What will it take for you people to cast of the shackles of your delusional insular narcissism 💡
Seismic activity on this planet has increased to the point that it is knocking the world off it’s very axis, so what eastenders is on!
The weather patterns that have been predictable for a very long time, no longer are and the weather conditions are becoming extreme, so what a trip to STW and I will forget all about the fact.
The oil supply is running out and no one knows how much is left and we have no ability to manage the resources that we have effectively or efficiently, oh pizza and beer, yummy.
Let’s go back to the oil shall we and disccus it, this world had a dampening system that helped regulate it’s seizmic activity, which placed less stress on the tectonic plates, making the surface of the planet more stable, it also helped regulate the massive amounts of heat as well, infact having that oil in the ground was a good thing, not as good as ferrari’s mind you, but much better than austin allegro’s.
Everything from diseases, to astral bodies, to climate change pose a threat to the continued existence of our race, I could go on all day and night, but like I said delusional insular narcissism.
So what will it take for us to wake up as a race, maybe a cosmic bitch slap will do it, let us pray!