Home Forums Chat Forum World gone mad?

  • This topic has 171 replies, 51 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by zokes.
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  • World gone mad?
  • kennyp
    Free Member

    And while it’s been fun chatting, I’m off to bed now. Night night.

    Free Member

    There are far more important things in the world to get worked up about

    It’s possible to disapprove of this sort of behaviour, and at the same time care about other things. (That are more important in your opinion)

    It’s not one thing at a time.

    Or do you think the entire media should focus one one massive issue at a time, and ignore everything else that isn’t as important?

    Free Member

    That’s the second time you’ve tried to attribute me with saying things I didn’t say. Please stop.

    Hmm, attributing you with things you didn’t say….

    Or in the case of a lot of the folk tweeting, being desperate to be publicly seen to being outraged.

    It’s a bit like imagining people’s motivations for things and then criticising them for them isn’t it.

    Free Member

    The final word on the use of “girl” straight from the horses mouth as it were (where those with the most important opinion are presumably female cricket journalists)
    “A bit of a girl’s night out” – Alison Mitchell just now on TMS

    Free Member

    Maybe she’s taking her under 12 female children out for the evening ?

    Or maybe sometimes people get in a froth without really thinking it through very well 😉

    Free Member

    Well she did specify that it was an evening out with a couple of other female cricket journalists (I presume they were adults), and the comment was closely followed by her making some very good points about the Gayle incident. She considered that to be unacceptable and suggested that she’d heard the comments made the journalist involved feel uncomfortable (one of her “girl” companions had been in direct contact). Which should also be enough said for anybody grown up enough to accept that the opinion of the women most directly involved might be more valuable than their own.

    Free Member

    So to answer the OP’s title question then…


    Full Member

    Fug it CBA.

    Free Member

    @MWS: And yet, being a government minister and calling a journalist* a mad **** witch seems to matter not one iota by comparison

    *I say journalist, she’s one of Murdoch’s sycophants

    Free Member

    zokes 2 very different things, especially as the Journalist doesn’t reall seem bothered and in reality it was a comment that was sent to the wrong person after they had just got a kicking in the press.

    Free Member

    Not really. It’s the attitude behind the actions of Gayle and dun-nuttin-Dutton that’s the issue here, not the comments themselves. The reason there should be far more of a furore about Dutton is because he’s a senior cabinet minister who seems to think it’s OK to refer to women as mad **** witches, same as his ex-boss thought it was great to stand in front of a huge banner calling Gillard a witch.

    A sportsperson being a lethario is one thing, the misogyny that bubbles under a significant portion of the government is quite another.

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