Should have come riding, rascal 😉
I managed a nice three hour razz around. Only slightly spoiled by an ‘encounter’ in the park that cannot be mentioned.
Perhaps just after dark is not a wise time to ride it as some of the idiots are still there. I came down nicely onto the bottom road, exhibiting some quite nice skills in my opinion. There were quite a few people on the road. No worries until some silly old tart practically runs from the edge of the lake to give it “you’re supposed to stay on the path, not treat it like a race track”. Despite the fact that everyone else I saw said thanks for slowing down for them.
Anyway, I am never quite ready for a-holes like this, so my response was not what I would have liked. Thirty seconds later I wished I’d said “go home and drink another bottle of cheap wine and chill out” or “the reason I don’t ride on this road is to avoid people like you”.
However I did manage to chuckle in her face and shake my head saying “dear, oh dear” which got a laugh from two blokes who were there. Not my best comeback, but I like to think it convinced her that I genuinely didn’t give a shit what she thought.
Other than drunken old lushes who look like they are in drag haranguing me it was a good ride. The trails are actually very dry for this time of year so all in all a good way to spend a few hours.
Let’s get something ‘down on paper’ for Wednesday night?