lot of stuff on facebook about how decent British folk get nothing and illegal immigrants get everything – it’s so completely inaccurate it makes my blood boil, I’ve worked with refugees and asylum seekers (who are NOT classed as illegal immigrants), and asylum seekers get less than half the benefits that citizens do – around £36 per week. Have any of these people who complain about it ever tried to live on that? Have any of these people who whinge about people seeking asylum here ever lived in a country where they might be persecuted for their political or religious beliefs, harassed, subject to threats against themselves or their family, potentially imprisoned or tortured, maybe seen members of their family harmed, murdered, or “disappeared”?

    There but for the grace of God/accident of birth or whatever you believe in go any of us. I bet if civil war broke out in this country, a lot of the people who whinge about people seeking asylum here would be the first to be on a plane out of the country going cap in hand somewhere else, because they’d see it as their right.

    Free Member

    I would rather live in a 100% muslim area than next to any of these scary scary people:

    Full Member

    Little Miss Panda, I feel that most of the gay or disabled people in this country could tick at least one of your boxes.
    We do sometimes have a group of people who weren’t born in this country come into my shop and they WILL steal something no matter how closely we watch them.
    Not everyone who comes to this country arrives here because they like our way of life. There’s plenty of English scumbags and plenty of foreign ones too.

    Free Member

    “I’d love to see a mosque being built in Mecca”


    Free Member

    Quite right Zippy! And its all well and good calling people ‘swivel eyed loons’ because they hold views different to your own….or dismissing readers of the Daily Mail as deluded, but each to their own, we can’t all think the same! Although the OP would clearly like everyone to and reviles people who don’t!

    I think there’s a word for that!

    Free Member

    Although the OP would clearly like everyone to and reviles people who don’t!

    I think there’s a word for that!

    Yes; it’s ‘enlightened’.

    Full Member

    As far as the FB stuff, I think the Mash nailed it

    With racism I tend to find the people generally fuming about us being ‘swamped’ with immigrants are the ones who live in nice, leafy areas where there aren’t any. But they all seem terribly well informed on the subject. Mainly from all those Daily Mail editorials, I suppose.

    When you do live in racially mixed areas, as I have done most of my life, you find that everyone just bumps along with each other, quite happily. I’ve never experienced this ‘racial tension’ that I read about. Despite having ample opportunity. But then I’m clearly not as informed as someone who emails his copy in from his exclusively rich, white enclave in Surrey. How could I possibly be?

    Free Member

    We do sometimes have a group of people who weren’t born in this country come into my shop and they WILL steal something no matter how closely we watch them.

    That’ll be the parties of French school children then? Notorious shoplifters and mostly Catholics.

    Free Member

    Do not get sucked into the UKIP are looney’s nonsense, that’s fundamentally underestimating their current and likely future popularity.

    UKIP have a couple of very powerful policy stances.

    The EU (as it stands) is bad for Britain. Immigration (as it stands) is out of control.

    Free Member

    The Woolwich murder must be manna from Heaven for UKIP.

    Free Member

    “I’d love to see a mosque being built in Mecca”

    And this ladies and gentlemen, and the other pearlers in that video, are why I am a keen fan of free speech…

    Free Member

    I think people get more racist as they get older. My step-father gets worse and worse. It doesn’t help that my bro-in-law is Maori, and winds him up on purpose (fair call if you ask me) but makes family events more interesting that they should be, and my mother wonders why I don’t go home more often.

    The most hypocritical example I ever saw was out in Spain, where I stayed in a place called Campasol (the rent was cheap OK ? And it was close to the mountains) which was a ghetto for retired Brits from the housing estates of Manchester. The daily mail sold out in the British Shop every morning, all the shops had big signs saying English Spoken, none of the residents spoke Spanish. Many conversations about how you can’t live in the UK any more it’s full of immigrants and they don’t integrate !! If I ever asked if they felt that was a bit hypocritical the stock reply was “what do you mean, we are English” as if that gave them a whole bunch of exemptions.

    There is a Scottish Defence League ?? I didn’t know that. I have to work saturday so the throwing vegetables will have to wait, dammit.

    Free Member

    If anyone would like help singling out any racists that might be on their FB friends list, this link is a handy little tool..

    Simply log into your facebook account in another tab and use the link to instantly check how many of your ‘friends’ like the EDL (the racists, not the disco lot) page..

    I was very gladdened to note that out of 350+ folk, my results came back clean..

    Free Member

    Please please please do the SDL paint their faces blue and white?????

    Free Member

    I live in a country with a large expat community. I’m not bothered about hanging around with Brits but some of the ones I have encountered have given me an eye opener. I met one bloke who has been here for almost 20 years, has a very good standard of living, two kids raised here etc. His opener was about how he doesn’t like to mix with the locals as they’re “not like us” and how he can’t wait to move back to England “as soon as possible” when it’s clear he won’t while he’s earning well in a country where life is quite easy. The 10-15 people he was with were all Brits, most of whom have been here a long time but they are quite content to order drinks in English rather than any of the THREE languages the locals speak.

    Not that different from what some people slam immigrant communities for in the UK really.

    And then there was the time some random English bloke accosted me in my local and launched into a diatribe about “coloureds”, immigrants and homosexuals. Him living in a foreign country, in a bar where the owners are immigrants from Southern Europe and the barman is gay. 🙄

    Free Member

    grum – Member

    I dunno, I detest all the vile unfounded crap that’s been stirred up recently, think UKIP are borderline racists, card-carrying Guardianista etc etc – I think most people who whinge about immigrants are just racist or at the very least repeating ignorant racist nonsense they’ve heard.

    However, there are places where there are issues re immigration that you can’t just dismiss as racism….

    …None of this is to say we should blame immigrants for everything but its also daft to pretend there’s never a single problem ever.

    Grum, mate, this is no place for sensible debate; this is the which-STW-member-can-ride-the-highest-horse-to-the-highest-moral-high-ground-and-then-piss-the-highest/furthest-and-prove-how-awfully-enlightend-and-liberal-they-really-are thread.

    It’s not the real world, silly! 🙄

    Free Member

    There are issues around sending your white kids to a school that’s 90% ethnic minorities, with many different native languages
    Go on…?

    Same kind of issues as sending your ethnic minority kids to a 90% white school I’d imagine (or 99.97% white like my school).

    Hmm, not convinced this is an immigration issue. There are plenty of immigrants working skilled well paid jobs and contributing to the economy. Calling the above an immigration issue is like calling benefit scrounging a white issue.

    I’m well aware of that and I believe that on average immigrants tend to contribute more to the economy than the average UK born citizen, that doesn’t mean there are no issues though – in some small communities they have seen reasonably large (as a percentage of the total population of the community) numbers of people come from rural Pakistan, for example – often from the same village/area. Claiming there are no potential issues around that is just counter-productive IMO. Some of the problem is obviously just bigoted people who don’t like Jonny Foreigner, but I don’t think that’s all it is.

    Free Member

    which-STW-member-can-ride-the-highest-horse-to-the-highest-moral-high-ground-and-then-piss-the-highest/furthest-and-prove-how-awfully-enlightend-and-liberal-they-really-are thread.


    I resemble that remark

    Free Member

    We have one at work. Bought in a littlejohn article the other day, taped it to the notice board with a “you NEED to read this!” note attached. Last shift he was telling me that I need to be careful going into muslim homes as “you don’t know what you’re going into!”.

    I was also warned that the july 7th bombers were all local so i had to be extra careful working on my own “with them”. My mother in law worked with mohammed sidiq khan, and thought he was a nice chap, who cared for children and his community. Turns out anyone can be a nutter, and it usually starts with believing other peoples propaganda and hatred verbatim, and trying to force it on other people too, like sticking up articles, and passing warnings based on poor education a simple minded fear of others!

    Free Member

    What GRUM said basically

    There are issues around sending your white kids to a school that’s 90% ethnic minorities, with many different native languages
    Go on..

    The main one is that a large amount of teaching time is lost teaching the language to children whose parents often cannot support them with this and it therefore impedes the progress of teaching of all subjects.
    It is not part of education to teach the language, in that sense, to native speakers as they already speak English

    Free Member

    Go on…?

    Molgrips, I’m astounded that someone I thought had more than a modicum of intelligence would ask that question.

    Is this an attempt by you to give someone enough rope in the hope that he’ll hang himself? Or do you genuinely think that’s not a problem?

    I wouldn’t want to send my child to a school in which English was the second language and 90% of the pupils spoke a different language and indulged in a completely different culture. That doesn’t make me racist!

    Full Member

    We have one at work. Bought in a littlejohn article the other day, taped it to the notice board with a “you NEED to read this!” note attached.

    Making you read a Littlejohn article? I’m sure that could be classed as assault 😆

    Free Member

    Immigration (as it stands) is out of control.

    Is it? OMG! PANIC!

    (Hides under bed, with a collection of rudimentary home-made weapons, waiting for the hordes of swarthy invaders to burst through the door)

    Free Member

    I’m already under the bed, and I object to your immigrating to here. I don’t know you. Under the bed is full, go back where you came from!!!

    Free Member

    @quartz – my point is that that is the UKIP policy stance and it’s a very popular one

    Free Member

    Let’s look at some actual factual statistics, shall we?

    Net migration to Britain has shrunk by a further 10,000 people to 153,000 in the 12 months to September 2012 compared with the previous quarter, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

    Read the full article at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/23/uk-net-migration-shrink-further#ixzz2Ug0ae6nX


    And justin case you don’t beleive the ‘loony left’ grauniad, here’s some balance:


    Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good rant though.

    Free Member

    Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good rant though.

    Who’s rant?

    Fred – is that you?

    Free Member

    @quartz – the UK Border control (therefore ONS) don’t know how many immigrants we have, people come in on education visas or as holiday makers from the EU and elsewhere and just stay illegally. We don’t track this, we don’t know whether they leave. That’s what “out of control” means.

    Free Member

    So do you have any actual ‘evidence’ as to the destructive effect such ‘out of control’ immigration is having on our society?

    So a few slip though the net. So what? Do you really think a few thousand people a year represent an ‘out of control’ immigration situation? Bearing in mind that it will be nigh on impossible for such people to work officially, claim any sort of benefits, or indeed benefit from living here all that much at all?

    Full Member

    Well done to everyone for finding it awful, shocking, terrible & horrible, however we have a winner for the most outraged.

    Well done to Quartz.

    Thanks to all for taking part.


    Free Member

    ‘Muslamic infidel’ I may be one of those.. 😯 I think.. My mum was C,O,E and my dad was a Muslim.. and I’m neither..
    And in my experience most people who fall for the shit of Islamic extremism in the UK, or the BNP or UKIP just feel that society is failing for them and feel disenfranchised, with a great sense of injustice and frustration, and aren’t articulate or intelligent enough to put how they feel into words so take the easy option of following the preachers of hate on both sides..
    I haven’t got a ray gun though..

    Free Member

    the UK Border control (therefore ONS) don’t know how many immigrants we have, people come in on education visas or as holiday makers from the EU and elsewhere and just stay illegally. We don’t track this, we don’t know whether they leave. That’s what “out of control” means.

    Those BASTARD holiday makers from the EU! How dare they legally stay in a country that allows them to be here. That’s sarcasm BTW. I don’t have a British passport but can go for a weekend and stay for a lifetime if I want.

    More seriously, the problem with a statement like yours is it says “We have no definitive proof, just a likelihood” and then challenges people to disprove it. It happens but probably happens more than one lot of people believe and less than another lot of people believe.

    Full Member

    Interestingly, the two most racist posts on my FB have come from an English expat who lives permanently in a French ski resort, hence permanently in a bubble of hypocracy and the other was by a gendarme stationed in Tahiti!

    Free Member

    @quartz you are still missing the point, I am posting what UKIP are saying whilst predicting that their share of the vote is going to increase.

    Free Member

    I’ve just had enough of listening to ignorance & stupidity.


    Free Member

    Call me a swivel-eyed loon, but heck… I think that things haven’t been the same since a certain violent group of immigrants came and threw our property values into chaos a few years back.

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