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  • UKIP's 'Common Sense' bus hits Portsmouth Railway Station.
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    When did that happen?

    Jeeezus, some people are only interested in facts. It probably happened. Is that good enough ffs ?

    Free Member

    It’s a lovely picture mitsumonkey. The Times put it on their front page.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    An interesting rant.

    I appreciate that you took it for what it was. 🙂
    As a mongrel I embrace the differences in people in this country, and it is why I love Britain so much.
    Too full of Guinness and gin to make any other sense.
    God bless you all, if that’s what you desire. 🙂

    Free Member

    You got me bang to rights. My right wing views have unfortunately left me incapable of holding my own in such esteemed intellectual company.

    Instead I’m off to do the next picture in my Sarah Palin join the dots book. I think it might be a polar bear.
    Very Funny Likes

    I love it.. Lefty assumption that intelligence defines wether you’re worthy of voting..

    What they said was that evidence suggests that right wing folk are on average less bright
    Was not getting the point, despite it being explicitly made, meant to somehow counter this claim?

    The fact you were pleased with it only compounds the fail.

    For every bright left vote, there could be ten dim right ones

    did you stop there because you ran out of digits to count 😉

    Full Member

    So faridge has bottled standing in a proper election

    I think that tells you all you need to know about UKIP and their leader-

    hes in it for his mep expenses account and self publicity, his prescious ego couldnt take the humiliation it seems

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Perhaps he thinks Neil Hamilton is the right man to stand in a parliamentary seat vacated due to a “cash-for-questions scandal” ?

    Anyway in other news, a UKIP candidate points out that an African shouldn’t win an Olympic gold medal for Britain.

    Ukip in racism row after candidate describes Mo Farah as ‘African’

    Free Member

    Has anyone made a comparison between Nigel Farage and Adolf Hitler ?

    I may have drawn a Hitler ‘tache on Farage on the leaflet UKIP sent us. It’s not big or clever, but it is funny.

    Said leaflet then went into a jiffy envelope with some offcuts of wood, was addressed to their freepost address and popped in the postbox this morning.

    Free Member

    Here’s the news guys, remember that little ditty ’10 million Sun readers can’t be wrong’

    Have a guess how many Grauniad readers there are?

    I once saw an early “reality” TV show where a female Guardian journalist was paired with a Sun journalist (male, white shirt, red braces) to work at The Sun for a week.

    It was getting close to deadline and the Guardian journalist had not been able to interview the key person for the story due to unavailability.

    The Sun journalist told her “Don’t worry, just make it up”.

    The Guardian journalist said “Isn’t that a bit unethical?”

    The Sun journalist said: “You have me confused with someone who gives a f***, luv.”

    Sorry – typo. Sun “journalist”, I should say…

    Free Member

    Help me here please.

    All these defecting voters, 41% Tory, 12% Lab, 19% Lib, they’re all closet racists and fruitcakes, right? So the parties won’t want them back?

    And racists are thickos, thickos are racists, does thet indicate some awful failing in our education system?

    Full Member

    seems that way slowoldgit

    Simpletons of Newark bereft

    Free Member

    Racism is nothing to do with where you are on the political spectrum.

    Racism comes from people who are scared of change and scared of ‘the other’. The more extreme fringes of any political position tend to be racist because they’re the most scared. Both Hitler and Stalin slaughtered Jews remember…

    (Is there an equivalent of Godwin’s Law for Stalin?) 🙂

    Free Member

    That shows that despots are despots and can come from both the left and the right but yes there are some left wing racists

    Still I am happy for someone to look at the EU and tell us what % of parties that are racist are right wing and what % are left wing

    Its still the case the right has more of an issue with this than the left

    Free Member

    Help me here please.

    All these defecting voters, 41% Tory, 12% Lab, 19% Lib, they’re all closet racists and fruitcakes, right? So the parties won’t want them back?

    And racists are thickos, thickos are racists, does thet indicate some awful failing in our education system?

    You don’t understand the difference between a UKIP party member and a potential UKIP voter ?

    There is plenty of evidence that David Cameron’s description of UKIP as “a bunch of fruit cakes and loonies and closet racists” was fairly accurate.

    If fact the evidence appears to be arriving on a weekly if not daily basis.

    Free Member

    they’re all closet racists and fruitcakes, right? So the parties won’t want them back?

    Yes, I think the estimates have shown that something like 15 percent of any given population are open to voting for far right nationalists like the BNP. If you vote for an openly racist party such as the BNP then you are a racist. Plain and simple, no questions asked. I get the feeling a lot of those types will make up a considerable percentage of UKIPs support.

    Free Member

    And in the latest evidence of bigoted fruitcakes in UKIP – UKIP candidate, Jackie Garnett, says Britain should “ban Islam and knock down all the mosques”.

    It is precisely because the vast majority of potential UKIP voters aren’t loopy fruitcakes that they should be made aware of what they intend voting for.

    Sadly such is the determination by some to give the “political establishment” a kicking, that they quite likely won’t heed the warnings.

    Free Member

    Racism is nothing to do with where you are on the political spectrum.


    There’s no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

    The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.


    Free Member

    If you vote for an openly racist party such as the BNP then you are a racist. Plain and simple, no questions asked.

    I disagree. While many might well be described as racist not all necessarily are. Hard as it might be to believe but some people do not consider the BNP to be racist. They simply don’t put enough thought into it and accept the BNP’s claim that they are not racist at face value.

    I have even know people (working class) to openly claim that they are racist when they clearly aren’t, eg when you point that their mate so-and-so is black they respond with “well he’s different” or you remind that they seem to get on well with Mr Patel at the corner shop and they respond with “yeah he’s alright”.

    It kind of amuses me how this contrasts with some middle-class people who vehemently deny they are racist and then show obvious prejudges towards black people.

    Free Member

    I have even know people (working class) to openly claim that they are racist when they clearly aren’t, eg when you point that their mate so-and-so is black they respond with “well he’s different” or you remind that they seem to get on well with Mr Patel at the corner shop and they respond with “yeah he’s alright”.

    It’s still racism, your mates just consider him to be an “exceptional n…..”.

    Hard as it might be to believe but some people do not consider the BNP to be racist. They simply don’t put enough thought into it and accept the BNP’s claim that they are not racist at face value.

    I don’t believe that for a second, they just don’t want to be outed as racist.

    Free Member

    Sorry what’s “still racism” ?

    Free Member

    They elevate a few ethnic minorty individuals around them to their level. That’s still racist thinking.

    Free Member

    I have even know people (working class) to openly claim that they are racist when they clearly aren’t, eg when you point that their mate so-and-so is black they respond with “well he’s different” or you remind that they seem to get on well with Mr Patel at the corner shop and they respond with “yeah he’s alright”.

    It kind of amuses me how this contrasts with some middle-class people who vehemently deny they are racist and then show obvious prejudges towards black people.

    Oh dear.

    Free Member

    They elevate a few ethnic minorty individuals around them to their level. That’s still racist thinking.

    I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m talking about people who claim to be racist, ie don’t like black people, and yet provide no evidence to back it up, eg they have plenty of black friends and acquaintances. It’s based on more on what they feel they “ought” to say and is their duty to say. It’s not actually based on reality.

    And it is, where it exists, a predominately working class attitude. As I say in the case of the middle-classes, where it exists, the hypocrisy goes in the opposite direction.

    Free Member

    Oh dear.

    Free Member

    I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m talking about people who claim to be racist, ie don’t like black people, and yet provide no evidence to back it up, eg they have plenty of black friends and acquaintances. It’s based on more on what they feel they “ought” to say and is their duty to say. It’s not actually based on reality.

    My experience is that these types are actually racist but make excuses for themselves for people that they know “He’s alright, he’s not one of them proper somalian immigrants”. They will still happily vote for racist policies.

    You can be racist and have black friends.

    Free Member

    As since we’re playing the “I don’t agree with what you’re saying but can’t think of anything to say”….

    grum – Member

    Oh dear.


    Free Member

    It’s difficult to know where to start with such ridiculous baseless nonsense really.

    Tom_W has explained it pretty well but if you can’t understand I guess there’s no helping you.

    I have even know people (working class) to openly claim that they are racist when they clearly aren’t, eg when you point that their mate so-and-so is black they respond with “well he’s different” or you remind that they seem to get on well with Mr Patel at the corner shop and they respond with “yeah he’s alright”.

    Suggesting that this attitude proves someone is not racist is utterly stupid.

    I realise you’re trying to fit things into your ‘working class good, middle-class bad’ prejudices, but this is really idiotic.

    Free Member

    Oh I’m sorry grum did I upset your middle-class sensibilities by pointing the common hypocrisy of middle-class people who claim not to be racist ? You sound a little upset.

    Someone who claims “not to like black people” and has lots of black friends is clearly not being honest. Because the minute they’ve got a black friend they are immediately proving that it is “the individual” which counts, not their colour. It is an attitude which exists although it is not necessarily that widespread, I’ve known cases.

    If you can’t understand that then “I guess there’s no helping you”.

    EDIT : I realise you’re trying to fit things into your ‘working class good, middle-class bad’ prejudices, but this is really idiotic.

    I’m hardly suggesting that it’s a good attitude to have 😆

    Free Member

    Someone who claims “not to like black people” and has lots of black friends is clearly not being honest.

    Oh so now it’s ‘lots of black friends’ eh? 😆

    You’re clearly not a stupid person, so I’m not sure why you’re making such daft arguments.

    Because the minute they’ve got a black friend they are immediately proving that it is “the individual” which counts, not their colour.

    They’re still applying their racism to all the other black people in the world though. Is this really that difficult for you to grasp? Or is it just that it’s the good old ‘salt of the earth’ working-class racism which you can identify with so it’s fine?

    Free Member

    I thought being racy and sexy was considered a good thing?

    Free Member

    OK grum you have never heard someone make a racist comment despite not being racist.

    I guess that in your little politically correct world this sort of thing doesn’t happened.

    However in my experience of working in environments which not very politically correct such as building sites I have heard racist remarks made by people who were not necessarily racist, ie, they showed no prejudices against black people. I’ve also heard people making homophobic remarks despite not feeling any animosity towards gay people – how shocking is that ?

    I know all this is beyond the comprehension of your politically correct addled mind, but that’s how it is.

    Free Member

    That’s not what you said though is it. You’re completely moving the goalposts again.

    Quite amusing to be told how PC I am – people that know me well would disagree I think.

    Free Member

    It is exactly what I said. What people say does not necessarily reflect what they really feel. Sometimes people aren’t even honest to themselves.

    Quite amusing to be told how PC I am – people that know me well would disagree I think.

    I base my comments purely on what you post on here. For all I know you might be a homophobic bigoted racist in real life.

    Free Member

    However in my experience of working in environments which not very politically correct such as building sites I have heard racist remarks made by people who were not necessarily racist, ie, they showed no prejudices against black people. I’ve also heard people making homophobic remarks despite not feeling any animosity towards gay people – how shocking is that ?

    That’s a different kettle of fish, I get this as I’ve worked in a kitchen where everyone liked each other but they would racially abuse each other in a light hearted fashion. It’s contextual but that doesn’t mean the guys you know aren’t racist – in all likelihood if someone says they are racist, they probably are.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t talking about light-hearted banter.

    if someone says they are racist, they probably are

    Well that’s an improvement…..it’s down to “probably” now. I think I can agree with that.

    So anyway, getting back to the point I was making…….While many might well be described as racist not all necessarily are.

    Free Member

    I have even know people (working class) to openly claim that they are racist when they clearly aren’t

    Its about in and out croups what they do is take nice Mr Patel and remove him from his ethnic group and think he is more like them than like other Asians- they take them out the group and assume they are not typical of that group – hence why they can like one and still hate /dislike the group in general
    Its well documented in psychology – I can give links if you really want

    They are still racist though just not to everyone in that group
    If someone says they are racists it is probably fair to say they are even if they have one or two friends from other races….or many as it is now

    Its true that some middle class people may be racist as well and some working class salt of the earth folk can be prejudiced about the middle classes – I bet even you ernie probably know one or two you think are all right 😉

    Now can we be a little less piss takey ?

    Free Member

    I’m racist, i hate racing, can’t we all just ride for fun?

    Free Member

    Good point dabble. It’s not a race to the cafe ffs.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t talking about light-hearted banter.

    If someone uses a racial insult in anger, then they are racist. They might not display it on an every day to day basis though.

    Junkyards explanation was pretty good.

    Free Member

    I thought being racy and sexy was considered a good thing?

    Racist, Nigel, racist.

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