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  • How to introduce myself to a hottie on my commute?
  • joolsburger
    Free Member

    Glad to be of service.

    Never the less the OP should MTFU and talk to her. Unless he has a slug in a bowler hat on offer.

    Free Member

    Unless he has a slug in a bowler hat on offer.

    Well, there is a phrase I had never heard before.

    Free Member

    Unless he has a slug in a bowler hat on offer.


    Doesn't matter if he's got one of these

    Free Member

    Someone once told me: Always ask the prettiest girl in the room to dance, because no-one else will.

    I'm not suggesting you dance with her, but I'd be arranging to pull up alongside her at traffic lights and open with "I feel like I should introduce myself seeing as I pass you every morning. I'm Kit…"

    You've already got a bit of common ground, so "How far do you commute?" wouldn't sound too prying.

    Follow that up with a few cheery "Good morning [insert girl's name here (not just any girl's name)]" which should just about tee things up for your big finale, again at traffic lights…

    "Morning [xxxx], this is my last commute as I'm moving jobs (or whatever)… I hope this doesn't sound too forward, but do you fancy a drink sometime?"

    Bingo. If that doesn't work, she's a lezzer.

    Edit: And if she has a tongue like the young lady above, ask for her thoughts on tubeless rims.

    Free Member

    Smile and say something?

    Am I missing something here? Unless shes a mind-reader.

    Alternatively you could try the Vulcan sex-grip and make a point that you have sexual semtex in your lycra?

    Full Member

    Just smile and say Hi…If you have to concoct something then fake a puncture and ask if she has a pump then go from there? What's the worst that can happen? She'll turn you down kick you in the balls then pepper spray you

    Free Member

    Don't go straight to "would you like to go out with me" thats stalkerish.

    At least say hello a few times, work up to "do you come here often etc".

    And you really should post some pics if you want some help – if you are good looking then hopefully she will be shallow too (who else would want to ask somebody out that they haven't even spoken to ?) and say yes based on looks. If you aren't good looking then you will have to be very witty and original and hope that she isn't a total air head bimbo, voice like a truckie or something, unless of course you like that kind of thing.

    Is this Edinburgh Canal Path you are talking about ?

    Free Member

    Funny, I was thinking of you Houns when I started this thread. Er, and, er, not in that way.

    Free Member

    Doa kind of Tour de France thing and start chalking messages on the road she cycles on.

    Maybe things like "I know where you live" or "I'm behind you" are maybe not your starting point though…

    Free Member

    Yabba yabba, build up etc. Lay the tracks.

    Cut to the chase. She'll want to see if your packing enough and you'll want to know if shes game anyway:

    Link not working- just flash to her.

    Full Member

    And it just so happens that I've passed a girl a few times this week on the bike as she's been riding back from work…I've already spoken to her but she's with someone 😡

    Full Member

    Wait in a bush then as she rides past through this out

    Then offer to fix her puncture

    Full Member

    She'll want to see if your packing enough

    I hestitate but… if this is what I think it means how exactly is it established during the course of a conversation at a set of traffic lights without risking police involvement?

    Free Member

    There is actually no traffic light option on the bit of route that I pass her on, and actually I've only seen her once a week the last few weeks, so building up a rapport probably won't work, unless I get the chalk out…

    Hels, its on the North Edinburgh cycle route, and having a low opinion of myself I'd say I'd need to try the witty option, and I'm not posting pitchers up to let the baying masses decide. I'd consider myself BOBFOC 😀

    Free Member

    I am reliably informed that women go for men who have a sense of humour and also who pay them compliments.

    Start a daily conversation with a compliment. Introduce a joke (I don't know. Try Googling "Jokes that women like" or something).

    If after 3 conversations max, she doesn't want to go on a date, it's not going to happen.

    Which it's not anyway if the "my bf/husband" response was dropped in early.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    I'd consider myself BOBFOC

    What everyone above has said, but do it naked apart from a gimpmask. Will grab her attention and show your best side. 2 wins in one.

    Free Member


    I assume you've already checked for wedding/engagement rings?

    Free Member

    There's a saying round these parts…"shy bairns get nowt" …get in there man.

    You have the perfect opener/icebreaker eg. "Hi, I've seen you a few times and I'll miss this cycle route coz I'm starting a new job next week"

    Hopefully she'll respond and if she doesn't carry on with " do you cycle much outside work?" etc etc.

    If she doesn't start chatting back then she is either not interested, a complete doughnut, or too out of breath to answer (in which case leave well alone as she'll be crap in bed).

    Easy 😉

    Free Member

    I am reliably informed that women go for men who have a sense of humour and also who pay them compliments.

    Put a W on each butt cheek and moon her as she passes.

    Free Member

    Perhaps you could go at it with a more nautral approach, many animals leave an offering of food for a potential mate and back that up with a display of their virility and manliness. As you are based on Scotland perhaps an offering of something deep fried and a firm slap accross the buttocks will intice her?

    Free Member

    Put a W on each butt cheek and moon her as she passes.


    I assume you've already checked for wedding/engagement rings

    Is this after you have rugby-tackled her? Grab her hand hard to check? Abit like fishing? Release her back into the wild if she is married?


    Free Member

    God did i read that bit wrong first time round

    Grab her hand hard to check? Abit like fishing

    replace the h with a t. Thats a sure fire way to get her attention!!

    Free Member

    Spear gun?

    Free Member

    rugby-tackled her

    I was going to suggest a cursory glance. However why not just T-Bone her.

    Free Member

    well we've really built this up so a good opener would be to say "smile" as you take her picture on your mobile and when she asked WTF say it's to show the lads on the forum…

    Full Member

    Soooooo, I'm guessing a lot of you guys are still single, right?

    Full Member

    Soooooo, I'm guessing a lot of you guys are still single, right?

    Well, yeah, but only 'cos my wife left me. What's your point?

    Free Member

    Or again, anyway.

    Free Member

    +1… again.
    So nickc (assuming c = Casanova) how should Kit do it?

    Free Member

    Soooooo, I'm guessing a lot of you guys are still single, right?

    Soooooo, a sense of humour clearly wasn't what your wife/girlfriend saw in you then?

    Free Member

    Personally, I get easily bored with run-of-the-mill consensual relationships. Where's the frisson if you just "meet someone in a pub" or "snog them at the office party"? You don't get any of the build-up, the planning. There's none of the screaming, and the sex is all wishy-washy and "do you mind if I…?"

    Free Member

    [pulls up next to her at junction and smiles winningly]

    "Hi, I see you cycling every morning and I'm developing a crush. Could we go on a date?"

    BTW. We need pictures!

    Free Member

    Personally, I get easily bored with run-of-the-mill consensual relationships. Where's the frisson if you just "meet someone in a pub" or "snog them at the office party"? You don't get any of the build-up, the planning. There's none of the screaming, and the sex is all wishy-washy and "do you mind if I…?"


    Free Member

    Did you really need a smiley on that robdob? Really? 🙄 🙂

    Free Member

    I've just had a horrid horrid horrid yet somewhat hilarious thought…The North Edinburgh Cycle Route you say?

    What bike is it? You see…I can think of a lass I know who cycles along there…and SHE POSTS ON THIS VERY FORUM!!!

    Full Member

    Dun Dun Duuurrrrrrrrrrr

    Free Member

    roadie_in_denial – Member
    I've just had a horrid horrid horrid yet somewhat hilarious thought…The North Edinburgh Cycle Route you say?

    What bike is it? You see…I can think of a lass I know who cycles along there…and SHE POSTS ON THIS VERY FORUM!!!

    so youknow her, so you'll also know if she's a "hottie" too..?? can you confirm this 😆

    Free Member

    I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned. She could be a purveyor of the sapphic arts (lady mountain bikers are like lady tennis players) and therefore you should try 'Are you sure you're gay? Maybe we should make the beast with two backs a couple of times to make sure.' Lesbians love that sort of brash honesty. Afterall, they're only gay because a real man hasn't seen to them yet. These are proper facts by the way. I've seen a lot of californian documentaries on them.

    Alternatively, you could just say 'Hi, my name's Kit. Would you like to get a coffee sometime?'

    Free Member

    I can think of several people that cycle the very same route but dunt mean I fancy them…

    Free Member

    oh and if you or who ever are the hottie – get some pics up so we can see you 🙂

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