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  • thatcher
  • garlic
    Free Member

    Wonder if anyone commenting about Thatcher sending the “green light” through her actions is aware of the 1976 occupation and of South Thule with an Argentinian research base, nicely covered up by Gentleman Jims government, and seen by the Junta as proof of the likelihood that the British government would accede to the later 1982 invasions?

    I’m a total Thatcherite/Reaganite/Blairite hater but this interests me. Will have do some further reading…

    Free Member

    garlic : Don’t worry about it its a red herring, South Thule is a strategically unimportant nothing in the ocean. The facts are that the UN told the UK and Argentina to sort the Falklands out between themselves in 1964/5, this process had been ongoing from that time. When the Argentinians occpied it initially the UK was unaware of that fact, because of its insignificance, isolation and lack of communication. Eventually when they became aware Callaghan protested strongly, but seeking to avoid conflict and the obvious public outcry that would follow any such perceived slight he carried on with diplomatic efforts to resolve the matter and didn’t make it public. He also maintained the UK’s military presence in the region. In 1982, some 6 years later, immediately after withdrawing the “gunship” Argentina invaded having tested the water with South Georgia first.

    If anything South Thule proves that the war was clearly unneccesary, and not the reverse.

    Free Member

    And the UKs claim to south Thule is tenuous at best IIRC

    Free Member

    Selling those properties off upset me deeply for this reason, and that along with flogging off all of our public bodies and various other less obvious

    One thing I will admit. Labour 1997+ is far far worse than the damage the Tories inflicted upon this country in the previous 15yrs or so.

    Quangos exploding in growth, PFI, Capita, the illegal war in Iraq enquiry held in camera (Falklands were too but to use that as an excuse is inexcusable). Remember EU said no- dont start a war there its illegal and we ignored them, cash for Peers, buying Peerages, creation of assemblies in Wales/Scotland- yet more layers of bureacracy, selling our gold reserves at the bottom of the market, etc etc.

    Labour aped the Tories to win and keep power- I shudder though as the Tories are just as bad. If only Portillo hadnt had his secret life that he didnt want exposed…. 🙁

    Free Member

    One thing I will admit. Labour 1997+

    [Yawn] what? yeah right of course, obviously? Can I go back to sleep now???

    Free Member

    Hora – cash for peers / buying peerages is not party political – both sides have been at it and arguably the tories are worse

    The Scottish Assembly has been a great success

    Exploding Quangos – not the sole preserve of this government either and some of them are to attempt to get some control over the stuff that the tories privatised.

    Free Member

    Waste of keyboard time TJ, I’d take his last post as a ner ner ne ner ner play ground style acceptance that the original discussion is over. Personally, I can’t be arsed to continue with it.

    Free Member

    Ta G – I need reminding of that daily

    Free Member

    I note you’re not trying to defend PFI, or selling off the gold at the bottom of the market (and making sure the price is further depressed before doing so), TJ!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s tough when you are a goverment employee to be honest about goverment failure, must not bite the hand that feeds.

    Free Member

    I’m far from a fan of Brown but selling the gold didn’t seem such a bad idea at the time – maybe selling it off in such a big lump was though and the timing looks rather unfortunate with hindsite…! Opinion was that gold doesn’t give a return so why hold it – better to pay off debt.

    Free Member

    I’m far from a fan of Brown but selling the gold didn’t seem such a bad idea at the time

    Actually it did. As did telling the market in advance that you were going to sell it, so allowing them to drop the price.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    I note you’re not trying to defend PFI, or selling off the gold at the bottom of the market (and making sure the price is further depressed before doing so), TJ!

    Not even I would defend the indefensible – not that the gold thing wa hugely significant – but still stupid in hindsight

    Free Member

    Not even I would defend the indefensible – not that the gold thing wa hugely significant – but still stupid in hindsight

    Point A. We lost close to £3billion. Any employee who made a business error would face gross misconduct.

    Point B. The person who made a GCSE-level schoolboy error was the Chancellor of the Exchequer. What does that say about his financial planning acumen when it comes to agreeing to PFI projects etc let alone **** up with such a basic commodity rule.

    Free Member

    I suppose I should give the answer to the question “Who was the last British Prime Minister to take up office for the first time on winning a general election and to leave office for the final time immediately after losing a general election.”

    Clement Attlee.

    Not Heath because he only stood down a week after the general election, not immediately – I’ve also argued before that he didn’t actually lose the election, as the Conservatives won the popular vote, and if they’d managed to maintain coalitions would have stayed in government.

    Wilson is the only other more recent PM to have a term in office bookended by a GE win and loss – though of course he left office for the final time when he retired and Callaghan took over (for G since he didn’t reply to my last, and still not sure he realises, Wilson did have to form a coalition after the first ’74 GE, but got a majority from the second, and continued as PM for another 18 months, so not a weak government at all).

    The Conservative administration from ’51 to ’64 had four different PMs!

    Anyway the point of all this is that an “unelected” PM is nothing new.

    The other point arising from this is: for all those who didn’t even have a try, if you know little enough of UK political history to even have a stab at this (suggesting Heath would imply you at least have some idea about political history immediately before Thatcher), how are you in any position to comment on other aspects of political history?

    Free Member

    how are you in any position to comment on other aspects of political history?

    Because everyone has the right to comment.

    Everyone has the right to be wrong.

    And everyone has the right to talk bollox.

    Even you aracer.

    Free Member

    And everyone has the right to talk bollox.

    Thanks :mrgreen:

    Full Member
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    Is RudeBoy’s real name Martin Bishop?

    Free Member

    Dear old Maggie! Hope she gets better soon.

    Free Member

    yeah, we need to hate her just a little bit longer.

    I support the funeral idea, but only if the 21 gun salute is pointing at the box with live rounds to make sure the old witch is really dead. After which they should drop a Kansas bungalow on it as belt & braces.

    Free Member

    Brownfall, a work of genius. Keep watching it, it goes into full flow..



    Free Member

    i cant stand this leftie post revisionist nonsense about Maggie what have you people got against her? Just think where this country would be without her under the thumb of the of the bloody unions via the nationalised industries . She gave this country a good kick up the @rse which anyone fool could see we needed. I will mourn her passing and we are btter for her …GOD bless Maggie may she live for another hundred years

    Free Member

    Junkyard, somewhere a thousand hands are wringing is powering homes across the country..

    People love to blame those in power rather than take responsibility for their own lives. The pit closes? Go and look elsewhere for work. Its the pit-mental that breeds resentment and racism against immigrants who have actually got off their fat asses to go looking for work. You’ll see it in the old mill towns throughout the North West as well. **** your sob stories. No one owes you a living. Earn one.

    Free Member

    Junkyard / Hora – its you guys that don’t understand why she is hated.

    Her deliberate policies have done damage to this country that is still not repaired.

    the mass unemployment of tthe eighties did such social damage, the destruction of manufacturing industry and the deregulation of the finacial industries are one of the reasons our economy is fecked.

    The damage to the NHS has just about been repaired in the backlog of unsuitable buildings and outdated equipment.
    You need to learn a little and stop believing the propaganda.

    She impoverished and destroyed the lives of the minority to enrich the majority. The social damage from that lives on today

    Full Member

    The pit closes? Go and look elsewhere for work.

    Have you been to Afan and Glyncwrrg, you insensitive pillock. Where exactly were they supposed to go FFS
    Why don’t you just stop your pathetic, ill informed prattle right there before you make yourself look a bigger prat than you already have.

    Full Member

    she is a tw%t end of……………………. off to bed now

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    Have you been to Afan and Glyncwrrg, you insensitive pillock. Where exactly were they supposed to go FFS
    Why don’t you just stop your pathetic, ill informed prattle right there before you make yourself look a bigger prat than you already have.

    Posted 1 hour ago # Report-Post


    trailmonkey – Member

    LOL at GG.

    The epitomy of someone taking the internet too seriously.

    Posted 4 months ago # Report-Post



    Free Member

    i like maggie , she was good to H.M FORCES in the early 80,s.wots done is done, being spiteful and rude on an internet forum is a bit sad really, all these pages of ,nastyness, what has it achived, **** all .certanly put the overpowerd unions in its place.

    Full Member

    When she finally dies, I feel my body may not be able to function normally without so much hate coursing through my veins.

    Luckily, both her children are also utterly contemptible wastes of DNA so I intend to transfer all my long held feelings of rage, resentment and helplessness onto them instead.

    Just heard this morning on Radio 4 that she was also partially responsible for the introduction of the ‘Mr Whippy’ aerated plastic ice cream substitute crap to the world whilst working as a chemist.
    Death’s too good for her.

    Full Member

    Jeez gus, hardly evoked godwins did I. If you’d have waited another 4 months you’d have probably come up with something a little more appropriate 😉

    Free Member

    Have you been to Afan and Glyncwrrg, you insensitive pillock. Where exactly were they supposed to go

    1/10. You relocate. What did a lot of Eastern Europeans do in certain rural areas? Migrate to where the work is.

    Sorry, I dont buy the moan ‘work should be provided on my doorstep’.

    Extreme example but you’ve got Rochdale with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. 20mins from Rochdale into central Manchester.

    I don’t buy ‘my grandfather then Father worked in the pit and so shall I. What else can I do’?

    You dont have to be a blue-blooded Tory to want something better. Look at the mass migration of Pakistani’s/Indians to our shores etc. Why didnt they stay in their rural villages.

    Sorry, who’s a pillock again? If someone can relocate thousands of miles to a country with a different language and culture to find a better life why cant a Welshman move 200miles?

    Free Member

    Really NSFW

    This is for everybody who is counting down the time to Fatch’s much anticipated bucket kicking. 😀

    I can’t believe the majority of you. Trying to discern a difference between the Left and the Right in this country? There is none. There are just two political ideologies. Conservative and Reactionary. You are either part of the Political Class or you aren’t. The expenses issue highlighted this [it was noted that the the police were less than eager to pursue what essentially is fraud on a large scale].

    Who would Jesus vote for? Not even the Greens. When the Greens did last achieve a large majority in the 90s they squandered it due to infighting. ‘The democratic process’ means being presented with a number of overflowing sewers and then deciding which one stinks less.

    I blame Skynet. Surely it could have spared at least one Terminator to send to Grantham in 1925?

    Bloody machines. 🙁

    Free Member

    scraprider – Member
    i like maggie , she was good to H.M FORCES in the early 80,s.wots done is done, being spiteful and rude on an internet forum is a bit sad really, all these pages of ,nastyness, what has it achived, **** all .certanly put the overpowerd unions in its place.

    Oh really…. another bending of the truth there. CHECK YOUR FACTS. John Nott was busily cutting back the armed forces when the Falklands war kicked off. That continued afterwards.

    If someone can relocate thousands of miles to a country with a different language and culture to find a better life why cant a Welshman move 200miles?

    Apart from the simple fact that they have done as suggested in droves, I think the difference Hora, is that the examples you quote had little in the way of alternatives. In the example of our various denuded industries it was a deliberate policy to bring these people to their knees. For example with the coal and steel industries, we continue to this day to use and import those commodities. Thatcher simply killed the industries for political reasons, there was no actual need to do so other than that. Scandalous IMHO.

    Free Member

    holds hand up confesses to TROLLING
    Hora honeslty do you belive that ?….the Tebbit on your bike message about moving for jobs leaving your family, friends community so that you can stack shelves instead? (do you believe in his cricket test as well?)
    Add the social costs to closing down the pits/stell works etc and the unemployment benefit we have paid since does it still make economic sense?
    Thatchers main problem was she in no way cared for those people who would not vote for her. She decimated Scotland, Wales and areas of Northern England (that have yet to recover) where the people were traditional Labour voters. Even Dave is a One Nation Tory and would try to do the greatest good for the nation.

    I have my ding dong the witch is dead t-shirt ready and will be out celebrating when she dies. If they try to give her a state funeral I will be there with the other protesters trying to prevent this.
    Look at her support for Pinochet and the racist South African government.
    She instilled a think only of yourself attitude …the equivalent of leaving your buddy with a mechanical or crash damage alone to fend for themselves as they should have been better prepared and why should I be bothered my bike is fine.
    She is the most hated for a reason.

    Free Member

    Can’t be bothered with this shit any more, but this is brilliant:

    ‘The democratic process’ means being presented with a number of overflowing sewers and then deciding which one stinks less.

    So, so true…

    Free Member

    I prefer to believe that flawed as it is, its still better than the alternatives.

    Naive? Maybe.. Hopeful? Definately..

    Free Member

    The problem is that the citizenry is so apathetic.

    We end up with the government that we deserve.

    Full Member

    hora, you’re right, they should have relocated the whole valley just so Maggie could play her anti union games and spend more money than it would cost to keep the mines open, by buying Polish coal and keeping the whole community on benefits.

    Wise words.

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