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  • Women moaning about retirement age…
  • Oxboy
    Free Member

    Women live longer than men so in theory men should retire earlier but
    Women are equal so it figures that we all retire at the same age.

    I personally believe that the retirment age should be 60 for everyone. With all the money that is squandered by successive governments I dont believe that we cant afford it. Its just a question of priorities. My priority would be getting young people into work.

    Free Member

    Women live longer than men so in theory men should retire earlier but
    Women are equal so it figures that we all retire at the same age

    The obvious way around that paradox is to solve the issue over inequality of length of retirement with a programme of execution of women.

    Free Member

    I personally believe that the retirment age should be 60 for everyone. With all the money that is squandered by successive governments I dont believe that we cant afford it. Its just a question of priorities. My priority would be getting young people into work.

    Well said Oxboy.

    Full Member

    I personally believe that the retirment age should be 60 for everyone.

    4 day working week > early retirement

    Free Member

    Nothing like having a good rant about something you know nothing about.

    We import 40% of our food? Oooh, shocking, terrible.

    Householders throw away 15-20% of what they buy. More is lost through the supply chain.
    We’re growing biofuels. We could stop that pretty sharpish
    We eat a lot of meat. Hell, looking at a lot of us, we eat too much full stop.

    Cut those sources of waste and we’d not be far off self sufficiency – if for some bizarre reason it were desirable.

    Free Member

    Cut those sources of waste and we’d not be far off self sufficiency – if for some bizarre reason it were desirable.

    Not a chance. During the war years the UK tried very hard to be self sufficient in food and fell well short. Population was significantly lower then as well. Agricultural yields are not that much higher now and less land is used for agriculture so without massive change of use of the land for more intensive agriculture and only having meat occasionally there is no chance of even getting close to self sufficiency in food.

    Full Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Not a chance. During the war years the UK tried very hard to be self sufficient in food and fell well short. Population was significantly lower then as well. Agricultural yields are not that much higher now and less land is used for agriculture so without massive change of use of the land for more intensive agriculture and only having meat occasionally there is no chance of even getting close to self sufficiency in food.
    Can’t speak for other agri sectors, but I can for wheat

    Wheat(Hectares) 1940-673,984
    Wheat(Hectares) 2000-1,956,759

    UK wheat yields have more than trebled over the past 60 years from around 2.5 tonnes/ha in the mid-1940s to 8 tonnes/ha today.

    World yield of wheat went from 1.0 tons/ha in 1940 to 3.0 in 2000

    Free Member

    Hooray for shredded wheat. What if one is gluten intolerant?

    “So let’s do school til 18, piss about til we’re 30 running up immense debts, then work til we die.”

    A brief summary of my life plan 🙂

    Full Member

    buzz-lightyear – Member

    What if one is gluten intolerant?

    Dead easy to supply the gluten free food industry, it’s all made of sawdust.

    Free Member

    Surely we could be self sufficient if we all turned vegetarian? We wouldn’t have to grow mountains of feed to feed the cattle, I’m not sure of the statistics but I think you can feed five times as many people using land for growing vegetables as opposed to cattle. And the meat eaters can have rabbits and squirrels (no I’m not a veggie)
    No idea what this has to do about women retiring though 😉

    Free Member

    Surely we should retire 5 years before women to balance out the years we live after retirement.

    Free Member

    How about after you have worked for 50yrs then you can have your pension so if you get a job after leaving school at 16 then at 66 get your pension i know that is hard luck on all those who dont start work till later on in life but i think 50yrs in work is long enough to expect a pension.

    Free Member

    Surely we could be self sufficient if we all turned vegetarian?

    Not sure how well wheat would do halfway up a mountain in Snowdonia….

    Free Member

    why don’t we provide an out of school program where people get 15 years off work after they leave school? Then they work till they die?

    The good thing about this type of program is we can use old people to do jobs where you don’t have to think quickly or hear well like working in ASDA or creating marketing campaigns and we can use young, able people with sharp brains fresh out of their gap 15 years to do real jobs like saving lives and engineering.

    Free Member

    “So let’s do school til 18, piss about til we’re 30 running up immense debts, then work til we die.”

    Surely the better life plan is:
    “So let’s do school til 18, piss about til we’re 30 running up immense debts, then default on our debts and sponge off the state till we die.”

    Free Member

    Surely the better life plan is:
    “So let’s do school til 18, piss about til we’re 30 running up immense debts, then default on our debts and sponge off the state till we die.”

    Surely the better life plan is:
    “So let’s do school til 18, piss about til we’re 30 lending out other people’s money like there’s no tomorrow, then when there’s a debt crises, sponge off the state until we’re back on our feet and able to ‘make’ obscene amounts of money once again”.

    Free Member

    Men should have to work longer to make up for sitting on their lazy arses at home nothing towards the housework. Bet if you added up all the paid and unpaid work women do at home and in employment its loads more than lazy men. Women should be able to retire at 30 so we can stay home, look pretty and plop babies out every year 😀 For both reasons, that is why we were given boobs.

    Only joking…. 8)

    Full Member

    aracer – Member

    Surely the better life plan is:
    “So let’s do school til 18, piss about til we’re 30 running up immense debts, then default on our debts and sponge off the state till we die.”

    Fair dos, that does sound good.

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