Home Forums Chat Forum Why aren't there more women posting on the forum? Some research

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  • Why aren't there more women posting on the forum? Some research
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    i’m trained in self-awareness i’ll have you know, 3 years at the European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences focussing on such reflective wonders 😛

    anyway, its medication time, time to get my razzledazzle on

    Free Member

    Oh I hate it when the 80th post dissapears for no reason 🙁

    Has Phil been lulled into Elf’s trap??

    Free Member

    You seek affirmation from your peers the same way most folk do. No harm in that, but trust me sonny, you display the same need to appear superior as many on here do. Granted, you do it in a more positive manner than others, but the basic need for affirmation and attention is the same.

    Truth is, unless you know someone, you don’t actually know what their intentions or true attitudes are really, so assuming things about them to fit into your own view is somewhat defensive and insecure ultimately.

    Aren’t these two statements, amde by the same person, just the teensiest bit contradictory?

    You really don’t know if people post here because they’re interested in a topic, want to appear superior, are just argumentative idiots … or all of the above. I can only speak for myself when I say that I post here either to have a chat (‘cos that’s fun), to inform, or just to piss about. The odd elliptical comment thrown into a conversation is always good for a laugh.

    And I do find this place to be astonishing in every sense of the word; just today I’ve seen an excellent Chamonix video, a reference to the Pope Pius IX and the 1870 First Vatican Council’s decgree on papal infallibility, a very positive update from a guy going through cancer treatment, a discussion with Brant on his frame-pricing strategy…..as well as the endless bickering between one guy and everyone else. All human life is here, both good and bad.

    I don’t like the sexism, but until there are more women telling people to shut the f*** up, it’s unlikely to change. Lefty-liberal types (I’m one) are unlikely to change people’s minds by telling the miscreants to play nicely, sad though that may be.

    Full Member

    Polite request:

    Elf and Phil – play nicely and stop frightening the girls.

    Free Member

    but until there are more women telling people to shut the f*** up

    Seeing as nobody’s posted on here in the last 10 minutes and the argument looks like it’s dying… surely we’d just ignore them if they were a female poster?

    Full Member

    Medicine time surely? 😉

    Free Member

    Am I just going to have to talk to myself on this one?

    Free Member

    Yes, you’re an idiot Yeti… a big smelly idiot… seeking self-affirmation by way of the internet.

    Free Member

    😀 i’m not trying to argue CG, and its been a polite exchange littered with compliments 😛 you trying to start a fight with me young lady?! 😆

    Free Member

    Yeah CG; stop trying to cause trouble sheesh you’re always doing it no wonder poor shy insecure blokes like me and Phil are put off using the forum.. 😥

    Free Member

    oi, i’m only insecure in the bedroom thank you very much!

    Full Member

    Fighting, causing trouble – moi? A girl of nervous disposition, I’ll have you know. 🙂

    Where’s Sammie-Louise? Haven’t heard her simpering for a while. 😉

    Full Member

    oi, i’m only insecure in the bedroom thank you very much!

    For Christmas you could buy MrsConsequence a book on knots?

    Full Member

    Only read the first post…Think we all know who she means when she talks about the creepy one

    Free Member


    the forum is a better place with you on it cougar. medical FACT.

    Free Member

    In response to the points, and at risk of being shot down for both:

    Life’s about arguing, in general – there’s two sides to every question, story and interesting article. Life would be really really dull if everyone agreed with everything you said and didn’t argue. Why would you just agree with someone for the sake of it? And if you don’t agree, until someone convinces you otherwise, laying down and accepting their point is a bit lame.

    And in this case blokes appear to be stuck between a rock and a hard place – you’re damned if you’re an arse, and damned if you’re friendly and show some support. Ho hum.

    Free Member

    Life’s about arguing, in general – there’s at least two sides to every question, story and interesting article.


    life would indeed be very dull and indescribably fraught if everything only had two sides..

    Free Member

    life would indeed be very dull and indescribably fraught if everything only had two sides..

    I might go out on a limb and say pretty much everything is a binary choice when broken down, although when posting my original post I was thinking “more than” but simplified it somewhat by accident. But ultimately I don’t care (enough to continue the discussion).

    Free Member

    to be or not to be… what was the question…?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    i dont know what i’m doing with these buttons!

    Free Member

    Does she attend a gym in the Midlands? 😉

    Full Member

    life would indeed be very dull and indescribably fraught if everything only had two sides..

    in fact in the case of buildings, downright draughty and unsafe too.

    i wish people would consider the full ramifications before offering advice on the internets.

    Full Member

    And there would be no triangles. Imagine life without triangles?

    Wouldn’t be worth living

    Free Member

    They’re not actually triangles …….

    Free Member

    i have three black jelly beans here if anybody wants then, collection only from Reading, UK.

    Free Member

    And there would be no triangles. Imagine life without triangles?

    I don’t think Phthagoras realised how important his work was. Imagine if he was around today to see the practical applications in the form of Dairylea Cheese Triangles.

    Free Member

    They’re not actually triangles …….

    Dairylea Triangle-Style Cheese wedges.

    Free Member

    Think we all know who she means when she talks about the creepy one

    You do yourself a disservice, Houns.

    All the ladeeze know that what with your IBS, they are perfectly safe… 😉

    Where’s Sammie-Louise? Haven’t heard her simpering for a while.

    is not she having her piles lasered or something?

    Free Member

    Back to the OP:

    Possibly, statistically more mtb-ers are men than women

    Probably, women have better things to do with their time and are working harder. Multi-tasking doesn’t extend to wasting time on internet fora!

    Full Member

    Agree with what was said above; there are fewer women who ride bikes/ride mountainbikes and fewer women interested in the internet.

    If you worked out how many male posters there are as a percentage of how many males cycle, and the same for women, maybe the number of posters, when expressed as a percentage of the female cycling population (rather than as per capita) is rather higher.


    Free Member

    Favourite Definition of The Day: A Misogynist, one who hates every bone in a womens body, except his own….

    …..somehow seems appropriate and explanatory.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand the desperate striving for more female members etc anyway to be honest – who’s here is who’s here, those who don’t join I don’t care about, those who do join could be either male or female or alien for all I care. Providing no-one feels personally attacked and bullied, ultimately it’s all personal choice. If I didn’t like it here I wouldn’t expect people to be clammering to find ways of getting more coffeekings here, I’d expect life to go on as normal. Same with women in the sport – who cares? If it were all female and sod all males I don’t see why I or anyone else would want to cautiously tippy-toe around me to make sure I felt included and didn’t get put off. I don’t think you’ll find netball forums are full of women saying “we need to find ways of including more men in this sport, it’s a disgrace that it’s primarily women” do you?

    in fact in the case of buildings, downright draughty and unsafe too.

    Bus shelters are often 1 or 2 sided. While a tad draughty, I’ll grant you that, they’re safe 🙂

    Free Member

    I lurked for ages before posting and it was a thread with Rachel explaining what she was going through that made me want to start posting here. When you lot want to be, you can all be so supportive. The piss taking was hard to understand at first, and I got really wound up by it until i got that it was mostly trying to be funny. The sexism on here can get a bit much sometimes and it was a bit **** that it took me and sueW to say ” we’re going” before it got taken seriously but most of you got it!!

    It’s mostly good here and the times it’s not I just don’t post.

    Free Member

    can’t the mods just delete all the men until the number of men and wimmin active posters is equal? MODS! ARE YOU LISTENING? CAN YOU HEAR MY QUESTION?!

    Full Member


    Free Member

    The sexism on here can get a bit much sometimes and it was a bit **** that it took me and sueW to say ” we’re going” before it got taken seriously

    you weren’t ever taken seriously (other than by “the creepy club” 😉 )

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The mods are listening..

    Only 4 blokes left.

    Free Member

    you weren’t ever taken seriously (other than by “the creepy club”

    What is ‘creepy club’? Care to explain please because do not understand this concept. Thx.

    You’re still smarting over being made to look a bit silly, aren’t you GW? 😉

    Yes you are. Don’t try pretending you’re not.

    Otherwise, you woon’t have posted that provocative comment.

    Now, stop being silly, focus and answer my question please.

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