i asked this on another forum,but would be interested in your thoughts also (excuse my cut/paste)am a lazy sod 😳
what i mean is,what game do you think is the standout candidate for most defining moment in gaming history?
there are plenty of candidates (pong/space invaders/pac man e.t.c).
my choice though would have to go to doom.
i remember seeing wolfenstein (shareware version) back in the early 90’s.i remember my jaw dropping to the floor when i saw it.
it was when i bought a 3do back in 94-95 (it cost me over £400 i think).i bought doom for it (arguably the worst port of the game/the best music though 😉
i was just gobsmacked when i loaded it up for the first time.
“BY THE GODS,THIS IS AWESOME!” i remember saying to myself (i had literally never seen/played anything like it before).
just the 3d game world,the monsters,the weapons 😉
and then watching the monsters fighting among themselves when one monster accidentally hit another one (fantastic 🙂
the chainsaw
AND THE B.F.G 🙂 oh yeah baby!
i have to admit that doom has left it’s indelible mark on me forever since that first time i played it.
i believe that it is my most important game in history for a few reasons.
1. you could actually see where gaming technology was heading for the first time (a fully 3d world almost 😉 i know that there were previous 3d games made (driller on c64 for example) but it was the first time that it seemed to work properly,feel cohesive.
2.it was VERY addictive (just one more power up/got to see what the next level/monster/weapon is).
3.as said above the monsters actually fighting among themselves (i cannot think of any game before/since that has also done that/i may be wrong though?)
4.the weapons (b.f.g/berserk power up/chainsaw 😉 every weapon in the game felt t good to use/each weapon had a different strategy for use.
5. perhaps the most important reason.it was easy to pick up and play.you could give the controller to anyone,and within a few minutes,they would be able to get the hang of it.
so there’s my 50p worth as to my vote.
would be interested as to what your vote would go to 🙂