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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    Ink loss from my fountain pen. I don’t know why it affects the Parker more than other fountain pens, but without fail, I have to refill the Parker more than I use it. Thinking it’s evaporation, I’ve tried keeping the pen sealed in Tupperware, but the ink still vanishes. At this point, I assume it’s aliens.

    I’ve got a Parker cartridge pen that did this.

    ‘Parrently there’s an ‘ole under the metal tang clip bit

    If you wrap some (insulating) tape around the end of the cap (under the metal tang thing), it slows the evaporation AND makes your nice pen look “industrial”, or “shit”, if you prefer.

    Full Member

    Innit. I’ve no idea (neither does the HR Partner know) how to resolve it really.

    Simple. You’ve called him on his timekeeping with, I presume, evidence that his timekeeping is poor. He’s played the victim card which is BS, and called your bluff.  It’s now up to you to continue with whatever course of action comes next, be it written warning or whatever. He’s taking the piss, you’ve called him on it and now he’s taking the piss again. It’s HR’s job to support you, not roll over and let him dictate how you handle him .

    Yeah, I know my organisation was extremely hierarchical and disciplined, but what the hell is the point of a) a process and b) an HR dept/person if the colleague can defeat the process simply by pretending to be upset?

    In all of that you’ll need a paper trail of your offers to support him throughout whatever is causing him to be late, plus a record of any verbal warnings you’ve given.  If you haven’t already been through that process, bite the bullet and start again.

    Full Member

    Requests for a donation when buying something / anything.

    Paying for my 4 pints of milk, “would you like to donate 35p to save the pandas?”

    Full Member

    “Fancy” metal-fronted wall light switches.

    Free Member

    Error message:
    Speech Recognition Error Speech Recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported.

    The recogniser language must match the language the user interface. Please change the recogniser language in the Speech Recognition control panel under Advanced Options.

    It’s never going to be fixed if you try and “…change the recogniser language in the Speech Recognition control panel under Advanced Options.

    Because it’s caused by the “Touch keyboard and handwriting panel service” not starting.

    So. Much. RAGE.

    Full Member

    Paying for my 4 pints of milk, “would you like to donate 35p to save the pandas?”

    No Tesco, I don’t have the spare cash, but as you posted profits last year [checks] of nearly £2.3 billion, why don’t you make a donation on my behalf?

    Free Member

    people who bag their dogs poo and hang it from a tree

    people who use the single portaloos that have a urinal and a regular toilet but still p1ss on seat of toilet

    Full Member

    Dealing with a **** narcissist

    Free Member

    people who bag their dogs poo and hang it from a tree

    Genuine responses I’ve had in challenging this:

    1) “I’ll collect it on my way back.”  Liar.

    2) “The council employ someone to collect them.”

    still p1ss on seat of toilet

    I genuinely don’t understand this.  I have, over the years when I was young and (more) foolish, found myself absolutely ratted to the point of barely being able to stand up.  Yet I’ve still always had the presence of mind to lift the seat out of the way before doing my best impression of a carthorse in a pub toilet.  Meanwhile, go to the bogs in a supermarket at noon on Tuesday and you have to run the gauntlet across the traps to find the one which is least piss-soaked.  WTF is wrong with people?  “I don’t want to touch the toilet seat because it might be dirty, so I’ll cropdust it instead”?

    Full Member

    Throbbers who turn their car fog lights on in the rain, thereby creating a blinding glare.
    Utter tossers.

    Full Member

    Throbbers who turn their car fog lights on in the rain, thereby creating a blinding glare.

    So much this. It’s even worse if you’re on a motorbike with rain all over your visor. Utter ****. And it’s illegal, but I very much doubt that anyone has ever been done for it.

    Free Member

    I thought “Baby On Board” stickers on cars were tossy but the flowery “Twins On Board” I spotted yesterday really made me question humankind.

    Free Member

    Was it also powered by fairy dust?

    Full Member

    Throbbers who turn their car fog lights on in the rain, thereby creating a blinding glare.
    So much this. It’s even worse if you’re on a motorbike with rain all over your visor. Utter ****. And it’s illegal, but I very much doubt that anyone has ever been done for it.

    I had this out with someone only yesterday. They cut in front of me and would not switch of the stupid light, despite there being no fog. They happened to to turn into exactly where I was going so we parked up together. The guy stared back blankly as if he he had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. And Highway Code 114 went straight over his head.

    Full Member

    Was it also powered by fairy dust?

    At least be honest.. A ‘powered by Prosecco and Starbucks’ sticker would be fair enough.

    Free Member

    At least be honest.. A ‘powered by Prosecco and Starbucks’ sticker would be fair enough.

    I’ve yet to see a “powered by fairy dust” vehicle driven by someone who didn’t look like she’s eaten them all.

    Full Member

    Sound on film/tv/adverts…

    The the sound of a phone vibration notification in the background…


    Full Member

    When you drop your campervan off to get serviced at the main dealer and they leave oily marks on the seat bases.

    When you point it out to them and they tell you how to remove it with brake cleaning fluid as they’re not doing it. FFS

    Full Member

    I think I may have posted this before, people who cut corners at junctions. It’s just happened again and I’m typing this whilst freshly seething!

    Approaching a give way at a suburban t-junction. All 30 mph roads. Me on the minor road intending to turn right, so near the centre line 10 ft from the junction and just about to pull up to the give way lines. Car approaches from my left on the major road and swerves right in front of me, into the side road I’m on. Cuts the corner so he’s broadside on, right in front of me on my side of the road causing me to brake hard to avoid t-boning him.

    Gormless, slack jawed, gum chewing, mouth breather at the wheel looks at me as if to say “what’s the problem” when I give him the death stare. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his rusty Sheriff’s badge. And anyone else who does that. How hard is it to stay on your side of the white lines?

    Full Member

    While we’re doing road junctions. Folk that don’t come to the very mouth of the junction when pulling out of side roads but sit back about a car length.

    Kin dangerous!

    Saw a bloke last night on the right waiting to turn onto the fast and busy road I was on. There are hedges both sides of the junction and I see him there craning his neck forward to look up the road.

    He cannot possibly see what’s coming properly from there!

    Why? Really, really dangerous.

    Free Member

    I think I may have posted this before, people who cut corners at junctions.

    I go out of my way to position myself (without risking a collision) so that it’s as awkward as possible for them to complete the manoeuvre.  Like I’m going to go out of my way to give way to you when you’re driving like a Jeremy Hunt.  It falls into the Bullying bucket for me, “coming through, out of the way, I’m more important!” and I’m fu- damned if I’m giving the bastards an inch.

    Full Member

    Yeah I do that too if I get to the junction first. They always seem to be indignant that you have obeyed the rules of the road and expect them to do so too. Throbbers!

    Full Member

    Yeah I do that too if I get to the junction first. They always seem to be indignant that you have obeyed the rules of the road and expect them to do so too. Throbbers!

    Supermarket car parks are the worst for this… people take the apex racing line going round corners…despite going at 2 miles an hour….use your fricking steering wheel and stay on the correct side of the road!!!!!

    Free Member

    Corner cutting is not so funny when they do it at speed. Had a very close one today.

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