That might be pushing it a bit. Usually a 2-week lead time from ordering which will be done on Monday 25th. Then I’ve got to package and post them all out.
Thank you very much for getting all your orders in!
We’re at about 80 tees I think, which is pretty impressive!
BTW, if anyone thinks they ordered the wrong size or colour, it’s pretty trivial to cancel and re-order. Just email me (email address is on the invoice) with your order number.
Is a formal eBay dispute me and Alex, muskets at dawn? Sorry, noob question.
It’s quite interesting to look at how much time it’s taken, how much money it would make and how many of the orders are because a) it’s cheap and b) there is some goodwill involved – then try and work out how the heck people actually make money out of this! I guess – just like Sick, they have day jobs and do it for fun.
I’ll have to get another quote, but I think the new x100 price break means at least £100 going to Mountain Rescue (not that I’ve bought packaging or actually posted anything yet).
Why should he get a free t shirt? He’s the head of a design empire, he’s probably already put the deposit down on a fancy car on the back of this, wait until he’s released a second design from his tax haven residence overseas…