A lot of the haters choose to forget what had gone on before – strikes paralyzing the economy, power cuts, rubbish piled in the streets, the UK having to be bailed out by the IMF.
Not sure how to judge her – she and her party managed to stay in power for 17 years, so someone voted for them. And rightly or wrongly, her legacy was not replaced by the last Labour government who had 13 years to try and undo the supposed damage.
I do know that my dad left the RAF after 22 years in 1979 and went on the dole. Times were hard. Under the Thatcher regime he got back on his feet, turned his – and our – lives around, and moved our expectations way beyond his own mining and ship building roots, encouraging me to have a career that saw me financially independent by the time I was 21.
That said, I now live and work in the former coal and steel communities, and I understand the hate of those directly affected, if not the trendy hangers on. And some of those I work with will admit that their union bosses were just as over zealous and ultimately destructive.
When Scargill passes on, maybe two wrongs will make a right at last