” geoffj – Member
Zed – are you in a union? They should be able to help if you are. If you aren’t tell your employers you are postponing the meeting until you can get some legal advice / representation. Suggest Tuesday and then spend Monday trying to get some proper legal help.
On a practical note, this single page is made up of content / links / analytics from at least 4 different domains – stw, vimeo, doubleclick and google analytics.
Guardian home page is about 8
Mleh Forum Page – well at least one of the links looks INTERESTING
http: //dontclickthis.whatingods.name/1168702253-CatDefendsFoodFromDog.gif
http: //farm4.static.flickr.com/3086/3196531617_922354d212_t.jpg
I’ve got a screen grab of the log – that is where your problems are – stumo’s avatar hosting on Mleh.
Email me stw’at’mtbperthshire.co.uk if you need some direct help / explanation. “
You have no idea of the weight you have lifted off my heart geoffj, to me this explains what has been happening. It certainly looks like IT have no idea of what they are doing, they don’t even seem to know how the internet works.
We’re about to head out with the kids but I’ll be in touch when I return this evening.
Many many thanks.