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  • Stop with the leg tattoos already
  • Rockape63
    Free Member

    Think about it a bit more.

    Hmmm…I just did and still think Oldgit is spot on!

    As for ‘awesomeness’ mmwwaahahahaha! 😆

    Free Member

    You know I had no idea that people still got so worked up about tattoos

    i know surprising isn’t it. but then some people are still shocked by same sex or mixed race couples and nudity on the television.

    Full Member

    I do quite fancy getting one of those M tattoos. (Not that I’ve done an Ironman, obviously.) They exude awesomeness and would make even me utterly more attractive.

    I’ve got two and I can’t even swim!

    Free Member

    So if I can swim, but not very well. How many am I allowed?

    Free Member

    Emsz dear – Being so full of holes, do you ever inadvertently leak?

    No, but she never loses her car keys… :p

    I hate tattoos, I make no secret of it, but the thing I hate most is the self-righteous indignation of the inked when you pass an opinion on it.

    For god’s sake, you had a tattoo as some sort of self-expression. An expression is useless if it falls on deaf ears.

    So, for the record, my opinion of all tattoos: Chavvy. Cheap, chavvy, short-sighted, foolish chaviness by attention seaking, chavvy chavs hell-bent on confrontation.

    Free Member

    And my opinion of you is.. not printable 🙂

    Full Member

    shibby you so obviously have ink-envy, just summon up the courage to get one done yourself

    although with your own levels of self-righteous indignation at the ‘self-righteous indignation of the inked when you pass an opinion on them’
    you might become a bit conflicted and enter some kind of paradox where you are so bigoted that your head becomes metaphorically trapped in your anus and exist in some kind of perpetual ouroboros loop

    Free Member

    what I apsire to is be a normal and bland as oldgit and the usuall trolly little gimps and then I too can live in a perpetual state of bored frustrating middle rage(which is totally fine and perfectly acceptle way to be and in no way meant as a personal or derogatory statement about the un-inked)

    Have you considered rebelling in a edgy yet conformist way with say dreds and/or tats [ tribal of course]…..obviously I am not having a dig and saying you are a rebelling in a bog standard conformist way for you , and everyone just like you, are unique

    Works both ways dude the healthy attitude is to not care

    Full Member

    Have you considered rebelling in a edgy yet conformist way with say dreds and/or tats [ tribal of course]

    kimbers runs and hides

    Free Member

    Kimbers, I’m struggling to contain my self-righteous indignation at your self-righteous indignation at my self-righteous indignation at the inked classes.

    I have beautiful, flawless skin… It would be a tragedy to deface it with some hackneyed clip-art.

    Which reminds me, wasn’t someone going to show us the hackneyed clip-art that he’s designed himself over a 24 year period?

    24 years… I certainly wouldn’t give him a job – and not just because he’s tattooed… I’ve designed several things so far today and it’s only just afternoon brew time.

    Free Member

    It would be a tragedy to deface it with some hackneyed clip-art.

    You are aware that not all tattoos are clip art, aren’t you?

    Free Member

    I’ve designed photocopied several things so far today and it’s only just afternoon brew time.

    Free Member

    You are aware that not all tattoos are clip art, aren’t you?

    Durrr… Of course… Some are bespoke, designed and displayed by jeniuses…

    Free Member

    hell-bent on confrontation.

    We cannot all be the bringers of peace and harmony that you are 😛

    just summon up the courage to get one done yourself

    **** written across his face so that its not just those of us on the internet who know 😉

    FWIW just sat here reading this months Skin Deep
    there really are some good tats out there as well as some bad ones…just like photocopiers designers

    Free Member

    How about I have some apostrophes tattooed, so Junkyard can borrow them as his keyboard clearly lacks a key… 🙄

    Free Member

    Surely that should be “apostrophe’s”

    Free Member

    Maybe in Junkyard’s weird and wonderful world…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Call me old fashioned, but I prefer people to be educated.

    … Which, ironically, raises an interesting point. If you look at a cross section of successful people, the most intelligent don’t usually have tattoos.

    Of course, there are your David Beckhams – successful primarily for kicking a ball and pouting, but your Bransons, Hawkins etc are largely ink-free. Funny that, innit.

    Full Member

    the most intelligent don’t usually have tattoos.

    I’m assuming you’re covered in them from head to toe…

    Free Member

    If you look at a cross section of successful people, the most intelligent don’t usually have tattoos.

    Though equally, the most intelligent don’t look at single characteristics and make leaps of assumption to come to conclusions about a link.

    Full Member

    If you look at a cross section of successful people, the most intelligent don’t usually have visible tattoos.


    Free Member

    I prefer people not to be judgemental idiots…we cannot get what we want apparently

    Wow mocking me for grammar ….your so original and funny ..have you considered stand up?

    Free Member

    Though equally, the most intelligent don’t look at single characteristics and make leaps of assumption to come to conclusions about a link.

    No, but the most intelligent know that if it looks like a dog and barks like a dog, it’s probably a dog. 🙄

    your so original and funny ..have you considered stand up?

    My so original and funny what? Oh, did you mean “you’re”??

    Pass me my rifle…

    Free Member

    Only if you promise to use it on yourself 😛

    Free Member

    We should sticky any Tat thread. This subject pops up once a month without fail, we could all refer to threads previous and attitudes towards them too.

    Only Tat I’ve seem that made me “wow” inside was one of an Indian Chieftains head, complete with headress on a friend of my Mothers. He wore roll neck jumpers all year round and one day I mentioned it to him, to which he lifted his top up and there it was on his chest… a massive Indians head.

    He said ” I had it done years ago, now I wish I hadn’t”

    Thats the only thing I think of when I see one.

    Your body, your choice.

    Free Member

    I like tattoo threads, they help galvanise my opinion that tattooed people are easier to outwit. 😉

    Off to ride my bike now :p

    Free Member

    Please, not this hackneyed old cliche again Shibboleth. It’s actually pretty simple – some people with tattoos are a bit dense, and guess what? Some without them are as well. You have a well documented history of stating you wouldn’t employ anyone with tattoos. Exactly how long a queue of people do you have wanting to work for you anyway?
    And finally, though I feel a bit uncomfortable doing this, I’m a charge nurse on a busy acute psychiatric unit, a job for which you have to have a certain level of intelligence, and I’ve got a fair number of tattoos. My wife is a senior lecturer at a large university, and guess what? She has tattoos. Of course, you’re entitled to your opinions, but at least try and base them on something more than your own petty little prejudices.

    Full Member

    they help galvanise my opinion that tattooed people are easier to outwit

    Do you take anything positive away from these threads? Just seems an exercise in you trying to wind people up most of the time and then feigning delight when it works.

    Full Member

    Only Tat I’ve seem that made me “wow” inside was

    that woman that had had a double complete mastectomy, and had impressive art put back on. may have been real, may have been ‘shopped. think facebook banned the image for breaking rules about nudity.

    most of the rest… i think there’s a w missing from “tat”.

    sure it’s your body, do what you like to it, but if it’s “art” on display then expect others to appreciate or dislike it. especially so when it’s on the back where the owner can’t see it without use of mirrors and contortion.

    Free Member

    Just seems an exercise in you trying to wind people up most of the time and then feigning delight when it works.

    I am not sure it works and he seems to get beaten most time from what I see. IMHO he is too stupid and smug to either realise or care

    Its rather ironic that he come here to insult others though for lacking class and other qualities ….oh the ironing

    Free Member

    I haven’t seen Shibboleth outwit anyone yet.

    He’s certainly just trolling though.

    Free Member

    ive got an 853 PA and a surgical steel PA

    i might now get the 853 PA’s headtube badge, tattooed on my right calf.

    mike, wanna have your babies.

    Full Member

    my opinion of all tattoos: Chavvy. Cheap, chavvy, short-sighted, foolish chaviness by attention seaking, chavvy chavs hell-bent on confrontation.

    Thanks for that. Don’t think anyone was asking. And it’s too easy to disprove, but as bertie bassett says, it takes all sorts.

    Free Member

    degree, several professional qualifications, very successful at work (though tbf its not that hard to be :mrgreen: )and getting a full sleeve, hopefully, finished next month…. what’s his point again?? why oh why if it winds him up soooo much does he keep coming onto these threads and being as much of a tit? . this is probably the first and only time I will directly type anything to mr (?) Shibboleth. Please leave these threads alone. so you don’t like tattoos, so some people do. live and let bloody live and stop being a stupid arris when it comes to peoples choices.

    Free Member

    ‘hey an Ironman finisher, which one did you do?’

    Could have just been displaying his favourite tipple?

    Free Member



    Deary me…

    Free Member

    Shibboleth. Please leave these threads alone. so you don’t like tattoos, so some people do. live and let bloody live and stop being a stupid arris when it comes to peoples choices.

    Daftvader. How apt. I may have got the wrong end of the stick completely, but isn’t this a thread about not liking tattoos?

    And isn’t this a forum where people contribute with opinions and ideas for the purpose of debate?

    So on what basis, exactly, do you think you’re in a position to ask me not to post?

    Who said the tattooed weren’t easy to outwit?? 🙄

    Free Member

    Why do you think all tattooed pepole are the same.

    Oh wait you know what, don’t bother. Must not feed obvious troll.

    Free Member

    Why do you think all tattooed pepole are the same.

    They share a lot of similar characteristics. They have lots of different ones, but they share a lot. This allows me to form an opinion based on my opinion of people with those characteristics, and I’m perfectly entitled to do so.

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