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  • What do you do as a living?
  • Capt.Kronos
    Free Member

    Currently an engineer, but given my impending mahoosive paycut which is going to leave me borderline destitute I am going to have to really start pushing the photography sideline in the new financial year!

    Given my huge range of skills and qualifications I am not stressing too much as yet.

    Free Member

    Full time builder of things….

    Full Member

    How do you make your living? – Public Sector, Welfare Reform Projects

    Are you happy doing it? – Meh

    Would you considering a change of career? – Meh

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? – Meh

    NOT interested to what you actually earn! – You’d feel good if you knew.

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? – QHSE Manager – Oil & Gas Industry

    Are you happy doing it? – Yes and no. Never planned to do this but it sort of happened by accident

    Would you considering a change of career? – Yes. If i could find the time to study i would train as an engineer

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? – Yes. oil industry pays very well

    NOT interested to what you actually earn! – As mentioned, oil industry pays very well.

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? royal navy engineer on submarines

    Are you happy doing it? not really the forces control your life more than you would ever belive unless you know someone in the forces, but they pay well and left me look after nuclear reactors.

    Would you considering a change of career? yes in 3425 days

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? yes

    NOT interested to what you actually earn! good job or you would have to google rn pay scales and find out, not a secrete for us guys lol

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? Senior Consultant – Simulation Modelling

    Are you happy doing it? Yeah 2.5 days/week currently mixed bag of work, travel and teaching stuff.

    Would you considering a change of career? Nope just did one to get here, went from paying consultants to being one

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? Not quite but should do soon (i hope) but then I wont have as much time….

    Free Member

    Veterinary nurse! Absolutely love my job! …..wish I had loved my honours degree more as I would then at least have been able to earn some real dosh. However, at least I get up every morning with excitement of what the day may bring !
    I’m a very very lucky girl 😉

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? royal navy engineer on submarines

    My brother in law is a engineer in the Navy (previously invincible)
    He also is counting down the days,
    He also has no problem paying for mtb.

    What you fancy doing once out?

    Full Member

    Sorry, just spotted this gem:

    Given my huge range of skills and qualifications I am not stressing too much as yet.

    Have I missed the irony bus are are you genuinely an ultimate JOAT?!

    Free Member

    im amazed you can mtb comfortably in a submarine 🙂

    Corporate banking peppered with deep ridden guilt. Wearing myself out cycling is the only way I can sleep 😯

    I’d love a change though. Son’s autistic so would love to work with learning difficulties

    Free Member

    Veterinary nurse!

    Tried the vets out for my work experience day during school all them many years ago,

    Watched a cats tail been amputated and fainted, had I applied myself I could have worked through my squeamishness and gone down your route.

    Full Member

    How do you make your living? Art and Media teacher, also Senior Tutor (Head of House in old money).

    Are you happy doing it? Yup. Never boring, involved in subjects I love and (cheesy schmalz alert) have the chance to make a little difference to people’s lives.

    Would you considering a change of career? Not currently, but am looking at a possible change of location.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? In my ‘middle leadership’ role yes. Not enough for a stable of blingy superbikes, but if I need/want something I don’t in all honesty have to worry about affording it.

    NOT interested to what you actually earn! Until Gove’s full PRP proposals come in, teachers’ pay scales are readily available.

    Free Member

    Enlighten us?!

    Drawing, writing and riding bikes 😉

    Free Member

    I’d love a change though. Son’s autistic so would love to work with learning difficulties

    Very rewarding, often frustrating (system letting peeps down) and low paid but the rewards often outweigh that.

    Free Member

    I’m an advertising manager for a sailing magazine. It’s good fun because the industry is full of lovely people but hard work at the moment. It only just covers my uncontrollable bike habit…. 😉

    Very rewarding, often frustrating (system letting peeps down) and low paid but the rewards often outweigh that

    Yeah I guessed that would be the story. I need to look into it, what qualifications and so forth.

    Free Member

    Project engineer for an aluminium fabricator – love it, love the travel, but on the cusp where I need to do it for myself 8)

    Full Member

    sbd16v – Member
    How do you make your living? royal navy engineer on submarines

    My last job was designing those things 🙂 Have you been to Barrow in Furness to collect?

    Now –

    Job – Research Engineer
    Happy – Hell yes!
    Career Change – Nope, this is my second – previously IT Manager
    Comfort – it’s enough, but I’m far from comfortable.
    Salary – I’m not particularly well paid, but hey ho.

    Full Member

    Technical manager for a food manufacturer supplying the major retailers. reasonably happy but certaIn aspects of the job are a pita. Not considered a career change. The pay is ok but we are far from comfortable as my wife is currently a stay at home mum. Commuting by bike helps me justify spending on bikes.

    Full Member

    Offshore Medic/Registered Nurse. For the rest of it see what ChiefInspector said..

    Free Member

    Satellite comms engineer for the biggest defence company in the world. I get to travel the world weekly, not all good though, I have a young family at home.

    Free Member

    Removing the bogies from under the benches in th Houses of Parliament.
    God nose why i picked this job.

    Free Member

    Clinical specialist for a medical devices company.

    Happy doing it but more time on my bike would be nice

    Free Member

    meat processor , been very busy , but just gone quiet now 🙂

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? Sales Manager for a 3 year old tech startup now owned by a big global corporation.

    Are you happy doing it? Yes very – hard work and lots of pressure but exciting to be able to steer the company’s direction in terms of growth. Plus sales directly rewards ability and effort with commission payments so all good there!

    Would you considering a change of
    career? No. Have been in sales a long time now and progressed well – no desire to take a backwards step by starting afresh in something new.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb
    comfortably? Yes – but I can always spend more!!

    Full Member

    How do you make your living? Construction Estimator. Currently working my way down the career ladder having got to the staggering heights of middle management for a large national.

    Are you happy doing it? More so working for a smaller regional contractor, and doing the job rather than managing. Hours are a bit more manageable having dropped from 80+ to about 60 plus an hour less commute each day.

    Would you considering a change of
    career? I’d love to do something which got me away from computers and outdoors a bit more. In the mean time I’ll continue to escape on the bike when I can.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb
    comfortably? There’s always something else to pay for (especially with 2 teenage daughters) so the bikes tend to get neglected / run on the cheap. Have a pretty good lifestyle all said and done, but feel I put the effort in to deserve it.

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? – ADR

    Are you happy doing it? – I like my job and the company but see below.

    Would you consider (FTFY) a change of career? – Am currently doing so.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? – Not on Orange Five money but happy with my bike.

    NOT interested to what you actually earn!

    Free Member

    tacopowell – Member

    Just curious to what fellow mtb’rs do to make a living?

    How do you make your living?

    Part-time bureaucrat.

    Are you happy doing it?

    It’s just a job so no happy or unhappy about it but what really gets on my nerves are those bureaucrats that try to play god with me.

    Would you considering a change of career?

    Yes, starting my own business would be good.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably?

    For myself just about enough to get by …

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? Lighting Designer/Production manager

    Are you happy doing it? yep

    Would you considering a change of career? I consider it most days whilst on the road and I also think I wouldnt change it for the world most days!!

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? pay: yes free time:no

    Free Member

    Bee Shepherd

    Free Member

    Sorry, just spotted this gem:

    Given my huge range of skills and qualifications I am not stressing too much as yet.
    Have I missed the irony bus are are you genuinely an ultimate JOAT?!

    Yes… pretty much 😉

    I spent a lot of time diversifying partly as I have a short attention span/low boredom threshold, and partially as I am interested in a lot of different things 😉 Keeps things interesting afterall.

    In all honesty I can’t imagine doing the same thing for my entire life, but I do have some kind of a masterplan – just the route to get there is probably going to be circuitous.

    Full Member

    I envy you 🙂

    Yes… pretty much

    EDIT: I need someone to remove some threaded bolts from a pair of hope wheels, someone to get me the right mortgage, a private contract hire merc with insurance included even though I already own and insure a car, advice on the cat’s urinary issues and thoughts on whether the time he got dehydrated could have created the problem, a proper diagnosis on my Dad’s (alleged) glaucoma without talkimg to hin like he’s just some number in the NHS queue, and some help in dealing with mental health issues without resorting to drugs (not my own).

    Name your price!

    Full Member

    Manager of a design team, in engineering.

    Free Member

    Mechanical maintenance at a university in the Midlands ….. usually involves lots of driving around doing as little as poss 🙂 …. occasionally have to check things 🙁

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? – designing interactive stuff like apps, interfaces and websites.

    Are you happy doing it? – yep, love it.

    Would you considering a change of career? – not at the mo

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? – more than enough – but it’s time I’m short of.

    Free Member

    I design make and stick graphics on things.
    Pays enough (just)
    I love it. Paid trips to Las Vegas and Amsterdam every year take the sting out of some of the long days.

    Full Member

    Freelance Business / Systems Analyst

    Are you happy doing it? Love it… but only since I’ve been freelance. I’m reaping hard won rewards now (completely self trained, ‘worked my way up’ so to speak – and had a few soul destroying jobs on the way). Now I’m never sorry that it’s 6am on a Monday, some days I’m really excited about going to work

    Would you considering a change of career? Not at present, but for years I’ve wanted to work with green wood – building oak framed structures, or living in the woods making sticks etc… However, 2 kids and a lovely wife, and a job I love, mean I’m happy to leave those ideas till I’m 50 odd…..

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? I never work more than 40 hours a week, and can basically buy any bike or kit I want to… so I guess the answer is yes… But I make sure most weekends I’m around with the kids, so for me ‘comfortably’ means compromise. I can’t do a seasons racing, or every uplift that’s arranged… much as I want to, but I get along. Look forward to a week in the Alps and 4 uplifts + 5 races in 2013…

    Free Member

    i sign on, great for cycling…..

    Full Member

    How do you make your living? faceless bureaucrat or senior health service manager, depending who you ask.

    Are you happy doing it? I love working in the NHS, and particularly mental health. I’m not a clinician, but I love being able to help make things a bit better than they might otherwise be.

    Would you considering a change of career? Only been in the public sector a few years and wouldn’t want to go back. NHS cuts being what they are, I can never say never though.

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? Pays me enough, but doesn’t give me as much time as I’d like.

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