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  • Charlottesville
  • anagallis_arvensis
    Full Member

    Washington and Jefferson both owned slaves, but I don’t see anyone blasting ther likenesses off Mount Rushmore

    Whatabout whatabout whatabout

    Too slow!

    Full Member

    Let’s build a monument to Ninfan, we can make it a Strawman

    Free Member

    what about !!!!!!!

    Loses argument, resorts to ad hom

    Full Member

    Loses argument, resorts to ad hom

    I havent noticed an argument being presented by you yet.

    Full Member

    A number of people here are alluding to the violence being down to the actions of a minority in the region, and the greater community should not be connected to them. I made a comment back on page one that hasn’t been picked up on, and I’ve managed to find the original Associated Press article I was referencing:
    There are people in the South who want a return to things as they were before the 1860’s, but of course, those who were persecuted back then will have nothing to fear now, no siree bob…
    What’s happened in Charlotte seems to be just the visible head of the boil that’s lurking under the skin of modern America.

    Free Member

    So, stories coming out now that his car had been surrounded by antifa protesters attacking him and he was trying to get away. Unverified but seems like a realistic scenario. I assume that if confirmed the usuals will stop calling it murder or terrorism and instead condemn the protesters who attacked him?

    Free Member

    You only need to watch the footage to know that is a big load of bullshit.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    Again, actions of an individual are not representative of the beliefs or values of the wider peace-loving national socialist community

    😆 bravo!

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member

    seems like a realistic scenario

    As long as you really, really want to believe it, because the video footage refutes it completely. It’s just one of many false accounts, excuses and misdirections that have been purposefully spread. At least this one’s not leading to random, innocent people getting death threats.

    Free Member

    Yes and if* its complete bollocks you will criticise it for a right wing attack on legitimate peaceful protesters and admit you are full of shit.

    You know you can watch the video

    Is there nothing you wont troll and scribble on even death of innocents

    Its rhetorical we all know the depth to which you Plummet in the name of scribbling

    * even the faux right wing gun toting pretend nutjob knows its bollocks

    Full Member

    As long as you really, really want to believe it, because the video footage refutes it completely. It’s just one of many false accounts, excuses and misdirections that have been purposefully spread. At least this one’s not leading to random, innocent people getting death threats.

    C’mon guys – it’s all about “balance”.

    Free Member

    Yes, I’ve seen the videos. Im left wondering who those people chasing the car down the street with baseball bats and helmets were though

    Full Member
    Full Member

    ninfan – Member
    So, stories coming out now that his car had been surrounded by antifa protesters attacking him and he was trying to get away. Unverified but seems like a realistic scenario. I assume that if confirmed the usuals will stop calling it murder or terrorism and instead condemn the protesters who attacked him?

    Utter Rubbish

    Full Member

    It’s a PR nightmare for the Nazi’s, they plan one peaceful protest with automatic rifles, body armour, helmets and riot shields and one idiot turns up and gives them a bad name. He’s ruined it for the rest of them.

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    Yes, I’ve seen the videos. Im left wondering who those people chasing the car down the street with baseball bats and helmets were though

    I’m left wondering if you’ve ever made a serious post on here! 😆

    Full Member

    OK I appreciate it’s legal to carry weapons in the US, but how on Earth can it possibly be acceptable that a bunch of extremist arseholes can be allowed allowed to march openly in combat gear with assault rifles? That demonstration should have been dispersed before any lives were put at risk.

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member

    Im left wondering who those people chasing the car down the street with baseball bats and helmets were though


    Free Member

    I’m reminded of firefly:


    Yes, its like having a shit throwing competition with a monkey…

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member

    Im left wondering who those people chasing the car down the street with baseball bats and helmets were though Your wet dream.

    Full Member

    Yes, I’ve seen the videos. Im left wondering who those people chasing the car down the street with baseball bats and helmets were though

    I guess you were watching the edited version on Fox News

    Full Member

    Yes, I’ve seen the videos. Im left wondering who those people chasing the car down the street with baseball bats and helmets were though

    I see snowflakes. snowflakes everywhere…

    Full Member

    Just to check this is going how I think it is, ninfan is defending Nazi’s killing people. Does that about sum it up? Trolling is one thing but FFS

    Free Member

    not quite he is blaming the victims, whilst defending the Nazis, by making things up that are obviously false.

    Free Member

    All posters, locate and secure your mothers now – when he starts getting this unhinged, anything could happen…

    Full Member

    not quite he is blaming the victims, whilst defending the Nazis, by making things up that are obviously false.

    Ah well that’s OK then.

    Full Member

    not quite he is blaming the victims,

    Always the easiest course to take…
    …for some.

    Free Member


    Yes, there are literally no people with baseball bats or helmets chasing the car in this video:


    Edit, linked rather than embedded as it’s graphic

    Free Member

    Imagine if during some extreme Salafist Islamic march through Manchester a Muslim guy drove his car at a group of anti protesters. People would be wetting themselves shouting down all Muslims that were in attendance…

    How anyone could try and defend the action of this guy in the states, or indeed others that were in attendance I have no idea.

    Free Member

    How anyone could try and defend the action of this guy in the states, or indeed others that were in attendance I have no idea.

    Who has done that? In fact I saw Donald Trump very squarely condemn violence and intolerance on both sides

    Free Member

    we only see what happens after the vehicle rams people so yes there are literally no people chasing it there are people attacking it after it rammed the people- we have no evidence of them chasing it BEFORE the incident occurred but oddly they did respond to it. Certainly evidence some of them were “tooled up”.

    Have you a video of them chasing it ?
    You can easily source the shots from behind which clearly show no one chasing it probably not on angryrightwingtroll.com


    here for example.

    Full Member

    Ah, you mean the people who intervened and attacked the terrorist’s car after he murdered one person and injured 19 others?

    Free Member

    Ninfan, a young woman was killed – murdered – by that driver.

    I don’t know what kind of satisfaction you derive from what you are posting, but try imagining it was one of your daughters, and think about how you and your family might feel about other people trivialising and exploiting the circumstances of her death on a public internet forum.

    Free Member

    EXploiting the circumstances? You mean like people calling it a premeditated terrorist attack, and criticising Trump for failing to condemn one side more than the other?

    Free Member

    I think that, if the 20th Century taught us anything, it’s that Nazis should always be resisted and protested against, violently if necessary. A Nazi on the march has nothing to do with democracy, so cannot be reasoned with using the tools of democracy, they must be conversed with in the only language they understand, hate.
    If the only thing you know about a group of people is that they have assembled together out of a mutual dislike of Nazis assembling in public,surely you must feel nothing but admiration for their motivations?
    Unless you like the idea of Nazis assembling in public?
    Hands up who likes Nazis…

    Free Member

    You really don’t get this free speech concept do you?

    Free Member

    No, I really do, but Nazis lost their right to it when their old boss tried to murder half of Europe.

    Free Member

    You mean like people calling it a premeditated terrorist attack

    I do not know to what extent it was or was not premeditated, although I suspect that the perpetrator went to Charlottesville seeking a confrontation of some kind. As for ‘terrorist attack’, there seems to me to be little difference between this and other deliberate attacks using vehicles, e.g. like the one in Nice.

    EXploiting the circumstances? You mean like…criticising Trump for failing to condemn one side more than the other?

    Take a look at who has been criticising Trump: Orrin Hatch, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio etc. These are not hand wringing lefties – they are right wing Republicans and they and others are speaking out because they recognise that the situation is extremely serious and the need to make it clear that all American leaders and politicians condemn the actions of the white supremacists transcends party political interest.

    Free Member

    TBH I’m a sandle wearing, yoghurt knitting fully paid up liberal lefty but I dont like Islam and would get pretty upset it a significant number of muslims moved into my town.

    I realise that may upset some people, it isnt a troll just a matter of fact. This is Britain we had a heck of a bother getting rid of the Catholics theres no reason to accept another fairy tale from Arabia.
    I would prefer to welcome everone to a fully secular country.

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