This bike looks mighty appealing but I am a bit concerned by the big jump between the 54 and the 57 frames.
I have a 54 croix de fer with an inline seatpost and a 100mm stem with a couple of spacers and a -5 degree drop and Salsa Cowbell 2 bars.
The bike is fun and I like the fit apart from it being slightly too crampt in the drops, so I am changing the stem to 110mm.
I maybe could have got away with a 56cm Croix, but my 56 Genesis Equilibrium is I feel a little large and I changed the stem from 110mm to 100mm and put some bars on with less reach.
The Tripster size charts say a 57 frame for me at 178cm (5ft 10), which on the face of it seems pretty large, and I see a few people of that size with the 54 frame. And my 54cm cdf is on the playful edge of small so I wouldn’t want to go any smaller.
Maybe I should just get the stainless croix to be safe, or even a Shand Stoater FT for fat tire ability ?