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  • This topic has 317 replies, 140 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Mark.
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  • Big Hitter gets lifetime ban
  • yossarian
    Free Member

    Juan makes a good point. I always thought it would be a good idea to make both TJ and the elf moderators. Sounds crazy to start with but I actually think they’d both have been pretty even handed.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    @clubber, you’d have to automatically exclude yourself from your forum.

    I already have. And I banned you which is why you don’t know about it 😉

    Free Member

    Well I do find stoner’s view about money being more important than people very disturbing

    I find your complete failure to pay attention very disturbing. Stoner is the poster boy for work/life balance.

    Full Member

    I actually think they’d both have been pretty even handed


    Free Member

    stoner’s view about money being more important than people

    Your perception or actual fact ?

    Free Member

    I find your complete failure to pay attention very disturbing. Stoner is the poster boy for work/life balance.

    I think this just shows that it can be quite dangerous to form an opinion on someone when you only focus on certain elements of that person.

    Free Member

    To be honest this forum is really going toward “bnpness”. I had to report a post 3 times with a formal e-mail to get it banned for xenophobia. This kind of post wouldn’t have happened when elf and TJ were here.

    Whilst I don’t really agree it is interesting that of all the people who do persistently argue, often unpleasantly, it’s only two ‘left-wing’ posters that have had the perma-ban.

    I’m sure someone will suggest that’s because the lefties are so belligerent etc but as above, there are some pretty unpleasant characters on here who remain unbanned.

    Free Member

    pretty unpleasant characters on here who remain unbanned.

    Who? Or is this like Gluptons Law above?

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    …..he clearly gets very wound up/angry about stuff on here.

    Actually he doesn’t, and that’s more than half the issue – TJ’s more “out there” posts were for his own amusement/entertainment and he was indulging in some sort of tightrope walking game with the moderation policy….

    ..he’s gone, meh

    🙄 (TJ tribute eyerolly thing)

    Full Member

    Given the moderation is mostly reactive maybe right-wing people are more likely to complain about left-wing ones than the other way around?

    A few more lefties snitching to the mods might restore the balance?

    Free Member

    Can someone just clear this up, because it’s not entirely obvious.

    He is still alive right?

    Free Member

    Given the moderation is mostly reactive maybe right-wing people are more likely to complain about left-wing ones than the other way around?

    Are you really trying to say that the moderation and/or reporting here is somehow driven by politics?

    Genius! That’s my top chuckle of the morning! 🙂

    Y Darc, I think we should rename the glitch as BumpyTeeJGlitch, a fitting tribute…. ;-)*

    *Edit – Oooh, Y Darc’s comment was deleted! Another clear case of the political bias inherent in the system! Etc… 😉

    Free Member

    Nothing really matters
    Anyone can see
    Nothing really matters
    Nothing really matters to me…

    Full Member

    Given the moderation is mostly reactive maybe right-wing people are more likely to complain about left-wing ones than the other way around?

    To be fair, there was a pretty nasty tone to his comments. It’s quite ironic because I have the suspicion TJ comes from “money”. Raised in a pretty affluent suburb of Glasgow, and a few comments he’s dropped here and there make me suspect his parents are/were wealthy. His lefty stance seems at odds with that. Self loather?

    Full Member

    I’ve not read all this, but:

    I can’t believe that he’s been banned (and has ben banned in the past) for arguing. It takes two (or more) people for an argument, so why aren’t the folks he’s arguing with banned too?

    If he can’t let a point go, it’s because others don’t either. Like any pub/work/internet bore, the best thing to do is ignore them when they start banging on past the point where anyone cares.

    TJ can be an opinionated tool, but he’s not vindictive or wilfully antagonistic. There are other opinionated, vindictive and wilfully antagonistic tools on here who remain ban-free. TJ’s ban is ridiculous.

    *awaits ban*

    Free Member

    Teej was the biggest REPORT-POST addict know to man……

    Full Member

    Are you really trying to say that the moderation and/or reporting here is somehow driven by politics?

    not at all, was just trying to continue the ‘moderators show policical bias’ thing a bit 🙂

    Free Member

    Jesus, my bump was de……

    Free Member

    Who? Or is this like Gluptons Law above?

    Zulu-Eleven for one – does nothing but troll political threads and attempt to needle TJ as far as I can see.

    Has he ever posted one single thing about mountain biking btw?

    Free Member

    Stoner is the poster boy for work/life balance.

    Stoner has a fanboi! 🙂

    Free Member

    Jesus, my bump was deleted?

    As long as it’s only your bump getting deleted, eh? (You virile chap, you!)


    Full Member

    Jesus, my bump was deleted?

    Not Jesus, it was Mod moving in mysterious ways.

    Full Member

    Not Jesus, it was Mod moving in myserious ways.


    Free Member

    He was the wind beneath my wings. Or something.

    Free Member

    I thought that was me Mitch?

    Free Member

    I wonder if these big hitters have a coping mechanism when the fuel for their ego is suddenly cut off?
    I bet there’s a shitstorm going down on a tandem forum somewhere right now.

    Free Member

    Wwaswaswaseaseas 😆

    Free Member

    No yeti, you’re the mildew beneath my taters. 😕

    Free Member

    I found TJ really blinkered and annoying mostly in the threads where i disagreed with him , on other occasions he could be both insightful wise and persistant often that was in threads where i agreed with him. In the Nuclear power threads i actually started out agreeing with him but because he kept the argument going and effectively forced others to justify and expand their points i ended up changing my mind so his beligerence served a useful purpose (insofar as any argument on the internet can serve a useful purpose)

    He also made some really posative contributions to threads that required information or advise rather than opinions.

    I do think the ban may provide some theraputic benefit for him but the converse may be some pub in Edinburgh has gained a new argumentative drunk.

    Free Member

    I wonder if these big hitters have a coping mechanism when the fuel for their ego is suddenly cut off?

    Do you really think this place matters that much to people, that it’s a fuel for an ego?

    Free Member

    I wonder if these big hitters have a coping mechanism when the fuel for their ego is suddenly cut off?
    I bet there’s a shitstorm going down on a tandem forum somewhere right now.

    Elf sometimes ‘replies to threads’ via email addresses he’s got off people’s profiles. I think that’s probably not ‘healthy’ behaviour.

    Free Member

    Do you really think this place matters that much to people, that it’s a fuel for an ego?


    Full Member

    Seeriously though to me he came across as a bully. Much like a few others on here who are the main reason I’ve been a reader since GoFar dialup days but probably have a post count in the teens. Then again like any community there will always be overbearing personalities who have an overinflated sense on their own importance and the validity of their opinion. I just try and avoid them.

    It’s the reason I generally avoid interacting on any subjects where opinion dominates truth. I don’t think many of the so-called ‘big hitters’ are deliberate bullies but sadly their behaviour tells a worse tale. The irony is that the reason their tactics feel like bullying is because they have the time and obsessive nature to continue arguing at infinitum whilst others (particularly newcomers) have better things to do and aren’t so self-obsessed that they can’t admit that not only is their opinion not actual fact but also that someone else’s opinion may differ.

    If TJ is reading this, and I’d be astounded if he isn’t, then maybe he’ll learn something. Sadly I doubt that he will…

    Full Member

    You know he’s reading this and foaming at the mouth


    Free Member

    If TJ is reading this, and I’d be astounded if he isn’t, then maybe he’ll learn something. Sadly I doubt that he will…


    Full Member

    I bet there’s a shitstorm going down on a tandem forum somewhere right now.


    Free Member

    It’s the reason I generally avoid interacting on any subjects where opinion dominates truth. I don’t think many of the so-called ‘big hitters’ are deliberate bullies but sadly their behaviour tells a worse tale. The irony is that the reason their tactics feel like bullying is because they have the time and obsessive nature to continue arguing at infinitum whilst others (particularly newcomers) have better things to do and aren’t so self-obsessed that they can’t admit that not only is their opinion not actual fact but also that someone else’s opinion may differ.

    This ^^

    As a newcomer to this place my general opinion is that the long-termers on here are very strange people, but at least they are all contained in here.

    Free Member

    TJ is out on his bike.

    Free Member

    Hasn’t TJ been banned for his persistent argumentative style not his politics?
    Bad points
    He would attack,belittle and denigrate others at times,but he’s not alone in that is he?You could almost hear him waiting in the wings to pounce on some naive unsuspecting poster. Some took umbrage to this and then went on to attack him and wind him up at any opportunity.He then could not help himself and got into these long tirades with them despite the warnings.
    TJ thought his opinion was fact and that a link to a Guardian article made that an incontrovertible truth.
    He had a schizophrenic view on the law.

    Good points
    He is a cyclist and a staunch supporter of our cause
    Many of his posts were interesting knowledgable and informative and I suspect many others on here broadly shared his “left wing” views
    A lifetime ban is wrong,not even drug cheats get that-one of them even won the 2012 Olympic road race!

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