JC(not Jesus Christ) thread should not be resurrected for the fact that his(not Jesus Christ’s) supporters are pretending to be responding to the “right wing” comments.
In actual fact they love all the comments because they have the chance to response and in the process enhance their propaganda. They are pretending to be the victims.
No, no, no … JC(not Jesus Christ) … you shall not pass!
No, no, no to your EU ZM bureaucrat ideology …
No, no, no to your utopian view that we are a family … I am NOT related to you.
No, no, no to you ideology because it sucks! It sucks so much it lacks common sense.
No, no, no to you trying to save every human on earth … you just kill those that oppose you like any other ideologies. No difference.
No, no, no to we are all human … no you’re not … you cannot distinguish between real human and ZMs!
Slight hijack, saw the repeat of Question Time last night … that white woman with the dreadlock defended the opened door no limits to immigration policy saying that they were all men because their parents/families etc let the fittest in the family to gain entrance to EU first then the entire family follows. You stoopid woman … without the men the entire female population would be turned into sex slaves when all the men are gone or escape without their female counterpart. (assuming they come from war torn regions) Those men that left their women folks at home while the seek their fortune or pretend to escape war … no, no, no … you shall not pass!
p/s: Remember I told you so and I see you coming …