Not read all that but, my claims to fame are:
* I’m listed on the Wikipedia page for my home town;
* I’ve been interviewed on 5Live, Irish national radio and the World Service;
* I’ve been in both the Guardian and The Times, plus various other newspapers;
* I used to teach Theo from Hurts.
And more tenuously:
* My mum went to school with Vic Reeves;
* My brother went to Beavers with a lad who beat his own mother to death with a wine bottle, and used to drink in the same pub as the Darlington Cannibal;
* I know the guy who was the Milk Race doctor;
* I used to be on first name terms with the chaplain at Eton, who attended Diana’s funeral service as William and Harry were both there at the time;
* I was at uni with the lead singer of Bellowhead, but I didn’t know him.