Home Forums Bike Forum STW Zwift Autumn Race Series 1

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  • STW Zwift Autumn Race Series 1
  • oopnorth
    Free Member

    Don’t think I’ll be racing tonight, woke up feeling rough, jumped on the bike to spin the legs and I had no energy, felt empty. So I binned it.

    Think I need a few days off, a lot going on with 70% redundancies at work which isn’t helping. I definitely don’t have the energy to keep up with you lot! Maybe some time off will get the fire back.

    I’ll see how I feel later and if I dont ride I’ll see if I can watch live.

    Free Member

    Remember race to the blue banner – the meetup distance countdown is accurate in this respect – it is just under the level indicator bar. As I have to plug in the distance it may not correspond with the actual banner which is typical on the Volcano circuit.

    Race start – neutralised as below but more time to congregate this week. I will say go at some point between entering the volcano but before the line so be ready. Congregate on the beacon prior to this (I may be behind you based on last week!)

    STW Series Rules/Information

    1. This is a handicap race series. The race will be a mass start with the handicap applied to the results at the end of the race. Your handicap can be found at link a few posts back.
    2. Any bike is allowed – choose what you think best suits the course. Also wear what kit you want. Traditionally we have worn the bumblebee for Zwift meetups on STW so if you are unsure that would be a good choice.

    3. Race starts – as the meetup function is being used we will have a rolling neutralised start. Once the meetup starts I will gently pedal at about 100W. You should adjust your position to congregate on me (I will be very visible with a bright yellow beacon if you haven’t used the meetup function before). As soon as everyone is in a swarm/peloton I will type GO GO GO which will appear across everyone’s screen – then race how you want!

    4. Race finish – the race ends when you cross the blue banner. Make sure you race until the blue banner not any other finish lines/sprint line etc on course. Because meetup view is being used this may be a few hundred metres past a sprint line or similar. It is clearly visible on both the map, the distance countdown on the top bar and in view on the screen. Once you finish you will get a results screen displayed. Once this happens you can choose to leave the game, cool down etc. I will stop short of the race finish to remain in the game (my time isn’t counted anyway to any points finish) and provide encouragement and ensure everyone gets across the line (I might just be last anyway!).

    5. Results – I will publish the results on the forum within an hour or so of everyone finishing. There will be the overall results. Top 3 from A, B, C and D and then the handicapped results. Points for the series title (and prizes) will be based on the handicapped results. Zwift Cats are based on the cats from Zwift and the FTP and weight you provided me so might not match historical data in ZP etc.

    6. Points – points will be awarded for 1st through to 30th so the series will award consistency and hopefully give everyone an opportunity to score results.

    7. In game comms – It is a meetup so only messages sent in the race will be seen. I will prob type some messages etc and reminders for encouragement during the race but feel free to join in with any banter, let us know you have fallen of your turbo, the cat has run through the spinning rear wheel and got its tail caught in the chain, you need another frozen sausage etc!!


    Full Member

    Awwwww mate, i enjoy racing you ! GWS and recover well.

    Full Member


    Just a reminder that you have the option to thank Robbo by donating to a good cause – if everyone riding tonight donates just £1 we’ll hit the £200 target.

    Free Member

    You can be official event photographer if you want @oop north?

    Surf the wheels using the companion app and get some decent angles of the bunches etc using the photo button at the bottom of the screen. You get a clean (hudless) image and one with the hud on.

    Hope you get your mojo back soon!

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that Craig. We all need a bit of time off every now and again, [crikey I take more time off than on I think]. It’ll do you good to have a rest day or two and to get out side and clear your head in the fresh air whilst that strange yellow thing is in the sky.

    Free Member

    Well today just got a hell of a lot better!! I got a call earlier to say I won the Dreambike weekly competition in last nights draw…whoop!!! Won the Exposure light bundle, a sixpack, a diablo and a blaze…how cool is that!! I think these lights will be worth more than my bike haha!

    Never won anything before, so I’m buzzing!

    Free Member

    And thanks guys, just need a rest this week as I’ve run myself down, I’ll definitely be back for the next one.

    Free Member

    Good news mate – Cant believe how bright your paincave is going to be 🙂

    Free Member

    Do all 6 races count in the series?

    If it was only best 5 then I reckon many more folks would have a final position. That said probably a pain in the ass to work out scores at the end.

    Free Member

    If it was only best 5 then I reckon many more folks would have a final position

    I’m quite happy with my final placing being “joint last” as opposed to just “dead last” thank you!

    Full Member

    So what’s your hopes, aims and goals for tonight then fellas ?

    I’m currently lacking in form, but my target for today is to get in the points and not lose pace in the last 1/3 of the race. This will mean i potentially have to pace myself better than usual and not realistically chasing the guys i wish i could stay with on my best days. But also i don’t want to let a fast bunch go i can potentially be dragged along by.

    I think the first 3 mins will make or break rides for people depeneding on how well they get the start with Robbo calling it.

    Full Member

    But also i don’t want to let a fast bunch go i can potentially be dragged along by.

    I think the first 3 mins will make or break rides for people depeneding on how well they get the start with Robbo calling it.

    this! Got it right on Race 1, way wrong on Race 2 😭 Looking forward to it though, think it’s going to be fun with all those power-ups, they could be a significant factor! Hopefully get lucky and score 10 aeros 😂 Probably just get 10 lots of bonus points though 🤣🤣

    Full Member

    PUs around here play a massive factor i agree. I need 10 feathers.

    I did realise though it’s clockwise…. Which changes the dynamics a bit for sure, it means we go up the S bend and the run to the line is less steep and more gradual than the CCW route.

    Full Member

    I did realise though it’s clockwise

    Didn’t notice that, more attack opportunities :D.

    Full Member

    So what’s your hopes, aims and goals for tonight then fellas ?

    Pedal like stink out of the gate, hang on for grim death and hope I get a better spin of the dice on PU than yesterday (5xXPs in an 8 lap crit race and 4 of them on the last 4 laps).

    It’s a good circuit for me in theory and I seem to be doing Ok just now. Handicap is favourable too so I’m hoping to be able to hang with the group around 300W. Positioning on the 2 minor rises will be key today I think.

    Free Member

    So what’s your hopes,

    To actually manage to get on the bike, as I can’t lean it over on the turbo I think that’s the biggest challenge for me this evening.


    The same thing we do every night weeksy, try to take over the world.

    To get clear enough of the rest of you lot that after I fall off the front group I’m not swallowed by the chase like race 1.

    and goals for tonight then fellas ?

    To put a point on the board

    Full Member

    So what’s your hopes, aims and goals for tonight then fellas ?

    Being realistic to get more points than last week and finish ahead of the others with the same handicap.

    Free Member

    So it’s the volcano circuit clockwork we are racing on yeah? I may do a lap as my warm up as I have no idea what the route is like

    How do you use power ups, never bothered with them before. I assume you can’t store them up and use when required by toggling between them..ie you only have one for use at any one time right?

    As with any zwift flat race it’ll all come down to the start. Goal is to not get caught behind a split in the group in first mile which is what usually happens to me. If I can manage that then I’m hoping for a top 10 finish.

    Free Member

    How do you use power ups

    There’s a button on the map screen on companion (android at least) or space bar Iirc. Regrettably though there are no red shells just lots of “+” so I don’t think it makes much odds.

    Full Member

    @tpbiker You can only hold one at once though it you are using it as you cross the line you will get a new one once the activated one expires. You can store the one you have for as long as you like but you will not get any more. You can also throw it away if you want (though in reality this is pointless unless its one that effects others and its a team event). To activate click the power up icon onscreen or via the companion app.

    Free Member

    looking forward to tonight. Stupid question from someone who is rubbish, but when you fall off the back of one group (assuming you cant get back and are not dead last) are you better to
    ease up and wait to join the following group or soldier on without any draft. it feels like being 40 love down in tennis (i was crap at that to!)

    Full Member

    Don’t kill yourself but keep going. Depends what the gap is like to the group behind and if you think you can stay away solo for the remainder of the race. Remember to ramp the power up before they catch so (e.g. when a few seconds/50m or so back). The catching group will be quicker and if you don’t build your speed up they can blow right past you.

    Full Member

    are you better to
    ease up and wait to join the following group or soldier on without any draft.

    It’ll depend where you are, the size of the gap back and whether you are confident you can hold the group. Early doors and small gap I’d probably drop back. Late on I’d keep on pushing unless it’s clear you’re getting caught before the finish line.

    Full Member

    I’d say a bit of both previous answers:
    1) Assess if the group behind is close/fast enough to catch you before the end. Monitor the time gap vs rate of being caught vs distance to the end.
    2) If they will catch you then drop back to a recovery pace until they close on you. You are better spending lots of time in the chase group rather than some of the time out front.
    3) As Nixie says, go hard as they get into the last 50m behind you, so they don’t drop you.

    Free Member

    volcano circuit clockwork

    I meant are going clockwise..or anti clockwise?

    Free Member

    thanks – let’s hope i can put the new tactics into action and do better than 3rd in Group D tonight

    Full Member

    Goals for tonight eh…
    A nice long leg stretch warm up…. spank it out the gate (well..”go” phrase), then to try to stick with a fast group, use their draft, not fall out the back, and get round without blowing up.

    If I do lose the pack, it’s game over as I can’t maintain >300w on the flat, solo, for too long!


    Free Member

    @jaminb regardless of which tactic you choose bear in mind that the time gap can be utterly nonsense as per a few folks earlier in this thread so it’s entirely possible you’ll be caught by a bunch which should be noticeably behind (or indeed well in front).

    The result being the gap per se isn’t important, it’s the rate of change that you need to pay attention to so you need to do a bit of basic calculus on the fly.

    If you can do that obviously you should be pedaling harder instead.

    Full Member

    ^^ look at the map, not the list, as this’ll show where people actually are in relation to you…


    Full Member

    I’ll be doing my usual mash the pedals until near death, with minimal finess or tactics. I also plan to activate the wrong power up at the wrong time as per normal.
    If the trainer craps out for 35 secs again I will not be amused.

    Free Member

    hoping for a good start,catch a wheel or two and a power up other than + which I seemed to only get in the last race. Wheres a feather when you need one.

    failing that the torpedo which as you racing around the track with no input would be good

    Free Member

    ^^ look at the map, not the list, as this’ll show where people actually are in relation to you…

    But we’re racing in circles. That hurts my brain. I guess thats why you’re a Dr and I’m not.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    So what’s your hopes, aims and goals for tonight then fellas ?

    Not quite sure what to do for the best to be honest.
    I know there is lots of talk of going fast out of the gate & hanging on for grim death, but I struggle to hang on when going as hard as possible. Then I drop off the group & have run out of puff.

    Last week, I just went as hard as I could for as long as I could. I think this one will be different, as it might be possible to tag-along with lapping riders.

    It’s gonna be a warm one, that’s for sure and I’ve had to come in to work today. Plan to leave at around 4:30 – home for just before 5:30.
    Jump on turbo by around 7pm for a decent warm-up. I felt much stronger out of the blocks for race 2 where I had a good warm-up, than race 1 where I had about 6 mins of spinning.

    Full Member

    But we’re racing in circles. That hurts my brain. I guess thats why you’re a Dr and I’m not.

    Ah.. i mean “if you want to know when the group behind you is nearly upon you, look at the map”!


    Free Member

    Well my tactical considerations for tonight have far outstripped any previous efforts.

    I’ve borrowed another fan from the office.

    Full Member

    i REALLY benefited from having a second, decent fan…



    Free Member

    If you are hoping to grab a lapping group as they pass, you can also swap your view to head on, so you can see the relative speed and length of the group as they approach from behind – you need to ramp up in plenty of time, because as they pass, if you get it slightly wrong it hurts to catch up.

    Full Member

    First race in the series for me tonight so I’m going to see how it goes.
    Hoping for a mid table finish but will be happy to complete the 8 laps then another 2 for the 10 lap badge thing.

    Full Member

    Good luck Rick, what’s your FTP/weight?

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