The last two episodes had some absolutely fantastic acting. The bus scene, as was already mentioned, was absolutely electric. And the “I was afraid” sequence during the plea bargaining where Saul flips from one persona to another on a sixpence was incredible.
In terms of the ending and the long sentence, I wasn’t sure how much of that was set up by Saul. He mentioned the prison he ended up in as somewhere he *didn’t* want to go — could this have been reverse psychology? On the way into the prison the other inmates on the bus are chanting his catchphrase, maybe he realised he’d be among friends in some sense.
A thought I had this morning was that, for Saul, the attractions of remaining at large must be limited at this point. He’s tried the “living quietly” in black and white, working Cinnabon, being a nice guy. And it’s massively boring. So, maybe let the hammer fall. Beat the prosecution just to show them you can. Make the grand gesture for the love you can’t forget but can’t ever really have. Then off to a new world with, no doubt, its own power structures to climb, its own intrigues, its own grifts.
I now want to go watch Breaking Bad all over again 🙂