Home Forums Chat Forum Stop with the leg tattoos already

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  • Stop with the leg tattoos already
  • _tom_
    Free Member

    No but trousers can chafe and irritate a fresh tattoo which feels a bit like sunburn so shorts are preferable. Plus the advice was to put bepanthen on so its better not getting that greasy mess all over your trousers.

    Free Member

    My mate is half way through getting an ankle to neck “Tree of Life” tat. Now he wears shoes with no socks and the trousers rolled up all the time. It looks awful, I feel sorry for him as he is clearly seeking validation from everyone.

    Saw someone in Edniburgh recently who had a fried egg on toast tattoo, on his forehead 😯 . He was not the kind of guy you would laugh at or challenge over it IYKWIM!

    Free Member

    D’you get cross about what colour their hair is, or the type of clothes someone is wearing as well?

    Odd thing to be upset about

    Free Member

    I quite like my leg tattoo. It is on my leg, so I tend to regard other people getting worked up about it as borderline absurd.


    Full Member

    Odd thing to be upset about

    Not really and it’s nothing new. There is a symbiotic relationship between non-conformist behaviour and people irked by said non conformism. If no one gave a ****, it would defeat the whole point of such things eg garish tattoos, punk dress etc etc.

    Full Member

    I passed a chap fishing on the canal once with a completely tattoed head and it occured to me that if you’re keen to avoid work and claim benefits that’d be a great place for a tat. You can imagine him at his job seekers allowance meeting
    ‘well I’ve been to 3 job interviews this week and unfortunately I didn’t get the job, can’t think why, oh well I guess I’ll go fishing down the canal, byyeeee’

    Free Member

    it’s so funny that people feel it is acceptable to tell others how to live their lives.
    I have a piece of design on my leg, it took me 24 years to design the tattoo that i’d be happy with. It is an incredibly personal design to me, it is a combination of the people that I love the hospital and people that got me back to health, the idea of surf, being in the waves and the sea and the feeling of being free but also the book by yvon chounaird, the turner symbol not just because I ride a turner (dur!) but for the people i ride the turner with and the places it has taken me and the dragon. Now the dragon is a double pronged thing, it is the passion of the welsh (i’m not but much of my family is) and the beautiful countryside i know and love, but it’s also the beast which is cancer and the pain and suffering it can cause and how it nearly got me but didn’t.
    So if you’d like me to cover it up the i’m sorry but tough, it is part of me, it means an incredible amount to me and when all is said and done we make choices. I’m happy with mine and i’m not asking you to like it but I am asking you to think about your sweeping statements.
    if you’re offended by tattoo’s or cancer charities please don’t click here

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    Full Member

    Just been to see my tattoo design which is happening on Saturday. Can’t wait to offend the moral high ground brigade…

    Free Member

    lets have a look boardin

    Free Member

    There is nothing in my life, whether views, beliefs, desires, objects etc which are sufficiently constant for me to want to get it tattooed on me.

    Other than my mum perhaps 🙂

    I need inspiration…

    Full Member

    I’ve got a full back tattoo of Benny Hill being chased by a gaggle of nurses

    Full Member

    it’s so funny that people feel it is acceptable to tell others how to live their lives.

    It’s only people’s opinions. I wouldn’t dream of telling someone they shouldn’t have a tattoo. But, I do find them generally really ugly.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a full back tattoo of Benny Hill being chased by a gaggle of nurses

    Well that’s what you asked them to draw.

    What you actually got was a huge picture of Hora, naked.

    Full Member

    *Throws-up over laptop*

    Full Member

    Given the ubiquity of tattoos these days, it does seem to be a remarkably odd thing to give much of a toss about on other people.

    The days of tats automatically signifying some sort of life event, membership or rebellion (prison, military service, Hell’s Angels, anarchist punks, etc etc) are long gone. Old Jimmy Satan might well be sporting ink from when he first killed and ate someone, but you’re just as likely to see our Chardonnay with a picture of Gary Barlow on her midriff.

    In the normalising stakes, tattoos are almost on a par with earrings these days. We don’t get many forum threads going “oh my god, I saw a girl the other day who had actually had holes surgically punched in her ears so that she could wear some crappy jewellery, what’s that all about?!”

    Full Member

    God don’t get me started on body piercing.

    Full Member

    My full back tattoo of Hora, naked, has a Prince Albert

    Free Member

    they are just dull.
    ‘show us your tattoo’ threads are just like show us your inbred threads, only of interest to those who have them, the details are slightly different but essentially its the same dull steel hard tail/drawing on your body.

    Full Member

    My full back tattoo of Hora, naked, has a Prince Albert

    That must be painful leaning back in a chair?

    Free Member

    Just stop please, the garbage on people calves ruined my HONC

    The guy dressed in full red & white Specialized kit with big red S tattoo on his calf was ace! Specially cos he was riding a Scott :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    they are just dull.

    You calling my inked portrait of Hora naked, complete with piercings, Boring?

    I’ll have you know, its a thing of beauty

    Free Member

    we cannot all be the scintillating bringer of joy that you are Mr Smith

    Who cares what folk do their bodies

    Some of them adorn them with all sorts of stuff iw ould not – including clothes
    WTF has it got to do with me

    Some tats are great some are shit …just like clothes or STW posters or anything else in life

    Full Member

    nickc – Member
    Other people’s decorations spoiled your day?

    1. Seriously, get over yourself
    2. Stop worrying about it, you’ll have a heart attack

    As it happens, the only comments about mine have been from people, usually female, who were interested in the designs.
    anyone who doesn’t like them can, quite frankly, go and do one.
    I will be adding at least one more, which I already have a design for, just as soon as I’ve got the spare £75-80 available.

    Free Member

    Swayze/Horse (of course)

    Free Member

    Who cares what folk do their bodies

    not me! far more important things to give a toss about. just find it amusing how some people like to show them off at the merest suggestion of a bit of sun but if they didn’t have the grim tat they wouldn’t wear the shorts/off the shoulder/short sleeves. ooh look at me all edgy with my tribal tat from my gap year like it’s some kind of individual statement only it’s doesn’t convey to other people their individualism. quite the opposite.

    nearly as funny as the old guys hanging out with other cool old guys with tattoos pic the inked like to roll out as some kind of justification for their ‘individualism’ i just see old people with a small pension bored at the thought of impending death but hey they get to hang out with other likeminded people with tattoo’s! how cool is that!

    Free Member

    mind you if they are real sailors tattoos they probably have some some stories to tell but then those tattoos dont make them any more awesome and they could quite happily relive those halcyon days with their shirts on especially as old people feel the cold more.

    Free Member

    I passed a chap fishing on the canal once with a completely tattoed head and it occured to me that if you’re keen to avoid work and claim benefits that’d be a great place for a tat. You can imagine him at his job seekers allowance meeting
    ‘well I’ve been to 3 job interviews this week and unfortunately I didn’t get the job, can’t think why, oh well I guess I’ll go fishing down the canal, byyeeee’

    Hehe, indeed. Although these days it’d be enough to just grow a massive beard. When I first signed on back in the day I was always being told to ‘get a haircut’ etc. Don’t think they’re allowed to say things like that anymore due to discrimination laws. Which is nice.

    Free Member

    I do quite fancy getting one of those M tattoos. (Not that I’ve done an Ironman, obviously.) They exude awesomeness and would make even me utterly more attractive.

    Free Member

    “Oldgit” – is it too late to say grow up?

    I dont have a tattoo, but i feel that if the person got it then let it be..

    jees life is too short..

    Free Member

    God don’t get me started on body piercing.

    I’ve got 13 or so at my last count. Most in my ears that I mostly don’t use, but a nose stud, (in today) belly button ( not in) and left nip (mostly stays in)

    Full Member

    Emsz dear – Being so full of holes, do you ever inadvertently leak?

    Full Member

    not me! far more important things to give a toss about. just find it amusing how some people like to show them off at the merest suggestion of a bit of sun but if they didn’t have the grim tat they wouldn’t wear the shorts/off the shoulder/short sleeves

    Most of mine are down my forearms, so at the slightest hint of sun I’m wearing a tee shirt, so mine are on view all the time.
    Tough. And I find it amusing that, despite protestations to the contrary, you do seem more than a little bothered by people who display their body art.

    Free Member

    Like in the cartoons when they’ve shot? 😆

    Free Member

    ooh look at me all edgy

    Irony alert!

    Anyway it seems to ne that what you don’t like isn’t tattoing, it’s show off wannabe hipsters. Fair enough , but not every tattooed person is a showoff wannabe hipster, and not every showoff wannabe hipster has tattoos. Think about it a bit more.

    Free Member

    How can something be full of holes?

    Free Member

    You know I had no idea that people still got so worked up about tattoos. Sadly it looks like I’ll have to delay getting my first one done so I’ll not be annoying anyone anytime soon.

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    Full Member

    Tattoos are grim and worn by attention seeking dullards……but strangely ones that seem happy in themselves and are more tolerant of others and most of the tattooed fools I know all seem to be very successful in their chosen carreers and manage to appreciate a work life balance. what I apsire to is be a normal and bland as oldgit and the usuall trolly little gimps and then I too can live in a perpetual state of bored frustrating middle rage(which is totally fine and perfectly acceptle way to be and in no way meant as a personal or derogatory statement about the un-inked)

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