Proper info
– it’s World Bike Relief fundraiser day. This means you’ll be forced onto (souped-up) buffalo bikes. So don’t panic when that happens. You can change the wheels in the pen if you like.
– dress up as a bumblebee.
– comms are on STW discord – the voice channel is easy to find.
– the start is a hack, basically. You must be in the pen for your race start time (19:41 tonight). But when it counts down to zero and says go…DO NOT GO. In fact, stop pedalling to make sure you are on zero power and don’t even creep forward. Sit there, at zero power, do not move, for the team’s start delay. Tonight this is 9 minutes. Then, you can go. It will be timed and counted down over discord. If you need to pedal, you can do this in the pairing screen – NOT the menu screen, you move in the background, the pairing screen. Get back out at zero watts in time to start if you do this.
– the course is 2x Suki’s Playground. It’s actually really long. Possibly over an hour. There’s a climb. It’s steady. You do it twice each lap – first properly and later to half way up.
– @phil56 will take charge on the road. @peaslaker there’s no expectation first time out. It’s an idiosyncratic event. And just your presence in the group makes a difference. So it’s OK to just sit in to start with, maybe all evening, and see how it works.
– I’ll nag later if anyone isn’t signed up correctly. It’s looking OK though.
If I’ve missed anything, can someone add it? Any questions, just ask…