I tried to reply to your PM, but something is on the blink. Seeing as how I am not someone who posts one thing publicly and another privately, I might as well post it here:
I agree partly. Absolutely no way should any be ‘got after’ on the basis of sexuality or race etc. ‘Ruin life’ is a bit strong, and I doubt a STW ban is going to ruin anyone’s life.
Getting a ribbing for doing and saying things that make you look daft is, as far as I am concerned, fair enough. Judge people by their actions. Hopefully you will have the self awareness to read back some of your stuff on here, and realise you were likely to get ribbed.
For what it is worth, I am not homophobic. Many years ago, I had a gay housemate and I have several work colleagues and more than one friend who is gay. They are taken at face value, just like anyone else. I also know a few gay people who I don’t get along with, but that is a personality/actions thing. Sexuality just isn’t an issue for me.
Hope that clears things up.