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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
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    I know this will blow @mattoutandabout ‘s mind a bit but if you’re a serial 100 day challenger, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas.

    The premise is simple – exercise for a minimum of half an hour a day everyday from the 16TH OF SEPTEMBER for 100 days, which means the 24th of December is the last day.

    Rules are not particularly tight – me and my mates have a fairly strict one about commuting (if you do an active commute of under half an hour, you need to do an additional half hour) but other than that, exercise is what you count as exercise (bikes, running, weights, yoga, a walk, whatever) and if you miss a day you don’t have to beat yourself up or make it up on another day – just keep going.

    If you start feeling ill, rest up. I canned it last year because I was struggling with a concussion and it was less healthy for me to exercise than to rest.

    Use this thread to seek and give motivation and post pictures of what you’re up to.

    Finally, a reminder that this challenge was dreamt up by my mate Chris who I used to race bikes with – he used it as a way to keep momentum up going into winter and to help him realise that going out in the rain and cold isn’t so bad. He was killed in an avalanche in Glencoe back in 2013 and I only found out about the challenge afterwards, but it’s good motivation to keep going.

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    I’m in again…


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    Me to, hope to get the full 100 again!

    Full Member

    Sounds good, I’m in. Failed last year – I had a couple of long races during the period, and while I can accept taking a single day off post-race, a whole week seems to be taking the piss a bit :)

    Full Member

    Maybe, I liked the extra variety it forced me into last year.  Now, where did I store those yoga pants…

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    I’m in! Hopefully make the hundred after having to drop out with illness with the finish in sight last year.

    Full Member

    Did rubbish last year and that basically set my fitness tone for all of this year! Plan on giving it a go and hoping it motivates me to keep fitness up during winter so I’m fit enough to have some fun if we get a spring/summer in 2025!

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    I’ll contribute again. I’m currently on day 400 and something, having not stopped since last years 100DC. Always nice seeing folks photos.

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    Bring it on!

    Its our 15th anniversary in october & weve booked a weekend in Amsterdam in October, so Im going to have to figure out how to work some exercise into that!

    Full Member

    Always nice seeing folks photos.

    Ah, yes, the annual ‘Ryvoan Bothy in all weathers’ thread (wink & smile emojis)

    I’m in :)

    Full Member

    I’m in. I get pretty close to this anyway, but its a little extra spur to do that school run on foot on the odd day its raining or a spot of lifting and stretching whenI’m perilously close to flopping in fornt of netflix.

    Good luck all.

    Full Member

    I’m in again and have a mate* doing it with me this time. My wife also said she might have a go.

    I was rubbish last year, (and the year before that I think) but I’m hopefully in a better mental place this time and having someone else there to give me motivation will hopefully get me through it. I need to lose weight but just want to be fitter and not feel like my body is about to break all the time.

    I also have a holiday to Rhodes at the end of October, but the hotel has a gym so I’ll get on the treadmill before breakfast!

    *He’s ex Army and although he’s chilled a bit in recent years he won’t let me get away with slacking….

    Full Member

    Its our 15th anniversary in october & weve booked a weekend in Amsterdam in October, so Im going to have to figure out how to work some exercise into that!

    Just remember

    a minimum of half an hour


    Full Member

    3rd year veteran here. Press gang me in. Unless I’m ill I exercise daily anyway, but this is a good motivator.

    Full Member

    I’m in again.

    Completed it last year with some (at least 2 days a week) dubious late night yoga-ing.

    This year I’m counting cardio only. Got mountain biking, running, walking available from the door, and a Wattbike to use if the weather is truly crap.

    2020 lockdown when I did my Gove-mandated hour a day of either walking or running, I lost 7kg.

    I’ve now returned to my 2019 weight so hope the same occurs this time.

    And in the first couple of weeks I’ll hopefully have some good pics to rival Scotroutes’.

    Full Member

    3rd year veteran of this challenge. Done pretty well in the last 2 years and really enjoyed it.
    still recovering from all sorts of injuries and motivation is at an all time low, so fingers crossed this helps with motivation. Can’t even remember the last time I rode a bike now.

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    I’m so keen for it I’m already on day 5 of 115 days exercise till Xmas…..

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    Desperately need something to make me put the snacks down and get off my arse, so I’m in.

    Need to eat all these snacks by 16th then….

    Full Member

    I’m in.

    if you miss a day you don’t have to beat yourself up or make it up on another day

    I’ll pretend I didn’t read that bit, I don’t need a get out clause keeping me in bed that extra half hour instead.

    Free Member

    Count me in, i’m an exercise and diet controlled Type 2 diabetic, so tend to exercise 6 days a week with monday rest day, but this will give me incentive to do something easier then and get a good pattern going.

    Free Member

    reckon im in again, not cleared the full 100 yet.

    Full Member

    me and Mrs T are in.

    not like we have much else to do with our time is it…………………….. #lessmoneymoretime.

    Full Member

    I’m in again.

    More options for me this year (a smart trainer, plus my right knee can handle running again!) However, I expect plenty of  10 pm sessions of Yoga with Kassandra when all other options are non-starters.

    Thanks for outlining the history @munrobiker.

    Full Member

    I’m in, I think I missed 2 days last year. I’m a bit unsure about rest days, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know.

    Full Member

    Hm, I’m keen.

    Tips on getting on track welcome – want to use this to get myself feeling better on the bike.

    Free Member

    @seriousrikk – I think people have found that starting more gently than you think a real help in the past.

    Full Member

    It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Quite a few drop out due to overdoing it.

    Mixing up exercise types helps avoid boredom.

    Throwing in weight exercises and yoga/stretching will improve your cycling more than just another 30 minute ride.

    I find that running and/or walking are both more achievable when the weather is truly shit.

    I also find that running sheds the calories better than cycling – which then improves my climbing on a bike.

    Make sure you don’t lunge into any new activity too quickly by being overambitious.

    Full Member

    or walking

    On the days I have those ‘I can’t be arsed’ moments, a walk does for me. In fact, it’s the walks I often enjoy the most, especially if the weather is foul. There is something really special about a short walk along the seafront in vile weather! (Or maybe I’m just weird…<laugh emoji>

    Full Member

    There is something really special about a short walk along the seafront in vile weather! (Or maybe I’m just weird…<laugh emoji>

    I can understand that, walking the streets of suburban Leamington, as I will be…..not so much!

    Full Member

    I’d be up for doing the 100 days again this year. Thank you for setting up the thread.

    Is there a Strava group this year, I know not everyone uses or likes it, but it can be useful for keeping track of things?

    Definitely looking forward to seeing photos and hearing what everyone is getting up to on this thread.

    Full Member

    I set up a Strava group last year but can’t seem to find a way to do it (on the app) at the moment. Maybe it’s because I’m not a Strava Premium subscriber? Anyone should be able to set it up. Make it a private/closed group and post the link here.

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    Ah, I’m too mean to be a premium member too! I had a look and I can’t set one up either.

    Full Member

    Ì’m in gave it a go last year , did pretty well though I missed 3 or 4 days .  Have been a lazy bastard since then and my health is poorer, regular sensible exercise will help.

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    Full Member

    Strava Club membership request submitted (Adrian Clarke) and accepted.  I’m in :-)

    Looks like I will have to make my activities more visible and spam my followers feeds for the rest of the year though

    Full Member

    I’ve made you an Admin too.

    Full Member

    Thanks @scotroutes for setting that up. (I’m Hector Haines on there for no good reason)

    Full Member

    I’ve made you an Admin too.

    Ha, that’ll be why I’m getting all the new member request notifications!

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    Deleted post. Issue already covered above

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