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  • Jeremy Corbyn
  • outofbreath
    Free Member

    I’ve been looking at a few maps to try and determine which countries might be worth investigating in terms of successful left-wing democracies of the kind I might like to investigate.

    I’d be interested in that. What’s the best example so far? (You can’t have Norway, they have free energy.)

    Full Member

    You mean from hydroelectric?
    Currently looking at the following:

    New Zealand

    Some of these are ‘Conservative’ governments, but would be seen as slightly left of Milliband 🙂

    I can’t honestly say I’ve found a good example yet. Many fascinating examples have essentially been authoritarian and eventually been overthrown by capitalists.

    The more I read about Cuba, the more interested I am. I’m going to have to get a good book.

    Free Member

    Some of these are ‘Conservative’ governments, but would be seen as slightly left of Milliband

    Maybe on some issues but right of Cameron on others. For instance, Sweden’s right introduced profit making free schools – although they have a minority left government now because the right has split.

    Full Member

    Yes – afaik healthcare isn’t the NHS model in Denmark either.

    Free Member

    Maybe on some issues but right of Cameron on others. For instance, Sweden’s right introduced profit making free schools – although they have a minority left government now because the right has split.

    Sure, but taken as a whole, it seems pretty clear that the Scandinavian countries are to the left of us on tax and welfare.

    Free Member

    The Corbyn effect? A distraction at a time when a real effective opposition is needed.

    The Tory repositioning is not due to any Corbyn effect, certainly not yet. It’s about repositioning for their leadership campaign and CMD wanting to leave a softer legacy. All would have happened with or without Corbyn and his crew.

    Free Member

    It’s about repositioning for their leadership campaign and CMD wanting to leave a softer legacy.

    At the moment, he’s talking in doublespeak: his rhetoric being the polar opposite of his policy.

    Free Member

    I dunno why you think Corbyn’s not a real opposition?

    What would you prefer?

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member
    That second one seems somewhat simplified

    according to that, the UK and Canada are more right wing than the USA

    Seems fair. The USA does not have an unelected upper house.

    No opinion on Canada, though they do lip service to the Queen.

    Full Member

    Yes – afaik healthcare isn’t the NHS model in Denmark either.

    I think it pretty much is. Except they have a lot more resources.

    Full Member

    Well that just goes to show how useless these maps I’m finding are then.

    Free Member

    After what was undoubtedly relentless googling big_n_daft

    relentless was halfway down page one, link chosen as it was a left wing website

    you are totally unable to explain what the Rotherham abuse scandal has it to do with the Corbyn, so you completely abandon that smear and dig up some dirt involving Islington hoping that will stick to Corbyn !

    The link explains why there is a connection between Rotherham and Islington, did you read it?

    Corbyn’s silence over child abuse in Islington is typical of how he picks and chooses his causes

    but you clearly think the allegations about what happened in Islington are fabricated and that Corbyn is and forever will be unconnected by act or omission

    so as I said, move along, nothing to see here……

    I have no idea what size you are but your username is at least part true for certain

    I look forward to your summary executions,group show trials and firing squads, I presume I am on your “list”

    Full Member

    The link explains why there is a connection between Rotherham and Islington, did you read it?

    Yes, that and a whole lot of other links that tell a very different tale.

    Full Member

    There is a huge difference between the two but that really isn’t the point is it?

    Err – yes, that is precisely the point. It’s why repeating tittle tattle about pigs heads is no big deal, whereas accusing people of complicity in child abuse is a very big deal.

    but please don’t try and imply that i don’t consider child abuse a serious issue because it was pretty obvious that it was not what I was saying.

    That’s exactly what you said. If you didn’t mean it, maybe you shouldn’t have been in such a rush to score a cheap point, “fella”.

    Free Member

    Yes, that and a whole lot of other links that tell a very different tale.

    what tale?

    all the Islington allegations are made up and he ignored a loon


    they aren’t made up and Corbyn did lots to bring people to justice



    don’t worry there’s nothing to see here, move along…..

    Free Member

    Wow you really have missed the point haven’t you. Never mind. (Well scored on the addition of “fella” btw)

    Full Member

    Wow you really have missed the point haven’t you.

    You can’t have it both ways. Either child abuse is as trivial as pigs heads, and your criticism is consistent, or one is much worse than the other, and your criticism is unfounded. You choose.

    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Member

    I look forward to your summary executions,group show trials and firing squads, I presume I am on your “list”

    Well I have no idea who you are, I doubt you’re very important, so no, you’re probably not on the “list”.

    And no of course I didn’t read your link. Why on earth would I read a link provided by a right-winger who wants to engage in smearing political opponents? ffs

    If a more credible person offered me a link which provided important information about Corbyn I would be happy to read it.

    Free Member

    Now you have lost me a bit, just to clarify my point: as far as can see from you posts you have repeatedly made reference to an alleged story about the pm in his past, fair enough not really bothered in fact I wouldn’t be suprised. Another poster makes statement repeatedly about alleged child abuse in an attempt to imply an issue with jeremy Corbyn, this is a far more serious issue and should obviously be treated so. BUT my point is that it is hypocritical to take issue with a poster for doing something that you do yourself or are you denying that you have implyed more than once that the pm has sex with dead animals?

    Full Member

    BUT my point is that it is hypocritical to take issue with a poster for doing something that you do yourself or are you denying that you have implyed more than once that the pm has sex with dead animals?

    It would be hypocritical if fhere was any equivalence between the pigs thing and child abuse. So – in your mind – am I a hypocrite, or not?

    Free Member

    At no point have I suggested they are but you seem to want to continue down that track so fair enough you win. Night night.

    Free Member

    Well I have no idea who you are, I doubt you’re very important, so no, you’re probably not on the “list”.


    so there is a list then 😉

    Free Member

    Child abuse is the most appalling crime, the fact that it wasn’t investigated thoroughly in the past is a cause of national disgrace. The fact it could take place in Rotherham and Oxford on such a scale in currently times and be ignored is off the scale.

    The “Westminster peopophile / murder ring” is rapidly being confirmed as a fabrication with vulnerable abuse victims being coached into naming famous people (eg comment on Panormama that one victim thought it was a “joke” he was pushed into naming Leon Brittan). Here you have journalist who’s living is based on exposing “the establishment” accompanying an abuse victim to the police, a journalist not his solicitor. A journalist who made no effort to check the truth easily checked murder claims. A Labour counsellor who has previously been convicted and jailed for fraud being a key source of “evidence” against Conservative government figures (no grudge there eh ?) you have the police staying publically there is not “shred of evidence” of any of the three alleged murders

    Then on top of all this we have Tom Watson sticking his oar in on a matter which has nothing to do with his constituency or his party role. Watson knew there where serious doubts about the allegations, he knew Leon Brittan had been interviewed by the police about the 40 year old rape allegation and that there was no evidence and serious doubts about the report but he chose to write to the police insisting Brittan be arrested and requestioned. He did this as he knew that the press would then name Brittan as “being arrested in connection with a sex offence”. Pure press manipulation by Watson.

    @DrJ I’m not smearing Corbyn I am posting the fact that a fellow Labour Party member in Islington has heavily criticised Corbyn for not campaigning on behalf of a constituency member in a child abuse allegation. He used the phrase “selective”

    Free Member

    @outofbreath the obvious thing for the Tories to do is to move into the middle ground vacated by Labour, they can do this as well as pursue their manifesto. Why go further right and give other parties the room to capture the middle ground ?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    @DrJ @big_n_daft posted the story I had previously read, I’ll take it you read that before you posted that I was committing a “unsubstantiated slur” or perhaps you didn’t, inconvenient factual source. Just as the involvement of left wing Islington and Rotherham councils in ignoring child abuse is a very inconvenient truth for Corbyn, Watson and the broader Labour Party

    Free Member

    Then on top of all this we have Tom Watson sticking his oar in on a matter which has nothing to do with his constituency or his party role. Watson knew there where serious doubts about the allegations, he knew Leon Brittan had been interviewed by the police about the 40 year old rape allegation and that there was no evidence and serious doubts about the report but he chose to write to the police insisting Brittan be arrested and requestioned. He did this as he knew that the press would then name Brittan as “being arrested in connection with a sex offence”. Pure press manipulation by Watson.

    I thought you were a fan of his.

    Full Member

    Just as the involvement of left wing Islington and Rotherham councils in ignoring child abuse is a very inconvenient truth for Corbyn, Watson and the broader Labour Party

    Not really. Only the most complete halfwit would associate condoning of child abuse with a political orientation, be it of the left or right.

    Free Member

    I am posting the fact that a fellow Labour Party member in Islington has heavily criticised Corbyn for not campaigning on behalf of a constituency member in a child abuse allegation. He used the phrase “selective”

    sorry, because I posted the link, it’s been totally discreditted and won’t be read by Corbynites

    And no of course I didn’t read your link. Why on earth would I read a link provided by a right-winger who wants to engage in smearing political opponents? ffs

    the good news is DrJ is going to link to other sources that totally discredit the LabourUncut article

    , that and a whole lot of other links that tell a very different tale.

    so people don’t need to read the nasty smears

    so there is nothing to see here, move along…….

    Free Member

    Yes, even I’m beginning to doubt anything fishy went on…

    This all seems perfectly reasonable:

    Jimmy Savile and Prince Charles’ very close friendship with sex abuse Bishop Peter Ball

    Free Member

    Then on top of all this we have Tom Watson sticking his oar in on a matter which has nothing to do with his constituency or his party role. Watson knew there where serious doubts about the allegations, he knew Leon Brittan had been interviewed by the police about the 40 year old rape allegation and that there was no evidence and serious doubts about the report but he chose to write to the police insisting Brittan be arrested and requestioned. He did this as he knew that the press would then name Brittan as “being arrested in connection with a sex offence”. Pure press manipulation by Watson.

    @DrJ I’m not smearing Corbyn I am posting the fact that a fellow Labour Party member in Islington has heavily criticised Corbyn for not campaigning on behalf of a constituency member in a child abuse allegation. He used the phrase “selective”

    It is interesting how the benefit of the doubt and the attacks is directly linked to your personal politics.
    As l always your moral fortitude is matched only by your intellectual rigour.


    Child abuse is the most appalling crime, the fact that it wasn’t investigated thoroughly in the past is a cause of national disgrace.

    Indeed it is not stop trying to make cheap political points using this to discredit the “tired old man ” corbyn

    Just as the involvement of left wing Islington and Rotherham councils in ignoring child abuse is a very inconvenient truth for Corbyn, Watson and the broader Labour Party

    FFS you really are beyond parody as you try to smear left wingers as people who ignore child abuse

    no barrel so low Jamby wont scrape it whilst lecturing others on why not to do it

    Free Member

    Don’t feed the troll JY.

    Jamba is getting added to my list of people on here who’s posts I’m not even going to bother reading. It’s only got him and chewkw on it, so he’s doing well.

    Free Member

    Straight talking, honest politics

    So, this commitment to a balanced budget?

    We are not deficit deniers….We accept we are going to have to live within our means and we always will do — full stop….we will vote for Osborne’s charter….

    ….er, sorry, didn’t mean that. Can we just talk about the current balance…er, sorry, forget that, we a going to vote against the charter

    Old John, is struggling with this straight talking bit, isn’t he? Still he is new to the job and its early days. 😉

    Full Member

    Mike BassettJeremy Corbyn England Manager Labour Leader

    Free Member

    Changing your mind can be part of straight-talking honest politics. But you’ll never pass up the opportunity to make a dig at any left-wing politicians, despite definitely not being a Tory.

    Free Member

    Check the topic of the thread grum and today’s news?

    There’s changing your mind and there is flip-flopping. Still early days…..and “full stop” is open to mis-interpretation isn’t it?

    and FWIW, from page 1 of the nasty party thread

    haven’t watched any of this – but May’s headlines re immigration made me shudder.

    Free Member

    It’s all right, apparently he (McDonnell) has “changed tactics, not policy”.

    With this kind of “new politics straight talking” it’s a wonder that anyone’s confused what Labour do / don’t stand for… it’s crystal clear isn’t it.. although it may well change again when the wind changes direction.

    Full Member

    The people who already dislike them will see it as a u-turn.
    The people who already like them will see it as perfectly logical.

    Free Member

    THat is all this thread is and a circle jerk for the Tories

    Personally I dont think he is doing that well so far but no one at all expected them to win over just 5 minutes , THM or Jamby so why they keep posting that they are disappointed is lost on me

    Free Member

    Quote from last nights Labour party meeting:

    Ian Austin, once an aide to Gordon Brown and now MP for Dudley North, said it was time Corbyn started acting like a leader of the opposition and not like a student union president.

    Labour party is going to tear itself apart, when a strong leader was needed to recover from the Milliband fiasco they have a completely wet one. Hague wrote a good piece in the Telegraph why allowing too much conversation in a party is a bad thing and it seems the Labour party no only failed to read it, but are in open war between the left and right sides of the party.

    This might has been posted earlier on the threat but JC’s failure to condemn the IRA here Radio 5 live interview is somewhat farcical.

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