It wasn’t the connection (I don’t think)
I have an intermittent issue where Zwift just stops responding and locks up, the only fix is to crash out and restart Zwift.
There doesn’t appear to any rhyme or reason to it.
It has only done it once in the past few months and on that occasion I at least managed to recover the data to add to Strava, not so lucky this time.
I was in contact with Zwift but they were pretty hopeless.
When I first started it was a regular thing, so I upgraded the laptop and it made very little difference.
I then replaced the trainer (for a different issue) and everything seemed OK for a while.
I’m at a loss
I did have to upgrade Zwift before the ride today and didn’t restart the laptop, I’m sure that’s unconnected but something to add to the list!
Next step is another install of Zwift on this laptop and also to try the old laptop again with a fresh install.
I need to try and delete anything that may be cached I guess.
Anyway, fingers crossed for next week!
I really enjoyed it tonight and we were flying 22mins for 10 miles is pretty respectable
Thanks for all the help getting set up tonight.