Home Forums Bike Forum PSAish- Are the prices on Oakley.com a bit on the cheap side at the moment…..

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  • PSAish- Are the prices on Oakley.com a bit on the cheap side at the moment…..
  • andyl
    Free Member

    Gits! Why didn’t I open this thread when it appeared?

    Full Member

    I wonder how many of you on here will put your ‘free’ Oakleys on e-bay before too long……


    Free Member

    I was on the verge of pulling the trigger on a set of custom Jawbones on the Monday night when they were still full price. Decided to sleep on it and went back to have a look the next morning where they were suddenly showing up massively discounted so I clicked to order!

    Well, they arrived this morning 😀

    Free Member

    I think we need a picture thread soon of the Oakley ordered!!! 🙂 mine still in process 🙁

    Full Member

    Anyone had theirs delivered yet?

    Agreed – Pix when you have them please!

    Free Member

    Missed the cheap period, so a bit peed off, but they’ll still get my custom as my twenty’s and half jackets are still the most comfy pairs of glasses I’ve had – loads better than the cheap Endura ones I picked up at SITS last year.

    Free Member

    Ordered two pairs – one for myself, and one for one of our sales rep’s…

    His ones have shipped, mine are still in process

    Pah! 🙁

    Free Member

    anything custom will be 1-2 weeks apparently

    £530 hold on my cash released this morning 😀

    Free Member

    my custom order still ‘in process’ – no email yet but I’ve managed to sort my blocked card out.
    <drums fingers on desk>

    Free Member

    Mine have just shipped!

    Free Member

    420 quid has been “authorised” on my credit card, but not actually billed yet (order was only 140)…. so am keeping a close eye on that! Otherwise, I am “in progress” too

    Free Member

    mate of mine had his delivered this morning lucky git.. 🙂 came from ireland, via germany then uk (next day delivery ups)

    Still waiting for the email to say on the way!!!!

    Full Member

    Mine arrived today. 🙂

    Not been charged for them so far. 😀

    Free Member

    Why do I keep looking at this tread. I missed out by minutes..but the fact remains, I missed out.

    Out of interest, can those lucky sods post what time they ordered. I want to see who got in the latest. I now want to know how many minutes I missed out by.

    By the way, if anyone got a black frames Jawbone with transition lenses, I’ll happily pay 10 times what you got charged for them (plus postage). 😉

    Full Member

    Pictures please…To show willing here’s a picture of me wearing my Oakleys i had delivered today (thank you peachos!)

    Free Member

    I missed out through choice for good reasons but on reflection and with 20/20 hindsight, that clearly worked out badly. Oh well if that’s the worst that happens in my life, I think I’ll be happy 😀

    Free Member

    You didn’t pay money for some ‘Over the Tops’ I assume?

    Full Member

    11.30pm was the cut off time iirc

    Oh yes njee

    Free Member

    I really did miss it by minutes then! AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Full Member

    Two pairs of Jawbones turned up today, free of charge, thanks again to Vinneyeh for the heads up, very happy 🙂

    If only I had ordered that 3rd pair I was swithering over….

    Free Member

    clubber – Member

    I missed out through choice for good reasons but on reflection and with 20/20 hindsight, that clearly worked out badly. Oh well if that’s the worst that happens in my life, I think I’ll be happy

    same here.
    it would have been nice to have got some for free but i decided i couldn’t be buying sunglasses for 80 quid when i’m unemployed, regardless of how much they should have cost. oh well, they’re only sunglasses!

    Full Member

    Yes thanks to Vinneyeh or this thread – I got my OTT’s thanks to it

    Free Member

    Jawbones for me and my rep arrived today, big smiles all round 😀

    wish I’d ordered more now

    very unhappy looks of death from the guys who didn’t take advantage of the deal, my boss is gutted, mwahahahhaha!

    Free Member

    Just got the “despatched” email from Oakley, where are they coming from? All the UPS stuff looks like it’s coming from the US?

    Full Member

    meanwhile, my order is still ‘in process’. 🙄

    Anyway, glad this seems to have worked out ok for all.

    Free Member

    My Custom Fuel Cell IR glasses arrived this morning. 🙂


    Full Member

    Mine came from UPS via Ireland to Germany to Edinburgh to Glasgow.
    Puzzled as to why thats the best route btwn Ireland and Glasgow, but there you go.

    Free Member

    My order status has just changed from In Process to Shipped… How long is the delivery time once they’re shipped?

    (So excited!!!) 😀

    Free Member

    Just had my email conformation that my order is being shipped – fan dabbie dozzie!

    Free Member

    This thread needs pics of your Oakleys!!!!!!

    Full Member

    I’m the only one posting them and i’ve paid for all of mine!

    Free Member

    I hear you Houns 🙂 hopefully have mine up tomorrow 🙂

    Full Member

    Got mine yesterday. Still can’t believe that they are free…in a world full of stories of bargains and great offers I seem to always miss out…not this time though 🙂

    Free Member

    my jawbones have been shipped this am, cccooooooooooooooolllll 😆

    Full Member

    So any pics yet?

    Free Member

    Houns – Can we have some more pics of the Over the Tops please? I always loved the look of those, although my odd shaped head meant they were never an option for me.


    Full Member

    My Split Jackets turned up this morning about an hour before I got the email. Very happy. Am in the market for some new casual glasses after I ran mine over, shall def’ be buying Oakley now

    Free Member

    Mine just arrived!!! One minor problem, one of the “O” logos is missing off the arm… Would it be churlish to ask them to send one??

    Full Member

    Here you go Mango

    Free Member

    Shibboleth, go on, ask. I understand that they come with a money back guarantee

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