It might be to you but that is not what I have said. What I have said is earning 100 000 pa puts you in the richest couple of % of the people of the UK and that is a simple fact.
You may not feel rich but you are one of the richest couple of % in the UK
Pretty sure I’ve heard this from you back when you were still TandemJeremy. It was meaningless then and it’s meaningless now – “rich” is a subjective term, it only applies relative to your surroundings and your lifestyle. I remember living in Egypt, earning less than 10k pa, but I was definitely “rich” compared to most of the locals. The correct term you should use is “highest earners”.
A better way to look at it is in terms of what kind of jobs would get you that salary – 100k in London is a company director at a medium sized company – a good job, well-off certainly, but not a “rich” person’s job. (Assuming someone who’s rich actually has anything as low-class as an actual job, of course…)