Home Forums Chat Forum Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • sargey
    Full Member

    People who start a sentence with “thing is”

    Pubs who have a blackboard outside with events on that happened months ago and can’t be arsed to change it.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    The stupid girl in the pub with the aggro dogs.

    Full Member

    Tonight, people blowing leaves (and other detritus) into the road before mowing the verge. Yes I love riding in all that crap, thanks. Just wait for the next car to pass and it’ll be blown back again anyway.

    Full Member

    Caps on plastic bottles that no longer come completely off, rather fold to one side.

    I appreciate it’s to encourage the caps to be recycled, but why would folk only recycle the bottle and not the cap? Savages

    This more because any liquid in the lid gets tipped down your face and front.

    “it’s Yop, honestly!”

    Full Member

    People sitting in their cars with the engine running waiting for their kids to finish training, right next to people playing sport. WTAF!

    Or the people who park in the bus stop to go to Tesco to avoid a slightly longer walk from the free carpark.

    Or the people who circle the carpark at the gym to get a space slightly closer to the entrance, then go and run on a machine.

    The person who carried out an emergency stop for a duck on a straight section of the A9 in the wet. Well that got the heart racing, I half expected someone to go into the back of me.

    Full Member

    Loose confused with lose. I wish it didn’t annoy me so much, as it’s so prevalent these days.

    Full Member

    Not disproportionate at all, but a friend of mine having to raise a grievance for appalling sexual discrimination in the 21st century.

    **** embarrassing.

    Free Member

    Loose confused with lose, thier instead of their often here on this forum but I suppose we can blame it on I before e except after c

    Full Member

    It’s the idiots with leaf blowers who blow the leaves into the roadside drain.
    Do they believe it to be some sort of waste disposal machine , or magically the leaves will dissolve.
    Or are they just lazy
    Or does their family own a drain cleaner lorry
    Then they moan when the roads flood

    Full Member

    Seeing someone kickstart a motorcycle and keep the kick lever down as it runs.

    Free Member

    Heinz have been canning foods since the yardankitties.

    yet, making the tins so that they stack on top of each other, and not across the floor, thus far has eluded them.

    Full Member

    Loose confused with lose

    I grew up in Loose in Kent, it’s definitely pronounced /luːz/

    Full Member

    Nat West IVR:

    Them: “In a few words please state why you are calling”

    Me: “Set up direct debit”

    Them: “So you’re calling about a bereavement, is that right?”

    FML. My first ever experience with Nat West. Thank god it’s only a short-term relationship.

    Full Member

    Dionne Warwick.

    She doesn’t even know how to pronounce her own name.

    Full Member

    Dionne Warwick.

    She doesn’t even know how to pronounce her own name.

    Full Member

    The way some people seem to think ignoring yellow lines is OK if you park in the cycle lane or on the pavement. I miss when I was young and double yellows were an urban clearway and single yellows allowed loading but not parking. British double yellows are an unenforced joke and it makes me disproportionately cross.

    Full Member

    I grew up in Loose in Kent, it’s definitely pronounced /luːz/

    I understand this reference! I lived in Tovil, mispronounced “toe ville” by TVS news.

    Full Member

    Insurance companies:

    Just why?!?!?!

    ve just taken out a home policy, but i got a text saying they coudnt email me the welcome pack
    Sent at13:55
    so i cant activate my account
    Sent at13:55

    Please stay connected while I investigate this for you.

    The issue it that we are not able to have two policies under one email.
    I have a car policy with you also, is that what you mean?
    Sent at13:57

    That would be correct, can I send the documents via post?
    yes that is fine
    Sent at14:01

    I have also sent them via post as well.


    Please let me know when you get the documents.
    will i be able to see both policies on the website
    Sent at14:06

    The issue it that we are not able to have two policies under one email.
    ok i have an email with the house insurance documents, thank you
    Sent at14:08

    My pleasure, have a great day.?

    Free Member

    Aviva by any chance?

    Full Member

    Aviva by any chance?


    Free Member

    People who put their dogs (with probably sh1tty ar5e5) on the chairs in cafe’s, pubs and restaurants…..then feed them at the table.

    In fact, just being around the general public for an hour or so makes me disproportionately cross.

    Full Member

    matt_outandaboutFull Member

    This +1^50

    We’re being moved to Teams from Zoom to save money. It’s just not as good.

    Full Member

    People that view or treat nearly every aspect of their lives as a competition.

    Full Member

    Fat fingers !!

    This +1^50 should be +10^50

    Full Member

    This +1^50 should be +10^50

    People who don’t understand basic maths.

    (sorry I couldn’t resist!)

    north of the border
    Full Member

    People who put their dogs (with probably sh1tty ar5e5) on the chairs in cafe’s,

    Improper use of apostrophes!

    ? (Wink emoji)

    Full Member

    Spotify “hey much respected subscribed customer, have some free audio books, for free, no really free, aren’t we generous?’

    Also Spotify ‘that’s your lot for this month unless you’d like to be an even more respected subscriber’

    Free Member

    Writing cards.

    I’m shit at it but equally hate clichéd bollocks that could have been written by an LLM.

    Free Member

    Drivers who pootle down the slip road then accelerate when they get onto the dual carriageway rather than using the slip road to match the traffic speed.

    Full Member

    Indoor light pollution, why do they have to put so many leds on everything.

    Online help that doesn’t answer your question and doesn’t give an option for contact.

    Full Member

    Work colleagues raising grievances because they don’t like how they been ‘singled out’ for their timekeeping.  Well, out of the whole team, you’re the only one with poor timekeeping, how would you like me to not single you out?

    Free Member

    Its probably been identified already – the attention seeker in work who will come around asking/demanding money off everyone to buy someone a card/present if they are leaving/birthday/dog died/wedding/back from sick leave/etc etc.

    .. and the Secret Santa organiser; who is almost often the same person as the above.

    Full Member


    Had a very similar thing at work as a manager of a small team.. One guy taking the piss with timekeeping… I had to spend hours and hours demonstrating that litteraly everyone else was pretty much always on time aside from the odd transport /medical issue which I Don’t really care about … And this guy was consistently 15-20 mins late several times a week.

    HR basically wouldn’t let him get fired and kept pussy footing around.

    In the mean time the rest of the team obviously took the position that they feel hard done by when they make the effort, have to cover a certain amount of workload due to his tardyness and that’s completely understandable.

    Some people are just absolute chancers and will play the game..

    Don’t get me wrong.. I’m a very benevolent manager when it comes to this kind of thing and will give people the benefit of the doubt until it’s completely obvious they are taking everyone else for a ride..

    For example they might have a family or medical issue that they don’t feel they can share with me.. But there comes a point when something has to be done.. It pisses off the rest of the team, makes me look like a shit manager etc.. So the buck has to stop somewhere.

    The Joy’s of middle management lol!

    Free Member

    I’ve just seen a bloke on a mobile phone.  Phone held flat horizontally, screen skywards, microphone against his ear with the speaker end jutting out into space off to his side.

    Is this some sort of John Woo guns-held-sideways “cool” that I’m unfamiliar with, or is it the case that after a hundred years of telephone evolution we’ve forgotten how they work?  Prat.

    Full Member

    There’s never any excuse to have your phone on loudspeaker in public. Ever.

    Headphones exist and they are not expensive.. No one wants to listen to your music or hear you arguing with your other half.

    And you can always use your phone for calls by holding it to your ear… Y’know how they are designed.

    Just no common decency.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    People that view or treat nearly every aspect of their lives as a competition.

    See also people that just talk loud and fast so you can’t get a bloody word in edgeways.. It’s a conversation, not a competition.

    I had exactly this on the phone to my dentists receptionist today.. I litteraly had to tell them to shut up and let me speak. Unbelievable.

    Well I was a bit more polite than that.. I said.. I’ll stop you right there because you are not listening to what I am telling you, because you keep talking over me.

    Drives me mad….

    Full Member

    Ink loss from my fountain pen. I don’t know why it affects the Parker more than other fountain pens, but without fail, I have to refill the Parker more than I use it. Thinking it’s evaporation, I’ve tried keeping the pen sealed in Tupperware, but the ink still vanishes. At this point, I assume it’s aliens.

    Full Member

    Car drivers…just generally – the ones:


    Using mobile phone in their hand/lap/talking into it à la @Cougar’s example, despite it being connected to the car audio as the entire neighbourhood could hear it

    Driving across the centre line whilst avoiding no obstruction

    Chancing it at every roundabout

    Turning into streets on the wrong side of the road

    Who think they have a divine right to join the carriageway at a slip road junction

    Who overtake artics then hit the brakes

    Who take a last second, double left manoeuvre to get onto the off-slip-road from the outside lane to get to McDs

    Who park so far from the kerb only a 1970s mini can get into the street

    And special mention goes to today’s Throbnut Award winner, who overtook the cyclist, who’d stopped at the zebra crossing, narrowly avoiding the parent with pram. Hopefully something will come of the fact at least 7 people got the reg number and intend to report them.

    (Rage emoji)

    Reet, back to listening to the sea…

    Full Member

    The Joy’s of middle management lol!

    Innit. I’ve no idea (neither does the HR Partner know) how to resolve it really.

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