HM003: Another Monday of compiled merriment, inspiration and time-killing fodder for your delectation!
It was rather windy last week(end) wasn’t it? Whilst we didn’t have it quite as bad as some folk, there were a few downed trees across trails to negotiate with on our Sunday Social Sojourn.
Thankfully for our aging lower backs, there were some younger riders in the woods who had already made a start on clearing some trails. We oldies made a token effort of moving a couple of smaller downed saplings as well. It all helps.
It appears that in general things could have been worse up in Scotland (which is kinda ‘good news’) but if you’re planning on riding in trees in Northern Ireland and parts of central Scotland it’s probably good idea to check the status of the trails before travelling.
Wholesome banger from Transition:
‘Taking Turns,’ where a family explore their favorite trails and enjoy a day of biking. And that’s it.
New trail at Bikepark Wales ‘Lower Boomslang’:
Lower Boomslang is an extension of the black technical downhill trail in Bikepark Wales. They had Joel Anderson come and ride it with Tom Caldwell filming.
“Boomslang is unlike any other trail in the park. With its natural terrain, riders can expect a dynamic track that evolves with every run. The ever-changing nature of the trail—thanks to ruts, weather, and tyres—means no two runs will ever feel the same. From technical drops and root gaps to high-speed sections and creative line options, Boomslang is designed to provide a technical challenge for all riders.
“Boomslang can be found by traversing across towards the start of Pandoras Rocks, Fifty Shades and Terry’s Belly. The new start hill for Boomslang, giving you better speed for the flowier top section, is on the left as you pedal across. It heads down the steepest part of our hillside through thick woods, open off camber sections with built up gaps and big box features.”
Cotic BFe glows in the dark because why not:

Cy from Cotic: “Bit of fun this one, but not content with some amazing graphic details, geometry updates and our new Double Decker dropouts for easy rear wheel size switching, the new Cotic BFe in the white colour has a little party trick. Yup, it glows in the dark! It’s going to be so cool on the night rides at this time of year!”
Buff B- Corp:

Buff are part of the B Corp movement. Pardon? “B Corps are purpose-driven businesses that balance profit with positive social and environmental impact, meeting high standards for performance, accountability, and transparency.”
Who doesn’t own a Buff?
Pashley Guv’nor still exists:

Ermigawd. Whilst having a browse of the Pashley Cycles website following the launch of their new gravel bike, I happened across the Guv’nor. Who doesn’t long to take one of these over Garburn Pass? Just me then? It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.
The Last of The Cycling Postmen:
Goleen, Co. Cork, Ireland. It may not be a Pashley Guv’nor but this is still lovely and rad.
Feedback Sports doing nice things:

This year Feedback Sports are going to try to maximise their minimising (of their eco impact). Still more to do no doubt but every little helps.
Nukeproof Blackline apparel is back:

Aside from making some decent mountain bikes, Nukeproof used to make some decent riding apparel as well. Some of it was dubbed ‘Blackline’, you may remember. Well, Blackline Clothing is back. New company. Similar clobber. We’ll get some in to see how it performs.
Manitou to return to UK?

We hear it on the cyber grapevine that after a couple of years in the non-distributed wilderness, Manitou suspension products may soon be available in the UK again. This is all very exciting for those of us who remember who great the Manitou Mattoc and Mezzer forks are. (And who doesn’t want a Dorado?)
Thanyouverymush. Until next Monday…