Home Forums Chat Forum Stopping smoking!!

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  • Stopping smoking!!
  • morgs
    Free Member

    camo – cold turkey for me 🙂

    Free Member

    You know what somebody should invent ? A drug that makes you violently ill if you smoke. Like the one for alcoholics, they take it in the morning then are sick as a pack of dogs if they touch alcohol.

    Then you only have to be strong once a day and take your pill.

    Free Member

    camo – cold turkey for me

    You are such a hero!

    * salutes morgs *

    I am weak and need to MTFU prontissimo. 😳

    Full Member

    I’m going to do cold turkey too. Nothing seems to make any difference anyway

    I would hereby like to apoligise in advance to anyone who is at the receiving end of any gratuitous and totally unwarranted tirades and abuse over the next week or so

    Apart from the people who are normally at the receiving end of any gratuitous and totally unwarranted tirades and abuse. Business as usual there I’m afraid. 😀

    Free Member

    hels – there is one.

    Camo – I’d advise using something that not only replaces the nicotine but replaces the habit. Remember you get over the nicotine addiction in 3 days. The habit is harder to break.

    My first ciggy of the day was in the car on the way to work… I started having an apple instead.

    I chewed gum for a short while, but quickly moved that over to normal chewing gum too.

    Free Member

    Really ?? Well surely thats the whole thing sorted then ??

    Free Member

    Yeti, that’s some good advice.

    I tried patches, which worked as long as I was on the kick-ass powerful one but stopped working when I had to move onto the weaker ones.

    The habit, for me, is as much about having time to myself several times a day as it is about enjoying the smoke. Getting out of the office is especially wonderful.

    It’s this regular escape habit that’s difficult to break. 😳

    Free Member

    Violently sick is a bit of an overstatement but it certainly makes a smoker feel pretty ill.

    You still need the will power to take it though.

    Free Member

    Camo16 – Apples. Go off and have an apple. They take about the same time to have, they involve your hand and your mouth and they’re good for you.

    Free Member

    I would hereby like to apoligise in advance to anyone who is at the receiving end of any gratuitous and totally unwarranted tirades and abuse over the next week or so

    Apart from the people who are normally at the receiving end of any gratuitous and totally unwarranted tirades and abuse. Business as usual there I’m afraid

    This +1!!!!!

    Camo – 😳 – no need to salute your superior, it’ll make mu gush 😉

    Free Member

    You’re actually inspiring me, Yeti, you know that?

    I think, perhaps, the time’s come to have another, proper go.

    If it goes well, you’re going to be my official hero – and I will need a poster-size picture for my wall. 😆

    Free Member

    Camo16 – Apples. Go off and have an apple. They take about the same time to have, they involve your hand and your mouth and they’re good for you.

    what about when they slice your gums open and make you bleed? (or is that just me….?)

    Free Member

    Us Yeti’s are notoriously shy Camo… you’ll be a very lucky person to get one with my face in it.

    Seriously though, if quitting smoking is something you’ve tried before, or something you’ve considered for a long while…

    By quitting you’ll come to realise that you are more Awesome!!! than you had ever imagined. You’ll no longer have that nagging feeling that you shouldn’t be doing something, you’ll no longer loathe youself a little bit everytime you have one. You can’t help but feel more in control and feel happier with yourself.

    Quitting smoking is the one time when it’s actually good to be a quitter 🙂

    Free Member

    and I will need a poster-size picture for my wall

    ain’t nobody who wants that!


    Free Member

    Shut up morgs – have you seen how beautiful I am?

    Sammie-Louise x

    Free Member

    You’ll no longer have that nagging feeling that you shouldn’t be doing something, you’ll no longer loathe youself a little bit everytime you have one.

    * senses previously unnoticed levels of perspective and wisdom in TSY, and is impressed * 😆

    Right. I’ll have a word with Mrs 16 (this co-dependency lark is tough) and see what I/we can do.

    I want to be Awesome!

    Full Member

    I want to be awesome too!!!! 😀

    Free Member

    Coming up to 4 1/2 years for me after 20 years on 20 a day.
    Read the book over about 2 months and then went cold turkey
    If you get your head right its not too hard and very worthwhile.

    Got me into cycling and my 2 boys as a consequence-one of the best things I did.

    Free Member

    The habit, for me, is as much about having time to myself several times a day as it is about enjoying the smoke. Getting out of the office is especially wonderful.

    Danger ****?

    Once you proper stop you will wonder why you ever smoked tbh the only issue is how long it takes you to get to that point

    Free Member

    When you achieve Awesome!!!ness we can all meet up for a smoke-free blast up a hill, eat some flapjack and then hammer back down again 🙂

    Re the co-dependancy. Tell her you’re doing it and then tell her you can’t kiss her anymore because she stinks*.

    *hopefully has regained idiot status, although this did actually work for me.

    Free Member

    I use those inhaler things as for me it’s the hand to mouth thing I like! I have kind of figured it doesn’t matter if I never give those up, as it’s not nicotine that’s bad for you. Still they should be banned **** horrible things!

    Free Member

    I am a week into no smoking, from a packet a day. First four days with feeling of wanting to kill everyone and argue with everyone, that’s now subsided. Got to keep it going, the comment about not hating yourself like i did every time i had a smoke is a good one.

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member

    Shut up morgs – have you seen how beautiful I am?

    Sammie-Louise x

    You are such a hero!

    * salutes morgs *

    Surely camo wanted a picture of me……who’d want one of you????????? 8)

    Full Member

    I stopped for good in 2007, though I had been tending to smoke less and less for quite a while. My partner and I were thinking about a family so it was a good time to do it, and it gave me something to focus on. Just did it cold turkey, but it really was just the habit I was breaking for me (rather than nicotine), so replacing one habit with another seemed a bad idea to me 🙂

    Good luck anyone who’s trying – it really, really does get easier the longer you go on. One hour, one day, one week – break it down into manageable chunks and it makes it seem less daunting.

    Fags are shit, you don’t need ’em!!!

    Free Member

    random pointless update….

    got through the afternoon with out too many problems.

    The evening entertainment will keep me smoke free until tomorrow…..so all I have to master is the driving without a smoke!

    Free Member

    Look out for other smokers in their cars… don’t envy them, pity them.

    One of the most hardcore smokers I know did this to great (and comedic) effect.

    Full Member

    Go for it – I quit ‘cold turkey’ about 15 years ago, and it’s a brilliant feeling once you get past the side effects.

    I say ‘cold turkey’, but I did actually develop a serious Fruit Pastille habit for about 6 months – had to work to limit myself to one bag a day, especially as I was supposed to be writing my Masters thesis at the time, and found it really difficult to concentrate for the first few weeks.

    One of the things that really got me over the hump mentally was working hard on my fitness – as I got back more and more of my aerobic fitness, I really began to resent the idea of smoking again because I didn’t want to lose the feeling of being able to exert myself without becoming breathless.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Been quit 4 months, but wobbled several times in the 3rd month, due to drinking. So I’ve quit alcohol for the time being also. I don’t get on with Alan Carr personally – though some people swear by him – but “the Nicotine Trick” by Neil Casey is good if you can get a copy.

    It’s hard to get your head around, but what worked for me was finally properly understanding that I didn’t smoke because I wanted a cigarette… I wanted a cigarette because I’d smoked.

    Free Member

    I recently looked at the price of decent cigs. **** they aren’t cheap 😮 I think when I quit they were 3.50 for 20.

    The ironic thing is when I finally quit I went to work in one of the most stressful industries out there. So if you think its stress that makes you smoke it isn’t. You’ll find ANY excuse to spark up- such are the cravings. Get your head round this- its addiction saying to you ‘just need one more’..

    I found patches and gum just prolonged the painful cravings- I just drank A LOT of fresh orange juice

    Free Member

    When you achieve Awesome!!!ness we can all meet up for a smoke-free blast up a hill, eat some flapjack and then hammer back down again

    Sure, sounds great Yeti – that’s when I’ll take a sly photo for my poster-size inspiration wall! 😆

    Do ex-smokers really get up hills faster?

    Surely camo wanted a picture of me…

    Yeah, you’ll be on the wall too when we’re both fit, healthy and utterly, horribly smug non-smokers. 😆

    I found patches and gum just prolonged the painful cravings

    Is it honestly better to go cold turkey, then?

    I’m worried I’ll become (more of) an angry ****.

    Free Member

    It was the stop smoking thread that was on here before that made me stop. have been mostly smoking free for ages now. and I don’t smoke unless I’m really pissed and really whiney and even then my friends won’t give in.

    It’s worth it, I’ve saved loads of money, and I feel LOADS better. and best of all your non-smoking gf will snog you more: FACT!!

    Free Member

    I’m interested to know how long after you quit can you legitimately start glaring self-righteously at the poor faggin’ fools huddled up in doorways?

    I’d also tut-tut-tut them and raise my eyes like this… 🙄 , but I wouldn’t be smiling.

    Free Member

    *dons skinny chinos* 🙂

    Free Member

    about an hour camo.

    this is the length of time it took me to become the single most irritating non smoker (according to some of my so-called mates) apparently.


    Free Member

    about an hour camo.


    I’m definitely doing this now… well, I’ll start tomorrow. Wouldn’t like to waste money and not utilise the ones still in the pack. 😳

    Which means by 8am tomorrow I’m going to be one self-righteous ****.

    Probably shouldn’t post here for a while or I’ll lose my ‘impossibly cool’ rep.

    Free Member

    I bunged the pack away, i think it was Yeti who said if you’re going to stop then **** well just stop.

    It’s good advice really.


    Free Member

    Ah camo16 moving from big hitter to big quitter?

    Good luck hope you manage it, holding my first kid after a 24 hr labour then c-section stress and noticing her little head in my blackened nicotine stained fingers convinced me and I’ve never smoked from that day to this. (Except the occasional extremely pissed induced spliff).

    Great if you manage it.

    Free Member

    Well I’m going to try, derekrides. I wish the OP and Binners all the best and (following TSY’s advice) hope I don’t get sick of apples…

    Full Member

    I stopped 9.5 years ago after smoking from when I was 12 till I was 31, I reckon I’ve saved myself £15,000+

    Free Member

    OP the cravings are of course caused by Nicotine still in your system. Taking gum/patches keeps the Nicotine in you and prolongs the agony. All you’ve done is sidestepped the issue. Then at somepoint you’ll get a trigger that makes you say ‘**** this I’m having a fag’. It could be as little as a friend disagreeing with you and because you are in period-head mode (sorry for the discriptive) you mini-flip. Its all you need.

    Another (possibly not a great analogy) but would you take anabolic steroids now?

    If the answer is **** hell no way!

    Then why do you smoke?

    Whats my point? you enjoy something now then in your early 50’s its payback time.

    If you are 40 now. In just over 10yrs time do you want to be seeing your GP for breathing difficulties, taking meds and the possibility of the big C? Yes people can smoke until they are 90 but there are always the Genetic anomalies.

    I’ve been to the Manchester Royal Infirmary a few times during the day with hora junior and outside the entrance you always see this age range fagging it, looking **** etc etc.

    Whats your motivation? See your children past their 20th birthday?

    Lets say you live until your 80. Who wants 20-30yrs of a poorer quality life shuffling, popping alot of daily meds etc?

    I’d love to be still riding my bike in my 60’s – road or mtb.

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