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  • Tottenham Riots
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member

    Oh you silly, silly naive relativist; sadly I’ve known, lived with, and watched junkies die their sordid, sad lives. Dealers are parasitic scum living off their own communities and should not be mourned for a minute. “Positive aspect of his life.” **** that, I can only imagine you’re still grooving to your Gary Glitter discs and bemoaning the cruelty of all those nasty judgemental types.

    Do what?

    Where did I say a ‘dealer should be mourned’? Where?

    What I did say, which you obverussly din’t read through all your steaming bile, was that maybe those who lost a loved member of their family might have wanted to pay tribute to someone they saw some good in. Don’t they have the right to do so? I dare say those close to Tony Blair will want to commemorate his life when he passes…

    As for the rest of your post; go and have a lie down. Sounds like you need it.

    Free Member

    What I did say, which you obverussly din’t read through all your steaming bile, was that maybe those who lost a loved member of their family might have wanted to pay tribute to someone they saw some good in.

    No mate, no steaming bile just no time for dealers. If a family wants to cvelebrate their beloved dealer-in-the-family and the luxuries their death pimping bring, well, **** ’em too. (And no, no time for arms dealers, investment bankers etc either; soulless, exploitative capitalists – whichever side of the ‘law’ they operate on – *can* be judged for the scumbags they are.)

    Free Member

    No seriously, please go and have a lie down. You must be very tired. You’ll do yourself a mischief if you carry on being so wound up.

    Are you constipated?

    Free Member

    I have reached the conclusion that “ilovemygears” is actually a very clever troll, possibly one of the other regulars in disguise, who has initiated a situation in which all the “Daily Mail” flogem-and-hangem tendencies can exercise their need to froth at the mouth, and also expose the damaged crippled underbelly of modern Britain that is represented here in microcosm. The upside is that they also get exposed to a reasoned level of rebuttal, which may have the chance of penetrating their knee-jerk, emotional response defences.

    I mean:

    they need a quality eduction provided by the state. Class dosent effect youre IQ.

    This so heavily laced with intelligent irony that I just can’t believe the writer isn’t a comedy genius.

    Troll of the year. My hat. Off.

    Free Member

    Yeah but troll or not; I find it a bit disturbing that there are genuinely people out there who are that ignorant and blinkered.

    I think the quote that Flashy posted is very poignant indeed. 🙁

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The whole incident will now be subject to intense scrutiny by the IPCA. If that’s not justice I don’t know what is.



    Free Member

    Given that the media has recently been awash with stories about police corruption, and that these regular indications of the fact that venality and self-interest are as endemic within the police force as anywhere else and that, as Elfin says, even nice “white” middle-class people are unlikely to automatically trust the police these days:

    Yes, you don’t know what justice is.

    How’s that?

    Free Member

    It will be interesting to see what the truth actually is here about the shot man.

    Youth worker Michelle Jackson, 43, …………….

    “I knew the person that was shot, he’s a really nice guy, and they’re making him out to be some kind of gangster involved in guns and all that kind of stuff.

    Free Member


    “They’re making their presence known because people are not happy,” she said. “This guy was not violent. Yes, he was involved in things, but he was not an aggressive person.”

    Free Member

    To be fair, Teej, people do tend to come forward and say positive things about someone who’s just died.

    At the end of it all, there’s 4 young children who have lost their daddy. Whatever the whys and wherefores, we, as a society, ought to be working together to ensure their futures are brighter and more positive.

    This thread doesn’t suggest that such a thing is about to miraculously happen though. 🙁

    Free Member

    Indeed – they always do. It will be interesting tho when the truth comes out as it will.

    Free Member

    it is easier to be critical than correct

    Free Member

    No seriously, please go and have a lie down. You must be very tired. You’ll do yourself a mischief if you carry on being so wound up.

    Why do you think I’m wound up? You’re not very good at reading people so I’d stop trying to do it – you’re onto a loser on that path.

    Pleased you can keep sidestepping reality; some people need other means to do so but for you it seems natural.

    Free Member

    The plot thickens..

    The bullet which was found lodged in the radio of one of the officers at the scene is still undergoing forensic tests. But reliable sources have said the first ballistics examinations suggested it was a police issue bullet.

    These are very distinct as the Metropolitan Police uses dum dum type hollowed out bullets designed not to pass through an object.

    The early suggestion from the IPCC was that the Met officers had returned fire after someone in the minicab opened fire. But the result of the ballistics early test suggests both shots fired came from the police

    Full Member

    yup lefty muck stirring channel4 news was hinting at the same thing earlier
    confidence in the met is so low with regards to killing people and then issuing missinformation/lying about it afterwards that these rumours are likely to stick with a lot of people

    Free Member

    If early reports are to be believed its kicking off in Enfield as I type.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    kimbers – Member

    yup lefty muck stirring channel4 news

    Yeah, the muck should be left where it is, eh?

    Full Member

    i should have added a 😉 im a fully paid up whining guardian reading john snow fanboy

    Full Member

    rainbow im guessing you chose your username because of your inclusive diversity loving nature http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag_(LGBT_movement)

    Free Member

    That is the Government for you opening the doors for scums and dead beats, I feared for the future in UK as this country is ruined now.


    Free Member

    {Rainbow’s post quote removed – Mod}

    You think you’re worried about the future of our country? Try being us reading that.

    Free Member

    rainbow. rainbow rainbow rainbow.


    Free Member

    edit. He isn’t saying what I think he is saying is he?

    Free Member

    Nah; surely nobody could be that thick??

    Free Member

    either spectacularly stupid or spectacularly ignorant.

    Free Member

    a friend of ours in Enfield has just seen 20 hooded and masked people walk past their house on Ladysmith Road headed into Enfield Town

    why, why, why………..

    i can only hope for local resdents sake that these gangs are dealt with promptly by the Police to minimise intimidation and damage to the local law abiding residents



    Free Member

    Did he really say that? Is this 1972? What an utter twunt!!!

    Free Member

    Seems as if Enfield is kicking off and some rioters have arrived by BIKE.


    Full Member

    If anyone is planning on a night of rioting and mayhem, could you please pick me up a pair of black Adidas Samba Classic, size 42?

    Thanks in advance.

    Free Member

    Is there an Evans in Enfield?

    Free Member

    What that shop for big lasses?

    Have you put on weight, Dunt? 😯

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Is it kicking off tonight again?

    Full Member

    Almost certainly. It’ll be like the last wave of riots in the 80’s. It will become a summer fad with lots of media hand-wringing going on.

    Free Member

    mmm … as a good guardian reader, I’ve been watching c4 news – lots of talk of inner city areas being a ‘tinderbox’, followed by the inevitable political point scoring about ‘why’. Just made me think about the ‘location assumptions’ that exist – ie if you live in certain places you must be a violent criminal, whereas in other places the police are more likely to assume you’re a fine upstanding member of society.

    Used to happen all the time when I lived in Leeds – if you walked through chapeltown you’d often get stopped and searched for no particular reason, but as soon as you’d crossed over to headingley or chapel allerton, you were fine. Same person, looking / acting the same – but in one location regularly stopped by the police and in others you weren’t. Maybe the continous differential treatment people get in different places leads to some of the ‘tinderbox’ that politicians are so keen to refer to.

    I’ve noticed it even more since I’ve lived in rural backwaters of Scotland and Wales – despite living in inner city Leeds for years, the only place I’ve been shot at or threatened with a gun has been in Scotland. And the police reaction has been completely different – no armed response unit swooping down, just the local bobby strolling down to have a look and going ‘ah yes, slightly different angle and it would have gone through the back of your head rather than just shooting out the rear windscreen – I’ll go up tomorrow and have a chat’

    maybe we need to consider how we treat people and communities, and how that then affects how they react?

    Free Member

    I’m just off out to start a riot so I can loot me a new cooker, it aint my fault guv, society made me do it.

    Free Member

    Seems tonight’s trouble is more about youths having a do with the fuzz rather than any significant ‘political’ statement. Quite possibly some of those from last night fancying another night of grabbing stuff and having a buzz. Riots are very exciting and the adrenaline rush is tremendous.

    A lot of anger out there though. And where? Seems to be concentrated in the more deprived areas, unsurprisingly.

    it aint my fault guv, society made me do it

    Of course individuals should have a grasp on social responsibility, but shoon’t we be looking at why some don’t seem to have any sense of such responsibility, rather than getting all angry and condemning others?

    Those idiots out there tonight are causing untold damage to society, not just a few shops etc. But maybe they just see it as a buzz, having a laugh, having a bit of power. I think the key is to harness that energy and use it in more positive and productive ways, because it can be done.

    Not the easiest task when there are fewer decent jobs, prospects, opportunities and possibilities, and more frustration, resentment and fear.

    I woon’t want to be a young person growing up in an urban area right now.

    Free Member

    harness that energy and use it in more positive and productive ways, because it can be done.

    like rebuilding the homes and shops they have destroyed

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