Feeling decidedly smug I’m afraid, sorry, 😳 a total of 1 fag over the Christmas and New Year break and today is the first day with no patches or gum etc.
Actually feeling normal, I.E not about to beat anyone to a pulp.
Werid thing is though my chest still feels like I’ve been in a pub smoking my head off till 4 in the morning, every morning, which if is odd, how’s everyone elses chest feeling?
Just to clarify I’ve smoked for over 15 years, and thought I had Zero willpower to stop initially, so if I can give up the rest of you should be able too with no problems, Good luck.
Edit oh, yeah, sickness, headaches, chronic indegestion, chest pains, and constipation seem to parts of this all so don’t worry about them, sure it’s less painful than dying of some unpleaseant smoking related disease.