I was told the army rat pack system had 4 meals. 3 bind you up, the fourth ‘doesn’t’. So you can control who shites when by controlling who gets the brown biscuits and curry meal on any particular day, and thus have 3/4 of your platoon guaranteed not squatting in the woods when the nasty men come calling.
That said, was also the same genius that provided my cadet force with artic rations for a 2 day exercise on sandhurst in late May during a heatwave. Artic rations being designed to be rehydrated with melted snow, which was in pretty short supply, oddly. You could spot the brave few who’d tried to rehydrate their rations with as little water from their drinking bottles as possible, because they were the ones who dessicated their insides instead and ended up in hospital on saline drips.
F2B here, and continue wiping till the paper is clean. Nothing worse than disrobing for passion to find an errant skiddie.