kaesae – Member
I’m gonig to go with NO, D’OH!
Simply because he just gave authorisation for a complete stranger to have control over the situation
Not only is he responsible for everything the bigman does after that point, he has also escalated the situation and lost all the control that he had.
Eh? I said nothing at all to do with what happened after
I was replying to your rather rambling post where you said the ‘big man’ should have ‘varifyed’ the ticket for himself. No need, as the conductor has already done so, and given that he is in a position of authority in this situation it is totally reasonably to trust his judgement.
kaesae – Member
I’m sure there will be a lot of mixed feelings and opinions on this matter/incident.
However the bigman did not check the ticket for himself or even attempt to understand what was going on, he looked over checked the size of the guy and then intervened.
Had it been necessary to call the police and had the smaller man/youth tried to leave the scene, then intervention would have been acceptable.
However to act like that, without even varifying the information on the ticket or trying to gain a better understanding of the situation before choosing a course of action, is illogical as well as irrisponsible and can only be applauded by fools.
It is necessary that we come to understand situations before we choose our courses of action, if your parents or culture has not taught you to respect that simple obvious fact, then they have failed to teach you something of great value and importance in life!
I would have to at this point wonder, what else they have failed to teach you
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