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  • Stop with the leg tattoos already
  • Cougar
    Full Member


    And isn’t this a forum where people contribute with opinions and ideas for the purpose of debate?

    It is. However,

    Site Terms & Conditions

    See “Negative use of the forum”. Including, but not limited to:

    [list][*]If your posts are persistently argumentative we will consider that a negative use of our forum.
    [*]If you resort to abuse of other forum users we will consider that a negative use of our forum.[/*][/list]

    Ie, stop goading people to try and provoke a reaction, and quit with the ad hominem.


    Free Member

    Shib the attention seeker seeks attention shocker 😆

    Free Member

    Wish I hadn’t said anything 😕

    I’d like something bike related to balance up the tats on my back, years ago I was going to get something 24 hour solo related, but I don’t do them anymore and my tastes have changed. Still I’d like something to mark all the years I’ve been racing bikes.
    Everything I have is family stuff.

    Free Member

    Laughing my tattooed arse off! 😆

    Free Member

    Eyes, mouth, nose, ears?

    Free Member

    …. head, shoulders, knees and toes! Knees and toes….

    Sorry, got carried away

    Free Member

    If you resort to abuse of other forum users we will consider that a negative use of our forum.

    Does that mean calling Shibboleth a bellend would be frowned upon?

    Free Member

    it is a request pure and simple. I said nothing about outwitting. you seem offended by tattoos, and yet when these threads come up still deliberately post on them and bait people into arguing. it was a polite request that you as a forum contributor refrain from posting on these threads as, instead of polite debate, you seem to delight in offending. I understand the dislike of tattoos on an intellectual level, however you seem unable to take an intellectual stance and stick with derogatory and inflammatory comments. this is just my opinion and as such, being one of the disgustingly chavvy, ill informed, tattooed halfwits I expect you will ignore it and you will continue to try and inflame these threads as and when they come up.

    Full Member

    Shibboleth – Member
    Why do you think all tattooed pepole people are the same.

    They share a lot of similar characteristics. They have lots of different ones, but they share a lot. This allows me to form an opinion based on my opinion of people with those characteristics, and I’m perfectly entitled to do so.
    I’d really rather like to know precisely what those characteristics are, and how large a sample you took of the UK’s population in order to arrive at your conclusion.
    Because it’s certainly been my experience that the variation in character and personality of those with tattoos exactly equals those of the non-tattooed population.
    It’s good to know, however, that you wouldn’t employ someone with tattoos, because I certainly wouldn’t want to work for an opinionated, prejudiced jackass like you.
    I hope that you also employ a good proofreader, ‘cos I’d hate to entrust someone with your spelling capabilities with an important job.

    Free Member

    From reading this thread I have learnt that non tattooed people are very clever and tattooed people are stupid and on drugs. But who can ride a bicycle fastest?

    Free Member

    Oh dear countzero, the spelling error you’ve highlighted in an attempt to discredit me was a quote from someone else! Silly billy!

    In my experience, the tattooed classes typically share the following characteristics:

    – A certain naïveté and badly formed sense of style and taste
    – a very short-sighted attitude
    – a propensity to adopt a rather immature “two-fingers” attitude to society
    – a desperate need to feel part of a niche
    – an alarming lack of originality and a sheep-like mentality
    – high levels of narcissism and pretentiousness

    I hope this answers the questions posed to me in sufficient detail and stimulates sensible debate. 😀

    Full Member

    [Quote]a very short-sighted attitude[/quote]

    Free Member

    Still unable to stop yourself then Shib?

    Free Member

    D’ya think Bob? I know so many people that have had tats removed, or bitterly regret having them done. I’d say it’s the absolute definition if short-sightedness to have a very permanent body modification made without considering that you might regret it in only a few short years.

    So maybe you’d like to expand on your opinion?

    Full Member

    In my experience

    How do you know if someone has a tattoo?
    If you interviewed someone, I guess they’d be fully clothed?
    How do you know if they have or don’t have a tattoo?

    Surely this blows your theory completely out of the water.

    Free Member

    You see Richmars, your problem is that you don’t understand the difference between a theory and an opinion.

    Full Member

    I bow to your amazing internet skills. You are surely a giant of the internet, we are not worthy.

    Free Member

    a propensity to adopt a rather immature “two-fingers” attitude to society

    If only they could take your approach to peaceful conflict resolution and always looking for the common ground between people 😉
    I cannot be bothered doing the irony meter again

    I’d say it’s the absolute definition if short-sightedness to have a very permanent body modification made

    C’mon fella you know what you think of that sort of grave error 😛

    your problem is that you don’t understand the difference between a theory and an opinion.

    He is not alone is he
    It is a hypothesis FWIW but it is also your opinion as I assume you have not proved it via standard scientific rigour

    Free Member

    Shibboleth , whatever your thoughts are ,they are your opinions and not fact …anyone can pick apart anyone’s style ,look or personality .why would anyone need to ?

    Free Member

    I know so many people that have had tats removed, or bitterly regret having them done.

    And I know a lot more who have done neither. What’s your point caller?

    Free Member

    Think i’m going to get MY MORAL COMPASS IS CALIBRATED tattooed on my forehead.

    Free Member

    why would anyone need to ?

    Well, for the purposes of giving them a job, working out whether they possess good judgement, etc etc etc.

    You’re all very quick to judge me on the basis of what you read on an Internet forum, but for some reason you feel I shouldn’t be allowed to judge people on the way the deface their skin. Bit weird, don’t you think?

    Free Member

    So tattooed people who do not possess good judgement cannot work for you !!

    Please warn all prospective employees of your requirements !

    Free Member

    I’ve got a tattoo on my leg…….and I’m cool as **** 😉

    Free Member

    Boba , let’s see it !

    Free Member

    no, too cool

    Free Member

    Is it one of those regrettable ones?

    Full Member

    I went on a stag do last weekend, and was one of the only lads without tattoos, nearly all of the others have them, ranging from small, discrete things, huge, bold designs on necks and legs, to one lad with a camel on his toe, genuinely laughed at that one.

    Most of them were deeply personal, the names of close family & friends that have passed away etc, my brother in law to be & his best man have the name of my niece who was still born at almost full term, the best man also has a drawing his mum did before she died on his calf.

    It struck me that while some were a bit garish, some plain shit, they all meant a lot to their wearer and did show how much they thought of, loved, and/or cared for these people who are no longer alive. Besides the camel toe tat – he was just pissed up!

    So, I thought, it’s a nice sentiment, but why does everyone else need to know? I still haven’t worked that out….

    I’m a bit shit at life, bit of a wanderer, struggle to self motivate, but there’s a song lyric that I like a lot, that reminds me to mtfu and put some effort in. “If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won”. A bit psilly perhaps, but I like it, and have thought about having it as a tattoo, just small, black, text somewhere I can see it, so it would serve as a reminder, but I’m unsure about having people asking me about it all the time. Any ideas?

    Free Member

    Get it translated into something Far Eastern. Then only you will know what it means.

    Free Member

    Write it on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet. It’s personal, best kept that way.

    Full Member

    This made me chuckle

    Free Member

    Get it translated into something Far Eastern. Then only you will know what it means, even if the actual text permanently etched upon you reads, “Chicken in black bean sauce”.


    Free Member

    You’re all very quick to judge me on the basis of what you read on an Internet forum, but for some reason you feel I shouldn’t be allowed to judge people on the way the deface their skin

    Of course. We’ve listened to a lot of what you say, and are responding to it. You seem to be dismissing people with tattoos without speaking to them in any way. You are making a snap judgement based on your understanding of their appearance, which is foolish. We’re not doing that.

    Free Member

    Core ,it’s all personal choice body modification in all forms and one person may not like it but another will but the reasons for it vary from person to person …. Who am I to judge another persons journey or thoughts interpreted onto their body ,or even dare I say it because I like a certain design
    Do whatever you want !

    Full Member

    Breast implants, anyone?

    Full Member

    Is it just me who thinks shib punches the air and goes ‘YES!’ every time someone replies to one of his posts?

    Full Member

    I just had a calf tattoo. I would post a picture, but the only two people that would get it would be Taz and John Drummer 🙁

    I love it though.

    Free Member

    i just had a calf tattoo

    Nearly as bad as a dolphin…

    Free Member

    Is it just me who thinks shib punches the air and goes ‘YES!’ every time someone replies to one of his posts?


    I reckon you can guess what he’s doing with the other fist.

    Free Member


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