Home Forums Chat Forum Stop with the leg tattoos already

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  • Stop with the leg tattoos already
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    Just stop please, the garbage on people calves ruined my HONC.

    Free Member

    This type of thing you mean……………..(not mine) 😯

    Free Member

    Who cares?

    It tells you that they are an interesting and unique individual with a killer personality. Funnily on a recent masterchef the heavily tattood contestant had to wear a vest. Weird that.

    Free Member

    Good that, but horrible at the same time.
    No I mean bar codes and M&M tattoos.

    Full Member

    Other people’s decorations spoiled your day?

    1. Seriously, get over yourself
    2. Stop worrying about it, you’ll have a heart attack

    Free Member

    ‘hey an Ironman finisher, which one did you do?’

    ‘Er well it was one of the Ironman (trademark) ones’

    ‘ah so you haven’t done an ironman’

    Free Member

    Other people’s decorations spoiled your day?

    Yes I was violently sick

    Free Member

    The bar codes are something to do with Soylent Green I think

    Full Member

    Funnily on a recent masterchef the heavily tattood contestant had to wear a vest.

    Would they not let him cook topless?

    Free Member

    Get a grip dude… it’s their body and life. Nothing to do with you.

    Free Member

    And they put them on the backs of their legs for what reason?

    Full Member

    Because they want to.

    Full Member

    So they don’t have to see them, duh. 😉

    Free Member

    Would they not let him cook topless?

    Her. She was quite nice but I didn’t understand the significance of the two large swallows-tats on each shoulder.

    Free Member

    oldgit – Member
    And they put them on the backs of their legs for what reason?

    Ha Ha… And every attractive woman looks that good just for you. get back under your bridge.

    Full Member

    t I didn’t understand the significance of the two large swallows-tats

    Freudian slip if I ever so one.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Would they not let him cook topless?
    Her. She was quite nice but I didn’t understand the significance of the two large swallows-tats on each shoulder.

    Why does there alaways have to be a reason or significance to a tattoo. as a fully initiated member of the tattoo club I have many that have no meaning and are just pretty pictures.

    Free Member

    What’s an M&M tattoo?

    Free Member

    No worries, I googled it:

    If tattoos on the backs of other people’s calves bothers you, you could always try riding faster so you’re in front of them. 😉

    Free Member

    I hate it when people put the word ‘already’ on the end of a sentence..

    Full Member

    If the tats on the backs of calves upset you – thank you’re lucky stars they kept the shorts on

    Free Member

    Just think what could result when saying to the tattooist “I want your name on my buttock”…

    Full Member

    M&Ms? Good grief.

    Whilst I don’t suffer the same nausea when confronted by tattoos as the OP I do think they are best suited to squadies and builders.

    I have a particular dislike of those showing above the trouser waistline which suggest something growing out of the wearer’s arse.

    Free Member

    Saw a bloke at my son’s school a few weeks back (wearing shorts, natch) with tattoos of his (I presume) children’s faces on his calfs. I had to restrain my laughter. They look so utterly crap.
    10 years time : “Dad, why did you get that horrible baby picture of me badly tattooed on your leg?”

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I knew a young lady once, who had what can only be described as a full blown rose garden, tattooed ALL over her back. As in, from very base of spine, spanning width of back, and up to shoulder blades.

    It was a bit of a surprise at the time, as she’d failed to mention it until the moment of discovery*.


    Free Member

    It tells you that they are an interesting and unique individual with a killer personality.

    Usually it signifies they work in HR/accounts/sales but are desperate to feel like an individual who is different from every other John who works in HR/accounts/sales.
    It’s like a comedy tie but more expensive and permanent.

    Free Member

    I knew a young lady once…

    Was her name Cheryl?

    Full Member

    So why do they put their “pretty pictures” on their backs, ar5es, calves, where they can’t see them to appreciate them, but I can ?

    (and I think they all look stupid)

    Free Member

    🙄 “I have a job that will never pay taxes” – lots of people at my work have visible tattoos, not everyone’s a close minded office simpleton you know 🙂

    Full Member

    From a medical, biomechanical, and common sense point of view, this is just a silly idea…
    Walking would be a wibbly wobbly chore..


    Full Member

    getting the spring changed if you put on weight would be a right pain too.

    Full Member

    oooh stwers being all condescending and judgemental, must be a monday

    Free Member

    An air shock would be much more practical…..

    Full Member

    Free Member

    ^ unless you only have one leg and then you can use it like a pogo stick!

    Full Member

    An air shock would be much more practical…..

    I think we’ve evolved the most practical solution already 😉


    Full Member

    top shock bolt might be useful
    bottom connection looks a bit flaky too
    whomever got that done should get the eraser out, and fix that

    Free Member

    I saw a middle aged chap about a month ago, happily sauntering down the road with some short shorts on. There was sleet blowing sideways at him. He had two/three freshly inked tats on his thighs and a calf. You could tell they were fresh as there was still a bit of red around the designs. The rest of his goose bump covered skin on show was a livid shade of blue.

    I don’t really care about tattoos, I get it it’s a personal thing. What I don’t understand is the need to show them to everyone else, despite inclement climatic conditions, to show just how individual you are*

    *i know fresh tats need to be covered in cling film at first to avoid risk of infection, but don’t think you are medically advised to leave them totally exposed, are you? So it is just showing them off right?

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