It’s that three-week thing Yeti was on about, morgs.
Deep breath, re-read your original posts and go again when you’re ready.
Oops is it ok to mention doors?
Depends. Are they back doors? 😆
It’s been a rubbish few days for the 16 household, too. I was mentally totting up the cash I’d saved from denying the advances of Mr. John Player (£125) and thinking about a fancy new ride. Then we found an infestation of wood worm thingies in our back room that’s going to take £200 to put right. One step forward, two steps back…
There have been moments of weakness.
But I don’t want to be a smoker any more. That’s my bottom (fnarf fnarf) line.
Good luck all.
Morgs – you’re still officially awesome to me. Fenred – slam those doors in Mr. Benson’s face, dude. It’s not too late!