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  • Ukraine
  • Pieface
    Full Member

    The difference in numbers is staggering, and perhaps indicates a stockpile for a European land invasion, sending in your troops afterwards with no consideration for them at all.

    Free Member

    So here’s a thought, not all nuclear warheads will be WMD’s, i expect some could be quite small and fit on a shell, used for specific reasons

    These are the ‘tactical nuclear weapons’ that you’ll have heard mentioned.

    @pieface, there’s some good articles on the subject if you can get past all the shitty soundbite news reports.

    I think also the reason for TNW decrease on the US side is the prevalence of highly effect conventional munitions & equipment.

    Full Member

    I read something about 30 years ago that said a full-blown war in Europe using ‘just’ conventional weapons would have a similar environmental impact as nuclear war, however lets not find out!

    @pieface I’m not going to disagree with that in the slightest.

    Full Member

    “US scientists with a full-scale cut-away model of the W48, a very small tactical nuclear weapon with an explosive yield equivalent to 72 tons of TNT (0.072 kiloton). Around 100 of such shells were produced during the Cold War.”
    Cannot post photos on here but that is about the size of a breeze block.

    Thanks for the link.

    Full Member

    Russia foreign ministey now saying they are finding proof/documents of chemical weapons in development with USA help in Ukraine. Live on sky news
    I’m beginning think we are being pranked

    Edit.. apparently it’s not the first time they have accused them of it it was first reported in 2020.

    Full Member

    I think a lot of the U.S. and U.K. warheads are “dial-a-yield” types. They can be adjusted to have yields of sub-1k up to 200k or more. This means that “strategic” warheads can also be used as tactical weapons.

    Problem is, kicking off a nuclear war is a really dumb idea. Any thoughts of a first strike to take out Russia’s missiles is utter madness. Tactical weapons would leave large areas of Europe uninhabitable. Putin might be desperate enough to use tactical nukes if he thought it was the only way to not lose but no responsible Western leader would think a nuclear conflict was a smart decision.

    Full Member

    Russia foreign ministey now saying they are finding proof/documents of chemical weapons in development with USA help in Ukraine

    Was it in a box next to the nuclear weapon plans?
    Its surprising how crap their propaganda is. I guess they have just got used with sowing confusion and discord to try and drag everything down rather than a targeted propaganda campaign to make them look good vs their enemy.

    Full Member

    Russia foreign ministey now saying they are finding proof/documents of chemical weapons in development with USA help in Ukraine. Live on sky news
    I’m beginning think we are being pranked

    the (same) loons on the local FB groups have given up on Coronavirus conspiracies and are now promoting the narrative (I guess it’s linked; maybe this is where Covid really came from?) that the noble Russians have invaded Ukraine in order to destroy CIA bioweapon labs there. So now you know 🤣

    Full Member

    Its surprising how crap their propaganda is. I guess they have just got used with sowing confusion and discord to try and drag everything down rather than a targeted propaganda campaign to make them look good vs their enemy.

    I think they just got used to having “useful idiots” in the West amplifying their propaganda. The basic pattern was to point to examples of American/NATO atrocities like Vietnam or Iraq and then claim that Russian atrocities don’t count because the West is hypocritical. I agree completely that Vietnam and Iraq (and a whole bunch of other misadventures) were just obscene, but at least people living in liberal democracies can protest and can vote leaders out of power. Now that it’s obvious that Putin is much, much worse than Bush, Blair, JBJ, Nixon, etc., the useful idiots have shut up and there’s nobody to spread the nonsense.

    Full Member

    Even north Korea is better at it Russian state TV needs that woman from north Korea tv she has the best poker face I’ve seen although she may have good reason to.

    Full Member

    FB Loons probably been watching this Netflix documentary – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectral

    “When an otherworldly force wreaks havoc on a war-torn European city, an engineer teams up with an elite Special Ops unit to stop it.”

    Full Member

    North Korea TV news woman is ace. If the regime ever collapses she could make millions doing stints for all the other major news TV programs.

    Full Member

    Russia foreign ministey now saying they are finding proof/documents of chemical weapons in development with USA help in Ukraine. Live on sky news
    I’m beginning think we are being pranked

    I was reading up on this last night.

    It’s exactly the same BS they used around 10 years ago from memory and totally made up nonsense.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    North Korea TV news woman is ace. If the regime ever collapses she could make millions doing stints for all the other major news TV programs.

    Yes, she’s interesting isn’t she.

    To paraphrase a great movie line, you could definitely stick a lump of coal up her butt and get a diamond out a few hours later…

    Full Member

    In one day, Poland alone admitted 30,000 refuges.


    I’m appalled at the UK response.

    Oh, the UK now was a Minister for Refuges I see on the news.

    Lots of announcements and zero bloody actual action.

    Full Member

    Its surprising how crap their propaganda is. I guess they have just got used with sowing confusion and discord to try and drag everything down rather than a targeted propaganda campaign to make them look good vs their enemy.

    This is exactly what Putins regime has done for decades. They don’t have a single government ‘line’, as such.

    They just constantly throw out contradictory and increasingly wild stories so that it is absolutely impossible for anyone to get a handle on whats actually happening, so people give up trying.

    I think that’s where a lot of Russians appear to be now. And we all probably would be too if constantly deluged with disinformation for years

    Free Member

    They just constantly throw out contradictory and increasingly wild stories so that it is absolutely impossible for anyone to get a handle on whats actually happening, so people give up trying. I think that’s where a lot of Russians appear to be now.

    I’ve often wondered what happens to that approach when the government needs people to believe what it’s saying.

    Free Member

    “Even north Korea is better at it Russian state TV needs that woman from north Korea tv she has the best poker face I’ve seen although she may have good reason to.”

    She’s sitting on a hand grenade.

    Full Member

    Russia promoting the message that sanctions will hurt the West more than them. That’s going to be a wake up call for sure when things really bite over there. Add in the immediate effects of Western companies pulling out/ suspending Russian operations and it’s going to be interesting seeing Putin try and spin this.

    Free Member

    North Korea TV news woman is ace. If the regime ever collapses she could make millions doing stints for all the other major news TV programs.

    Tory party spokesperson?

    Full Member

    I’ve often wondered what happens to that approach when the government needs people to believe what it’s saying.

    You just end up with complete apathy. An acceptance that the regime will just do what it likes anyway, because it doesn’t care what the population think. If they do protest, they’ll be imprisoned anyway, so why should they worry

    Full Member

    I’ve often wondered what happens to that approach when the government needs people to believe what it’s saying.

    Being a police state helps there I think. Do this or get thrown into the gulag has a certain ability to make people accept the current line.

    Free Member

    Presumably Nato know exactly where Russia’s nuke launch sites are by now? A co-ordinated simultaneous attack to destroy all of these in one strike – Nato could take the Russian nuclear threat off the table and the Russians to heal.

    And the ones under the sea?

    I know where the ones under the sea are.. they’ll be about 500m down under the North Atlantic ice shelf – good luck finding/neutralising them…

    Full Member

    Beeb just reporting that Russia has taken Chernobyl off the Ukrainian power grid… So no power to carry out repairs/maintenance to the decommissioned mess.


    Free Member

    China are sitting on the fence, neither approving nor condemning Russia. AFAIK they do not have a pact between them offering military assistance if either is attacked.

    Yes. China are carefully playing a long game and IMO don’t want to get into any kind of military conflict. They’re watching what’s going on with the Russian economic collapse, and waiting for Russia to come to them for a ‘bailout’. Which could come in various forms: Russia need someone to buy their gas/oil, they need access to a large banking system to replace SWIFT, and they’ll need some big loans soon. They’ll be desperate and China will have plenty of leverage to drive a very hard bargain.

    If China play their cards right they could end up, at worst, making a shitload of cash, and at best, having Russia as a vassal state for the next few decades, without firing a single shot. It’s not surprising they’re putting a consoling arm around Russia’s shoulder and telling them they’re on their side.

    Full Member

    The only thing China cares about is preferably control of, or at the very least priority access to, natural resources to fuel their continued economic growth

    Free Member

    I think that a lot of Russians know what’s coming down the line economically, for younger generations it might be a bit of a shock but just like over here, they are outnumbered. Dissenters will either find themselves in Jail or cowed.

    There will be many who don’t agree with Putin’s decision but have a similar feeling to him with regards Russia’s greatness and do not want to see it relegated in the world order. They dodged that one in the 90’s remember and consequently voted in a strongman and they probably knew he was an autocrat at heart.

    The thought of Russia being crushed will be traumatizing for many Russians and I think that too much talk from our side about defeating or neutering Russia will strengthen their resolve, irrespective of their view on Putin.

    Full Member

    From the Beeb…
    So cutting the power off from Chernobyl will potentiality stop the cooling of the radioactive site and could get a little nasty.

    Full Member

    You just end up with complete apathy. An acceptance that the regime will just do what it likes anyway, because it doesn’t care what the population think. If they do protest, they’ll be imprisoned anyway, so why should they worry

    We still talking about Russia right??

    This whole mess scares me more than anything I knew about growing up during the late 70s/early 80s. (Not knowing about Able Archer etc. at the time.)

    Full Member

    Have we done Russia closing its Forex sales until September yet? Because that’s Putin pretty much tanking the Russian economy.

    I mean I know China has stepped in and many Russian banks are reissuing cards backed by the Chinese and those are widely accepted, but to all intents and purposes Ruble convertibility is finished

    Reports also coming in from Finland, saying trains from Russia rammed with folks looking to get out before the marshall laws are imposed by Putin that they all think are coming.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t stop in Finland if I were them… presence of lots more Russian speakers there could be an excuse for a future invade and flatten mission. Just like Kharkiv.

    Free Member

    It’s exactly the same BS they used around 10 years ago from memory and totally made up nonsense.

    Isn’t that what Blair and Bush did? Make up evidence of WMDs?

    I mean you can complain about Putin all you want but B&B managed to sell the same idea to their governments and a large part of the public.

    Free Member

    So cutting the power off from Chernobyl will potentiality stop the cooling of the radioactive site and could get a little nasty.”

    If my old man were still around I’d be asking him a few questions right now as he was a scientist at the National Radiological Protection Board, I imagine he’d be quite busy right now! He’d also done some time in the RAF stationed in Aden when he was younger, fitting radar units to Hawker Hunters.


    Thinking about it? I could have asked all I wanted but he probably wouldn’t have told me!

    Full Member

    Isn’t that what Blair and Bush did?

    And they lost democratic support because of it. Putin…? Doesn’t need to worry about that.

    Scenes not currently possible in Moscow.

    Full Member

    A pop up site in Lille was meant to open today… Except it hasn’t and no-one even knew it was meant to be there till they heard it on the news.

    Priti… I have no words for her.

    Full Member

    Despite having no cooling, isn’t the recent upgrade to the Chernobyl Sarcophagus built to be able to cope with such things?

    Anyway, what’s their reason to do this, divert the power to elsewhere, or is it a link in a chain to cut-off Ukraine’s energy supplies?

    Free Member

    Free Member
    China are sitting on the fence, neither approving nor condemning Russia. AFAIK they do not have a pact between them offering military assistance if either is attacked.

    Yes. China are carefully playing a long game and IMO don’t want to get into any kind of military conflict. They’re watching what’s going on with the Russian economic collapse, and waiting for Russia to come to them for a ‘bailout’. Which could come in various forms: Russia need someone to buy their gas/oil, they need access to a large banking system to replace SWIFT, and they’ll need some big loans soon. They’ll be desperate and China will have plenty of leverage to drive a very hard bargain.

    If China play their cards right they could end up, at worst, making a shitload of cash, and at best, having Russia as a vassal state for the next few decades, without firing a single shot. It’s not surprising they’re putting a consoling arm around Russia’s shoulder and telling them they’re on their side.

    Full Member
    The only thing China cares about is preferably control of, or at the very least priority access to, natural resources to fuel their continued economic growth

    Yeah, I doubt China are too disappointed with the situation at all. I seen a news report on sputnik the other day that Cisco have left Russia, so all the web infrastructure there will be getting replaced with nice shiny chinese stuff.

    A chinese vassal state does seem like the likely outcome here tbh. Even if they stopped tomorrow, you can’t see much business coming from the ‘West’ as long as Putin and their style of government continues.

    Free Member

    Not your usual POW you see paraded. Hope this kinda message is seeping through to Russia.

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