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  • Stop with the leg tattoos already
  • wwaswas
    Full Member

    There was an article on the radio that we’d reached ‘Peak Beard’ – it no longer made blokes ‘different’ to the crowd and thus the attraction of having one as a way of differentiating oneself from others and attracting a mate was lost. Men will thus see no advantage in having one and stop growing them (Beardy McAxerson take note).

    I wonder if there’s a similar social/sexual point at which we’ll reach ‘Peak Tatt’ – that not having a tattoo will be seen as an act of rebellion from social norms amongst ones peer group?

    Free Member

    Hora, I had the misfortune to watch (kids watching 🙁 ) a bit of made in Chelsea bllx the other day. Seems like tats were quite trendy among the young well- heeled too.

    Full Member

    surroundedbyhills – Member
    Just rushed out last night and got this bloody thing, do you think it’s a bit rash?

    I’d get back down there and demand my money back.

    Free Member

    surroundedbyhills – Member
    Just rushed out last night and got this bloody thing, do you think it’s a bit rash?

    Yes, yes it is a bit of a rash isn’t it.

    Full Member

    Looks a bit gash to me.

    Free Member

    Peak beard

    I’m not really convinced it’s comparable. Beard are relatively easy to grow or remove.

    Free Member

    Why would you be remotely concerned about what someone else will look like in 25 years time? If you don’t like tattoos, don’t get one. If you don’t find people with tattoos attractive, don’t marry them. Its a personal choice which has zero impact on your life. Far more important things in life to focus your energy on.

    That may well be true, however I can’t help how I feel? After all, its me looking at it, not them!

    Free Member

    Why would you be remotely concerned about what someone else will look like in 25 years time? If you don’t like tattoos, don’t get one. If you don’t find people with tattoos attractive, don’t marry them. Its a personal choice which has zero impact on your life. Far more important things in life to focus your energy on.

    +1,000 but why do you feel the need to display said-tattoo’s to total and utter strangers. Don’t you have a strong enough personality or do you need help to give you character to others?


    Full Member

    That may well be true, however I can’t help how I feel? After all, its me looking at it, not them!

    I don’t think anyone had a problem with you not liking their tattoos. You’re perfectly fine not liking people’s tattoos, as long as you’re not doing the online equivalent of standing in the middle of pub venting your spleen about how everyone with any tattoo of anything anywhere is a retard.

    You can’t control how you feel, but you can control how you express those feelings.

    NB. I don’t have any tattoos, but am sort of half in the process of designing one and one day I might grow the cojones to actually have it permanently installed upon my skin…

    Full Member

    Strange one really…I take comfort from my ink and knowing the reasons its there regardless of if its on display or not. The whole “its to make you intetesting, look at me look at meeeeee” premise is rather based on the fact that you expect people to give a toss what random strangers think. The only people who have values or opinions I care about are those I love. I could not give a flying *insert expletive* what some bloke down the pub thinks about me.. the problem is that too many people try to live their lives, vicariously through the perception of strangers..if everyone just lived their lives to be happy rather than worrying about trivial stuff like what car makes you look more successful to people who care about such things…well, we woyld all be a lot more tolerant and less judgemental.

    The tribal tat (rather than a propper tribal tattoo belonging to a defined group of people which has meaning and folklore associated with it) is an odd one as well. It used to be the industrial and metal head tribe tattoo…and then over time the body builders and chavs adopted it, having spent years kicking “freaks” to death and then suddenly its a chav tattoo.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a quick look at this thread every now and then. Can someone summarise it for me?
    Basically, whose been hit with the ban hammer? 16 pages, and no bans? Not a chance.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    There is a psychological phenomenon (projection bias) that clouds this debate (sic?), and i’ve witnessed (in certain peeps close to me) a tendency to think any public display is ‘simply showing off’, ie if someone sings in a pub /just for fun, they’re ‘showing off’, if someone is jogging around town minding their own business they are ‘showing off’, even moreso if the runner is fit looking etc etc.

    While sometimes it is true about the people being judged, it is also sometimes true that the judge is simply projecting, and the uncomfortable truth for them is that they themselves are ‘always on show’, in that they are convinced in a self-conscious way (either extrovertly or introvertly) that the general public are always concerned with THEIR appearance or public actions.

    I don’t tend to care what others think about my appearance, as it’s my business, and likewise I’m not really concerned with others beards, state of dress/undress, hairstyles, dog breeds, sports, tattoos, etc etc. But that’s just me.

    Free Member

    Dear Mods,
    Please can we have a proper poll to sort the opinion on this rather than re doing it every few months.

    Something along the lines of:
    Do you have tattoos yes or no?
    Do you find them attractive on others yes or no?

    Then every time this subject flares up, like a outbreak of herpes, we can refer back to the poll and shut the thread down straight away.

    Free Member

    @Taz – said by a self confessed attention whore 😉 😆

    You’ve squeezed into so many niches, there are lichenologists ready to declare you a new species.

    But what a sad world if we were all the same, I’m holding out to be the least tattooed/peirced person in the country.

    Free Member

    those I love

    I’m here for you tazzy. Can I lick your tats please?

    Free Member

    @Cougar – his tats are spectacular, but the piercing at the top of his nose is too tight, it’s cause his forehead to wrinkle.

    Full Member

    Dear Mods,
    Please can we have a proper poll to sort the opinion on this rather than re doing it every few months.

    I’ll get on that right after the “iPhone or Android” poll, the “Windows / Mac / Linux” poll and the less popular on a MTB forum “what tyres” poll.

    Free Member

    I grew up in a place where tribal tattoos (real head hunters) can often be seen on a Sunday vegetable markets. The man folks have tattoos and they usually help their wives to carry produce from the forest to sell to city dwellers. It is usually a sign of endearment to see these forest native. We recognised them by their tribal tattoos. They are kind and soft spoken people but piss them off they will have your head hanging on their doors as ornament.

    Then we have another group of people with tattoos who normally associate themselves with the underworld. i.e. triads. The wear their tattoos to warn others not to mess with them (some hidden). Yea right … police would mess with them all the time and beat the crap out of them. Most people just think that they are dumb and waste their lives away but that’s their opinions.

    Another group wears religious tattoos (usually hidden out of sight) because of their belief rather than anything else. The tattoo is there to protect them in certain ways. The tattoo is not compulsory but some just prefer to have them on.

    Fast forward to the Western World it is fashionable to have tattoos nowadays if a person desires them. Not sure why since most are not related to any of the above mentioned categories but I think that it is a form of expression in their own ways. Perhaps it’s just another sub-culture in the Western society who knows …


    Free Member

    I think George Clooney has a lot to answer for with regards to the rise of bad tribal.

    Free Member

    schrickvr6 – Member

    I think George Clooney has a lot to answer for with regards to the rise of bad tribal.

    He will cry like a baby if he gets his “tribal” tattoos done the traditional ways using bamboo “needle”. 😆

    Full Member

    @ mr thecat…I’ve just been natural me and niches have formed around…much like the crappy little tongueting bit of grit in an oyster that finally becomes a pearl.

    at dd you could lick my tats….but the cover an awful lot of me and you would get calloused on the tongue before you wven got near my fun bits…:-D

    Free Member

    I don’t doubt that many tattooed people are in some way making a statement to others, or showing off. But so do we all, some drive a car that tells people they have money/like the ‘finer things’/are a ‘driver’. A poster here recently stated he wore ‘proper’ hats, now thats not to keep his head warm, its to demonstrate his style to others. Its his prerogative and there is nothing wrong with it. Why do some here then get so incensed when the tattooed do it?

    I do have a tattoo from years ago, its nothing special and I wouldn’t have it now but I dont regret it, if it’s the worst mistake I ever make in life i’ll have no worries.

    That bloke in the video Cougar posted is going to give someone the fright of there life if he goes out in the rain though.

    And by the way no offence to the hat wearer, just an example that sprang to mind, I have been known to wear a hat myself.

    Full Member

    Oh and roger…you are sooooo off my christmas card list and I shall ask the evil krampus to poo down your chimney

    Full Member

    I met a chap the other day, plenty of new tats but only four teeth left. In the heirachy of spending cash on your body I can’t help but feel he’d be better off starting at the dentist…

    Free Member

    at dd you could lick my tats….but the cover an awful lot of me and you would get calloused on the tongue before you wven got near my fun bits…:-D


    Still, worth a go eh?

    Can’t believe this thread is still rumbling on. Anyone said “each to their own” yet?

    Free Member

    Still, worth a go eh?

    Even moreso now there’s a challenge.

    Full Member

    *gets felt tip pen and draws some extra wiggly tattoos on my gentleman’s region.* …….has anyone ever noticed how your scrotum and elbow are made of the same looking skin…..its like built in leather patches on a nice tweed jacket

    come n get me big boy xx

    Full Member

    Funnily enough I’m a middle aged? man, is 53 middle aged or well on the way to old git?
    Anyway, just thinking about getting a tatt on my calf, my first, thought of a design I’d like, no special significance, but I think it’ll look good.

    This thread made me pause, just for a minute, but then thought WTF I want it, so booked in. I can’t wait to upset the tatt haters on here, you’ll obviously be so busy being disgusted/throwing up that I’ll be able to leave you in the dust 😀

    Free Member

    Go for it Tim, who cares what people think. It’s for you.

    I’ve not got any tats because I always change my mind about what I want. I’d like to know how it feels though. I got a piercing for this reason. It hurts 🙂

    Free Member

    Just jam a needle into your leg a few thousand times 🙂

    Full Member

    @jambourgie, that’s what I felt, never really bothered about what people think.

    Apparently, it’s all about the pain, the art and the jewelery are just reminders 😆

    Free Member

    come n get me big boy xx


    There’s a little something we need to have a chat about Taz.

    Full Member

    come n get me big girl ( you could always tuck little DD away and have a Munt)….Im easy 😀

    Free Member

    Get a room you two. Or matching leg tattoos or something.

    Full Member

    I grew up in a place where tribal tattoos (real head hunters) can often be seen on a Sunday vegetable markets

    Oh, you’re from Norfolk as well?

    Full Member

    Oh, you’re from Norfolk as well?

    surely that’s six fingers and flippers for feet?

    Free Member

    While searching for pics of knee tattoos, this made me chuckle:

    Free Member

    surely that’s six fingers and flippers for feet?

    Nah, that’s the Isle of Wight. They even let gingers out in the daylight over there, apparently.


    Free Member

    So rumour has it.

    The daywalkers roam free… 😉

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